Totally Tubular Tuesday Roll Call

on 4/25/11 2:04 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Today's title was brought to you by my BEST Valley Girl it?!?! :)

Well, it IS about midnight after all - and the fact that I am STILL awake can NOT be a good thing......Tomorrow is gonna be UGLY!  I had a pretty good day.  I did NOT go to the pool as planned, but I DID come home, get Molly and walked in the park for an hour - which ended up being AT LEAST 1.5 miles.  It may have been more.  And, I pushed Molly to walk faster with me saying that this was NOT a stroll.  YAY ME!  And then for dinner, I CHOSE grilled chicken and quinoa in lieu of breaking passover with the traditional pizza.  I was actually NOT in the mood.  go figure!  and yay!

I am struggling with some weight gain and really need to get it under control again.  Due to Passover, there is NO food in the house.  Not sure about breakfast and lunch tomorrow - and then to the market Wednesday to make sure we are stocked.  Tomorrow is going to be a CRAZY day.  I have to get up and go to school, have a meeting to start my day - oh joy......then an experiment with the 8th graders in the morning and then again with the other group at the end of the day.  Then, back to Hebrew School.  At least I have a plan and know what I am doing with the kids.  Then dinner and Confirmation Academy - which, BTW, is like Hebrew School for the 7th-10th graders.  Then the FLYERS are on and I will have company to watch the game.  Hoepfully I will NOT fall asleep on said company as we watch the game.

Also, he has offered to help me research taking a family trip to Disney seeing that Israel is definitely out of the financial question.  I am sure by Wednesday morning, I will be drooling and napping on the desks in my classroom.

So, PA - whatcha up to on Tuesday?!?! :)
on 4/25/11 8:01 pm - Lancaster, PA
Good Morning PA and my favorite Tiny Jew. ( hugs)

Things at work just keep getting better ( eye roll). One of our counselors resigned and guess where he is going? You guessed it to the new program our director went to and already took 3 other people with her.  My supervisor has told me she thinks she is done and cannot take it anymore and is looking for a new job.  this presents me with a dilema, do I put myself out there and try and get her job since I want to add clinical supervisor to my resume? Knowing that there is a possibility that even though i am qualified and have proven myself the CEO is threatened by me for some reason and would probably not hire me anyway,  Or do I start looking too?

Cant stand it ugh,

Oh well i did not eat over it last night so that is the good part,

Love ya have a good day
on 4/25/11 9:51 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Nicole, absolutely go for it!  Opporutnities like this dont come up very often.  Take advantage of the chaos!  She will either hire you or she wont.  You are qualified and have proven yourself, if she doesnt promote you then you definitely see where you stand.  If you get passed over, then you go and look for a new job.  Its a win-win (mostly).  Dont hold back because you "think" she wont promote you...put her to the test.  Good luck girl!


HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 4/25/11 11:50 pm - Doylestown, PA

I agree with Swede... if nothing else, the experience will A. tell you EXACTLY where you stand with her and the direction your future will take if you stay there, and B. give you experience in prepping and interviewing for that type of position.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Hugs.  Go for it!

Lisa H.
on 4/25/11 8:43 pm - Whitehall, PA
like ok totally awesome dudette.. um, NO

Good for you for getting yourself and Molly outside and moving.  It WAS a fantastic day for it!!  Siehara went up to a park up the street with her friend Julie.  I'm sure they did not get a lot of exercise while they were there, but they had to walk home, so they got a bit of walking in.  

Got a call from the realtor last night and my old house has been on the market for 63 days with no offers.. time to drop the price.. goodie.  I just want it to sell already so I can be done with it.  I think I'm going to call her today to see if I can go in and see what it is looking like.  She said that nobody is saying anything "bad" about it, just that it is not what they are looking for.   

Today has me up and SUPER anxious for the day.. um NOT.. I requested today off awhile ago because it is the last day of Passover (for this conservative Jew), which means that there is a memorial service at synagogue.  I should be there so I can say prayers for my parents.  

BUT, since my super reliable, honest, loving *cough cough* sperm donor never came up with a letter from his dr saying he is not well enough to keep a job (DUH), I get to spend the morning at Domestic Relations.  Actually, as long as he shows, I'll probably be spending the morning and then going back this afternoon.  Who knows what will happen.  I DO know that he is in contempt now and will probably go back to jail.  That is all fine and good, but if he can't find a job in work release, Siehara still gets nothing from him.   Oh what an extra $400 a month would do for me right now.. F*&ktard.. 

Anyway, depending on the timing of that, today is also Back to Basics day.  I told them last week that I may not be there today.  BUT, if we are done with court this morning, then I will head to Back to Basics class.  My head is sooo not on straight and I'm not sure what is going on lately.  I think that I am lonely, stressed, bored, etc.. I haven't found the substitute for these emotions and I am also in the process of quitting smoking, so there is really nothing to fill the void.. well there ARE carbs.. they have been doing a wonderful job lately.. NOT..   

WOW, I'm in a mood, huh.. sorry to be venting and rambling in roll call.  Apparently, I need a major carb detox.  I'm sure that will help with my mood big time.  I'm on it!  Plus, I have NOT given up on the gym so I know that I am still at least partially together. 

This evening, Siehara has therapy and then we will head to the gym so I can go to Pilates.  I know that will help with the relaxation.  From there, home to relax and then bed.  

Hope your day is better than what mine is starting to look like.  I am going to try really hard to fix my attitude and also if there is time during the day around the court crap, I'm going to go to the park and walk and maybe sit on a bench just taking in nature.. or even get down in the grass and do some yoga moves.  

My tracker


on 4/25/11 11:56 pm - Doylestown, PA
Major hugs to you, my friend.  Hang in there and things will inevitably turn around - you know that, but I also know it's tough to see the positive when life throws so much **** at you all at once.  Just remember that you are so much stronger than you were just a relatively short time ago, and that you CAN deal with anything life throws your way.  Take it one step at a time and soon things will be getting better.

I am so very proud of you for quitting smoking.  That's a tough addiction to break, especially when you've used it for stress maintenance.  Replacing that and the snacking is not easy, but remember that keeping your hands busy is a key part of the process.... ever done cross stitch? Knitting? Cats in the cradle? I'm serious - take up something that you can pick up and do for a few minutes when you get the "urge" - ideally something that is fun, easily portable. absorbing for the brain, and kinetic.  Even "angry birds"! 

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you and only a phone call away if you need to be talked out of a cig or a snack... 

Sara E.
on 4/25/11 8:58 pm - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Good morning all!
Today at work I have a meeting to discuss a new job description.  I am doing a different job now, but have no official job desc.  We have a meeting to see if the job is feasible...are you kidding me...I have been doing it for over a year, so I think it is feasible, but what do I know.  I am sure there will be no $ with the title, but there should be. 
Today is same old schedule - work, dinner, scouts.  I soooooooooo need a break....hmm, like a cooking class :)  I may be albe to swing it this time.
Have a tottally tubular Tuesday everyone!



on 4/25/11 9:31 pm
Good morning everyone.

Lisa, I hope your day holds SOME moments of peace. Sounds like a very rough one ahead.

I am just working today...need to get some tasks organized since I seem to be in a reactive mode far too much.

Workout time - but may also take a little walk this morning before things get rolling.

And this afternoon get the car in for wheel balancing, which should fix the odd wobble in the front end, according to Mike.

Yesterday I was really disgusted with my eating. I was fine for breakfast, then went out to lunch with a friend. I ordered a salad with chicken and apples (very good!) and promptly ate WAY too much of it (2 cups? more?)  When I got home, I had SF ice cream. Not hungry, jus wanted it. At the end of it all, I had eaten to the point of discomfort (remember that feeling from pre op? Yeah, that's what scares me.) The rest of the day I wanted NOTHING - forced down a protein bar at night just to get my protein gm. closer to the goal for the day. And I KNOW I came up short of fluids yesterday because of the overeating.

So today I am back on the routine. Shake for breakfast. Fruit and cheese snack. Fish for lunch (have some leftovers). Yogurt for snack with some strawberries. Probably another shake for dinner just because I'm by myself and don't want to cook and will be headed out to work out. Lots of fluids. I have lemon water in the frig right now.  I DON'T want to feel that way again!!!!

on 4/25/11 11:58 pm - Doylestown, PA

Good for you to recognize it and short-circuit it.  Hang in there!  

on 4/25/11 10:01 pm
Good Morning Steffi and PA!

Steffi-I am having bad flashbacks to the 80's now?!? Thanks!

Lisa- I hope you have a quick, semi painless day...although it doesn't sound like that is going to happens sans work!!

Lynn- Not one of us is perfect....It happened and now you are back on track!

I am up bright and early on this fine morning, drinking coffee and posting! I will be walking Dee to school very soon. Then it is a me day at least until about 3:30 when I have to pick up the child from school since she will not be going to before or after care. Trying to save a few bucks since I am home this week. It is a double edged sword! It means I have a shorter day to myself and a longer time with my daughter! Plus, I will get some exercise in too!!! I LOVE being SO close to her school!!

Tonight is rehearsal with the college band. Then I get to repeat the whole thing tomorrow! YEAH!!
Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth">">>

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