which is better
You need to take calcium citrate, not carbonate, I believe. As long as the chewables are the right kind, that's fine.
Is there a reason you were considering crushing them to begin with? At two mos out, unless your surgeon says otherwise, you should be able to swallow pills. If they are obnoxiously big (sometimes calcium ones are) you can simply break them in half to start with.
Also, keep an eye out. Some people (myself included) have significant constipation issues with calcium. I know, weird. But anyway, if you notice you start to have problems, start taking a stool softener asap. From someone who knows first hand, you do NOT want to let that get to far ahead of you. Not a fun time! My surgeon allows me to take colace.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Hey Sandy...dont know if you have a compounding pharmacy in your area...we have apothacary shoppe here...but they can actually make what is called Trochee - it is a pill they make and it dissolves in your cheek. They can make it in any flavor you can dream up. And insurance alot of times covers it! Check it out.
this week i talked to my nutritionist(the one i used before surgery) when we talked about vitamins, she said she personally feel liquid, are preferable. she said there is no evidence , but she believes the more a vitamin is broken down before swallowing the better. she said chew ables ARe OK but would recommend liquid.
Cheryl..... I haven't seen any liquid Calcium, guess I'd better look again. Jennifer.....Something that would melt in the cheek would be nice. I don't know if we have anything around here. I'll have to ask around and any flavor would be nice. I've found since crushing pills they have a horriable taste that just lingers in my mouth. Lisa....I checked out Bariatric Advantage. I've never been on there before. Lots of things to look at. Thanks again Ladies
I just recently started taking the calcet chewy in chocolate and I love them. It gives me that chocolate taste that I miss so much and it also gives me the calcium that I need. They are a bit expensive but it's the only way I can get my calcium in everyday. https://www.celebratevitamins.com/shop/calcium/creamy-bites. html