***Wonderful Wednesday Roll****

Pam Hart
on 4/19/11 5:42 pm - Easton, PA

Two days this week peeps. I started two days this week.  It's a good thing :)

Anywho - first and foremost - read my post MAY 1....committment to exercise my friends.  We all need it!

Off today - off and running I should say!  Doing some errands in the morning, I have a good few places to stop so that's gonna take some time...  Going home and I want to do a decent amount of cooking including an asparagus soup a friend at work made that is really really good and also a mushroom stuffed pork tenderloin I saw a recipe for.  I may have friends over for dinner - if so a gf of mine gave me a recipe of sorts for a pineapple/pudding/whipped cream layered angel food cake that I wanna try that I can easily make sf so I'll do that, too.

The evenings plans are up in the air yet depending on the dinner plans I also have a "cake delivery" (I've been doing fancy cakes with fondant and what not for those of you who haven't seen on fb) on Saturday that I was hoping to get started on today.  I need some details from the buyer however before I can do that.  Hopefully I hear something sooner rather than later.

So that about wraps up my day.  It'll most likely be an early night.....quite potentially starting on the couch with the tv flickering like mood lighting from candles as I'm quite blissfully unaware with my eyes glued shut hahaha ;)


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
IdaMae D.
on 4/19/11 7:58 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Pam;

I'm getting ready for work.  Today my co-workers daugher will deliver her twin boys, very exciting.  Sounds like it's going to be a nice day so lunch time walk for me, hoping to get in my 3 miles. 

After work no class tonight, Gene is not teaching tonight, we actually have a night together!!!!

Nothing new on the house, crew didn't work on it yesterday due to the rain.  If only this weather would clear up for a good week so they could get all the framing and such done then they would be inside for the duration, except for the roofing and siding.  The house is no where near ready for that yet.  I'm hoping the rest of the week clears up so they can finish the remaining framing and then will be able to be here full time.  May 31st is coming quickly which is the projected completion date.

Today I have to send an email to the director of the MBA program.  I am not going to make it out of accounting.  Too much of my grade depends on my ability to make balance sheets and income statements I just cannot wrap my mind around what goes where on these sheets so I might have to pull out of the program :-(

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 4/19/11 8:16 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hey Pam and PA. Good to see you posting and a night with the tv and remote is a good thing.
Gotta slow down sometimes and just BE.

Last night I did not go to Body Combat boss did not want to go, and boy did I not want to. Did not go to OA, spent the whole evening with Jason we went out and bought a new computer. Ours was literally on its last legs and so we jumped in. It is pretty fla**** is a touch screen one. We talked about his day his work review that went very well.  Was a nice night.

Today I am at work, and have clients this evening so today will be about that, so I will be tired and cranky by tonight. Still working on the idea of abstience it is becoming clearer to me, what I would need to do right now with that, but i do know it can change too. Not as simple as Alcohol or drugs You gotta eat.
on 4/19/11 10:36 pm
Did you not want to work out....or not want to do the combat class....or not want to go with her? Just wondered.
on 4/19/11 10:42 pm - Lancaster, PA
neither did not want to go with her or without her so when she bailed i was happy
on 4/19/11 10:42 pm - Croydon, PA
Good morning PA friends!  Nicole, I swear I'm not stalking you, but everything you say always resonates with me.  That last sentence is so right where I am!  I just don't drink.  Alcoholism almost killed me.  And the solution is a simple one (when I work the 12-steps) -- I just don't drink alcohol -- ever.  But this abstinence thing is like a moving target!!!  I shared about it in my OA group last night and got some really good feedback. 

I am abstinent from all sugar, and have been for 40+ days now.  But I planned to be abstinent from all snack foods and fast foods as well, and I've had just a couple of "slips" in those areas.  I intend to leave those things entirely alone in the future.  I want to be able to say:  I don't drink alcohol or eat sugar, snack foods or fast foods.  Period.

But even that is tricky, as it is possible to "binge" on abstinent foods, or to still act out compulsively, as I did last night when after dinner I went into the fridge, glanced around to make sure no one was watching, and took out one, single, cold, day-old fishstick and popped into my mouth.  What the hell???

So last night, when I shared, the message I heard back was, "progress, not perfection."  I need to realize that having given up sugar is a miracle; having lost 135 pounds is a miracle; eating fast food once in 2 months is a miracle (for me); finding a room full of people who "get me" is a miracle.

I think I need to get an OA sponsor to get some accountability.  I might also try adding another meeting to my weekly routine.

I'm at work today and have my regular AA meeting tonight, which I am really looking forward to.

P.S.  I met a newcomer last night who is just about a month out from GBS.  He wondered if he was in the right place.  I shared that I wish I had come into the rooms of OA a month out from surgery rather than 4 years.  It might have saved me some weight gain and growing pains.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 4/19/11 10:55 pm - Lancaster, PA
you are totally not stalking me. This is a journey we are both on.  I already do not eat sugar and I thought that would be enough for me.  I tried making my abstinence to be  I WILL NOT EAT UNPLANNED FOOD, but then I made allowances for eatting too much.

You are right it is a moving target, i can get rid of all white carbs and the next thing you know I am fixated on bannaas or oatmeal, SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS

But they are right progress not perfection.

I am going to ask Sue to be my sponsor she is the one who called me and who has been over 300 lbs so i can relate to her. I am feel weird because I hope when i tell her I had WLS she wont judge me
on 4/19/11 9:06 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Pammy and all of PA - I am up for a change - which is ridiculous seeing that I went to sleep at midnight.  UGH!  Oh well - I am guessing a nap is in order later today.

I am home today less one child.  Molly is down the shore with the out-laws.  My MIL was only slightly annoying last night, could be that there was wine and I was all good with that! :)  The seder was actually entertaining.  Emily ANDMolly were both happy andfunny.  Molly is definitely feeling better.  Still having some ear pain, but well enough to head to the shore.  Molly got to read part of the service in Valley Girl type language, Emily and I did a part in Pig Latin, very funny stuff! :)  The part that Emily was supposed to do in Hebrew she did without any help and handled it like a pro.  So stinking proud of her! :)  Josh was a surly 16 year old - but hey - he was surrounded by his 18 and 14 year old cousins, so it was all good!

Today is a day of hitting the list that I have ignored so well the last few days.  I HAVE to get to straightening my room.  It is getting out of control and I need to be able to see what I have.  We also have to figure out what to do with Joshua's room.  The last rain storm last week left some wetness down the basement and we had to throw out the carpet.  So, he has been sleeping elsewhere in the house.

I do know that I am heading to Barix tonight.  Not sure about dinner ahead of time, but looking forward to celebrating the surgiversaries of some of my favorite people!

Hope your Wednesday is a pleasant one!
Liz R.
on 4/19/11 9:20 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning my dear and all of PA.

I am here at work. Should be here until 4 ish. After work just headed home to hang with Amelia and start more prep for Easter. Tonight I think I'll wrap up my cleaning so friday and saturday I can just cook cook amd more cooking! I am getting a few teenage helpers friday and saturday so they can watch Mia and I can get some stuff done (hopefully! lol).

I too need to get into some sort of an exercise plan, finding the "when" is the hardest part!
Sara E.
on 4/19/11 9:27 pm - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Good morning Pam & PA!
It is a wonderful Wednesday with Pam starting us all off for the day :)
Today I wor****il 4:30, do dinner, then I have to take Caleb to Special Olympics track practice.  He is avolunteer asst. coach.  It has really helping his self-esteem.  Especially since yesterday he was assaulted twice at school and no one called me.  I sent an email to the principal and vice-principal last evening.  I am sure nothing will be done.  I may have to put him in a private school.  Just when he is getting better...it all starts all over.  At least he won't have school after today until Monday.  Have a great one everyone...and oh, yeah...that last 0.9 lb is hanging on for dear life. 



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