***Monday Roll Call****

Pam Hart
on 4/24/11 2:55 pm - Easton, PA

Good morning all my friends!

Had a busy busy weekend,  hence the lack of posting.  I'm back at work now.

Easter was nice - Liz was nice enough to have me at her house as I had to be in work tonight and therefore couldn't travel to jersey to see my family.  Just another example as how I am truly blessed with the friends in my life!

There is a very very slim  chance I'm being let go at 3am today (just for the day - not let go completely lol) and I'll tell you, I'll take it.  I'll keep that as my happy thought ha ha ha

Regardless if I leave at 3 or at 7, stopping at the store briefly.  if it's a 3am let out I may do some cooking when I get home.  If I get out on time,  it'll be just the store, some straightening up, and then bed.

Back to work tonight.....cedar crest 7p

That'll be my mantra this week, btw "back to work tonight" ha ha ha

I hope you had a wonderful holiday and celebrated all that was important to you!


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
sandy L.
on 4/24/11 3:45 pm - Altoona, PA
 Good Morning Pam and PA

It's wonderful that you have great friends like Liz.   Easter was nice, it was hard when everyone else got candy but me, but It's for the best.  My neices and I made it to Sunrise Service, their first, and then to breakfast at the Church.  I took my chicken with me.  OH the food they had, but it didn't really tempt me.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Monday.  Back to the grind

on 4/24/11 9:46 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Good job Sandy!  Way to go!

HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 4/24/11 7:42 pm - Lancaster, PA

Pam so glad you were able to go to Liz's.

I wish I lived closer to my friends it would be nice to be adopted at the Holidays since we dont have family here.

Today is work work new director starts, Ugh.

OA last night was good. Even though that Cilngy woman showed up at this meeting too.
I am just setting boundaries with her cant run from her I guess. This meeting is pretty amazing there are peope in there that have lost over 100 200 plus pounds several of them and all from working the steps and their program. Inspiring, they are free from the food compulsions and are grateful happy people.

Heading to the gym after work that is about it today. Hope you all stay safe and dry

IdaMae D.
on 4/24/11 8:04 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Good Morning Pam & PA;

Monday comes to fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where did the 3 day weekend go?

Yesterday we spent most of the afternoon at church.  Service at 11:30am then Easter cover dish.  Soo much food, the leftovers were packed up and taken to the local homeless shelter.  When we arrived home Gene was exhausted, he'd been up grading final papers till somewhere close to 3am on Saturday so a nap was in order for him, Hider and I watched TV. 

Today is work till 4, then accounting class.  I'm meeting with my student advisor tonight.  I contacted her to let her know I was considering droping out of the MBA program.  I do not understand accounting, I know those that do look at me as if I have two heads.  I cannot explain the reason my mind does not see this subject but it does not.  I do have a balance sheet to turn in tonight only because I found one on line that I could adapt to my personal budget.  I cannot find an income statement online that I can make any sense of so I do not have that portion of the assignment, half is better than nothing I suppose.

Class until 10, very long day for me.  After class home to fall into bed exhausted.

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 4/24/11 9:05 pm
Good Morning Pam and PA!

Glad that you had a nice weekend and got to spend time with Liz and her family!!

Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL, Warm day. Took Dee to the playground, while she played I went for a nice long walk around the playground! YEAH ME!! Went to Rita's for some cool refreshment, then to my friends Cindy's house to hang out with her and her dogs. Came home and chilled!!

Today, I am going to meet with Cindy for breakfast, then I am going with her to the laundromat so she can wash some bedding. Steven has a dr appointment then we are riding to East Brunswick for an appointment for Dee. Don't know if it will pan out, but we shall see!

Tonight I will be getting Dee ready for school tomorrow! Pack her lunch and make sure she has everything that she needs for the week! Tomorrow is ME time!! I am meeting one of my former coworkers to hang out and catch up with each other!! CAN'T WAIT!!!

Have a great day!

Love to all, Beth

on 4/24/11 9:51 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - it hasn't been the best of mornings so far - woke up with a grouch on because my bff had to show her a** yesterday afternoon and act like a witch for a while. I love her but she can really work your last nerve sometimes.

This morning didn't start out much better - the damn dog took off out of the yard after some guy walking another dog - he's overly friendly - just wants to play - and it's my fault because I didn't put his shock collar on, but then the little bugger wouldn't listen to me either, so he got his butt smacked on the way back in the house and a severe tongue lashing - he knew he was bad.

Hubby and I drove separately today because he has a doctor appt - got to my favorite morning Micky D's only to find their credit card machine NOT working and I had a lousy TWO BUCKS in my wallet so no sugar free vanilla iced coffee for me today - got a $1 burrito and that was it - no milk at home to make my protein shake this morning. GRRRRR....

Also got home Thursday night to a phone message from the PA Dept of Revenue about my mom's 'estate' (and trust me, I am using that term very loosely as she had NOTHING) - but I got hit for inheritance tax last year on the little bit of money she had in her bank account because I was on the account with her - I paid it last year - got another notice about tax due a month ago so I sent in copies of the PAID receipts, and now they're calling me? WTF. So one more thing to take care of today.

OK - sorry for the morning b*tch-fest - it's MONDAY.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 4/24/11 10:13 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Good Morning Pam and PA!!!

Back to work today after taking off friday.  I didnt miss it much LOL!  Today I will be working till around 3:30, then I will be heading home to grab a quick bite to eat before I take Jett to his baseball game at 5:00.  I will hopefully be able to stay until the end because I have Volleyball at 7:30.  I missed it last week and was bummed that I did. 
So I had some fun this weekend, Jen and I went out and bought me some clothes.  I bought 3 new pair of shorts (size 42) and three new button down short sleeve shirts size XLT and 2XLT.  I was really excited that I broke into the XL size.  I havent been that size since high school!  Its still weird because I pick up an XL Tee shrit and and put my arms into it and think "there is now way this is fitting...." then I pull it on and BAM it fits.  Amazing!  I do the same thing with my jeans.  I hold them up in front of me and im like who's are these cause my hands are way too close together for them to be mine.  LOl. 

Easter was great.  We went to mass and then to Jen's mom's house for Easter Dinner.  It was delish as usual!  I talked to my BIL and SIL and they are going to be borrowing a couple of my p90x videos to see if they like them.  It seems I am quite the inspiration lately.  Thats a weird concept to grasp as well.  I was always the "BIG GUY" of the group and now it seems that they are the ones struggling with their weight andI am the one who has it all together, not only food wise but with exercising as well.  Who would have thunk it ?  After dinner we went home and vegged out a bit.  I then got restless and went to clean out my closet.  I did a purging of all of my clothes that were too big.  That feels nice!  I wish I could just shrink it all because I like the clothes but they just dont fit anymore.  It feels wastefull to get rid of them (Even though they will go to good will).  
Well thats it for me.  I hope everyone has a great Monday!  Take care yall!


HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 4/24/11 10:24 pm - PA
Good Morning Pam and All,
Pam glad to see you on here, I'm not on here every day but had missed you. 
Yesterday was a good day.  After church I had an Easter Egg Hunt at my daughters house for the kids, they had a ball collecting all the plastic eggs.  My grandson really cleaned up, I had put out 84 eggs, and there was $30.00 total in them, Eli came back in the house, and had a total of $18.75 in his eggs. (guess the other two kids didn 't have a chance)  I cooked a small dinner, as my daughter had to work, and yes for all you other nurses, take note, when she got to her unit at the hospital, all the doors were closed and no one was around.  They had closed the unit, and never called her, she has only been at this hospital for one other holiday (Christmas) but was not scheduled to work.  She was asked if she called in, as everyone else had, how was she to know this was their unwritten policy, and that she would not be getting paid, as they could not use her any where else in the hospital as a floater.  It just makes my life easier today as I do not have to try and keep three kids quiet while she slept all day.
It is supposed to be 84 here today so hopefully we will find something fun to do with the kids.  I need to go to urgent care as I have been fighting something wrong with my eye since Friday, and I hope it is not pink eye, woke up this morning with the other eye starting so now I really need to go, guess all that hand washing was for naught.
Maybe get some meal prep in today also. 
Hope everyone has a great day, get out and soak up some of that vitamin D.

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




Lisa H.
on 4/24/11 10:53 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all.. Pam, isn't it nice to be able to become one with our OH family on holidays?! 

Today has me working til 3:30 per usual.  Tonight, we will head to the gym for Body Pump and Yoga.  Before the gym, I'll make dinner. 

After the gym, home to relax.. back to school tomorrow for Siehara!!

3 full days without a cigarette.. food has not been fabulous, but I'm trying.  

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