**Monday Roll Call**

Pam Hart
on 4/17/11 6:17 pm - Easton, PA
So it's ten after four and here I am posting - NOT at work I might add ha ha ha!

I had a busy busy weekend.  Worked Fri and Sat night with a rough sleeping day on Saturday before going back in.  Left work on Sunday morning and went over to do the March for Babies walk.  3 miles.  It was interesting.  Basically because I know my exercise has been slacking.  It was still "easy" - which I was glad to see.  But, I left wanting to have done more.  I'll be running it next year.  End of story.

After that, hung out with some friends for a kids easter egg hunt - which consisted of eggs all over a lawn.  It was pretty cute to watch.  By the time that was done I didn't get home till I guess about 4 or 5....which was 24 up since Saturday night with 3 hours of sleep from Friday night.  Not a good thing.  I fell asleep on the couch till about 8, got up, took a shower, ate some yogurt, and went back to bed.  What do you get when you go to bed basically at 5pm?  Yup - up this early!

Taking care of one of my coworker kid today....she's under the weather and mommy has a class to go to during day light hours ha ha so it'll be a day of just chilling in front of the tv and doing little things like that.

Hopefully the twerp naps cause I go back to work tonight :)

Before all that, though - I must get this house in some sort of order!


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/11 8:22 pm - PA

Good Morning all.
Week-ends here for me are always busy.  Went for my daily visit to see mom and dad. I think my dad has a crush on a nurse at my mom care center.  But that story for an other time.

Friday went to dinner with Susan, and than went to the casino for a bit.  Saturday went to gym and to cash bash and we did not win anything, as always lol.  Sunday got up made breakfast for us, did the visit thing and than we went to Pitts to walk along the river.  Than we watch a bike race around Pitts.  So not a bad week-end here. 

on 4/17/11 8:51 pm - Lancaster, PA
Pam sounds like a busy weekend for sure.

OA last night was a better meeting more seasoned people, more joyful examples of people who are free from the compulsion to eat. Tuesday night meeting seems to be more of the blind and wounded leading the blind and wounded. I am going to buy some literature and start working the steps and find a sponsor. I think that this is a good thing.

Monday is a work day then I have clients, so I will be busy. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday
IdaMae D.
on 4/17/11 8:59 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Pam;

This was an exhausting weekend.  Gene is still up from yesterday finishing up all the taxes to file before midnight tonight.  I don't know how he does this 24 hr staying awake stuff.  As usual he's having problems with my dad's stuff, my dad puts all the responsibility on my brother then my brother always manages to *^*%&( things up.  Gene is missing some stuff but it's too late now, they will be files with what is available.  

Yesterday I was working on cleaning more stuff out of the house so some walls can come down.  Ended up almost passing out.  I had just eaten so I know it was not food related, the only conclusion I can come up with was Saturday after I thought about it I think I only drank 24 oz of fluids maybe.  So I ended up feeling horrible and fell asleep for a couple hours after I started drinking.  Once I woke up I made sure I had more than 64 oz of fluids all water before I went to bed last night.

Today I'm working from home.  The interior designer needed to see both Gene and I.  She is coming out to the house about 1:30 while the GC is here so we can go over "stuff".  Gene and I picked out the siding/roofing/soffit/and trim color for the house.  I'm enjoying that part of this construction stuff.  Colors and design are more my thing than the plans and the blueprints.

Tonight is class till 10pm so a very long day in store for me....

Hope everyone has a great day...



Liz R.
on 4/17/11 9:07 pm - Easton, PA
Good MOrning All!

I hope that twerp naps for you Pam ;)

I am at work today until 4 - then headed to Mom's to hang out with her and Amelia. We'll make dinner, bath, bottle, bed for the Smunchy then DWTS for me and Mom and hopefully bed at a decent hour!
Lisa H.
on 4/17/11 10:10 pm - Whitehall, PA
 glad to see you posting.  I was planning to do the walk yesterday, but I knew with going out Saturday night for Tanya's birthday that would be totally impossible.  

Had a great weekend with not so much going on.. it was quite nice to just go out ONE night and enjoy time with friends.  Spent the rest of the weekend with Siehara.  Other than our 3 hour trip to the ER yesterday to check out her ankle AGAIN, we spent some GOOD quality time together.  Her ankle is still showing as just sprained so I am going to find an orthopedist to get her to so we can find out how to make it stronger.  I'm thinking she will need PT and someone suggested she may need a boot instead of an aircast to help to stabilize it more.   She also needs to wear more supportive shoes.. yeah, spring is in the air.. hard to get her to wear real shoes as it is.

Today has me working til 3:30.  After work, I promised Siehara we would play some sort of game together.  She wanted to play when we got back from the hospital and dinner,but I really needed to just veg out in front of the TV (as did she).  

Tonight I will head to the gym.  I am torn between going to my normal Zumba class and then coming home (since they took Body Combat away on Mondays) or staying and doing Boot Camp, which took it's place.  OR, I could go to the Allentown location and do Body Pump, followed by a Power Yoga class.  I DO enjoy Pump and haven't been able to do it.  I am also very interested in the Power Yoga to see the difference between that and regular Yoga.  

At some point today/tonight, I need to work on my homework for Back to Basics class tomorrow.  I have not done any of the reading yet this week and need to do it. 

Hope everyone has a great day.. looks like the sun will be out, but a little chilly.  

My tracker


on 4/17/11 10:21 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - Pam, it is so great seeing you post roll call!! Really missed you out here.

I am at work trying desparately to wake up and get with it. I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got to bed last night - we had company the better part of the day - cooking, cleaning, cleaning up - then at 9:00 last night the people came to pick up the desk they had bought from me. I took a Tylenol PM and crashed around 9:30.

We've had a wonderful visit with my sister and brother-in-law. They're leaving tomorrow to head back to Florida   - will miss my sister and wish I was heading back with her! Tonight we're taking my nephew's girlfriend out for a birthday dinner. It's been a very busy, fun visit.

So now I best get some work done - have to call the PT place today and set up my appts - I haven't been in 2 weeks and they called wondering where I was. I think I have to take my husband back for an MRI on that knee of his - he is still not walking right and I see he's in pain, so I think there is something else going on in there - the cortisone shot didn't seem to do anything.

Take care and enjoy the day!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 4/17/11 11:18 pm
Good Morning Pam and PA!!

Sorry you were up so early, but I am glad that you posted roll call!! Hopefully you will be able to get a nap in today...

Yesterday was an EXHAUSTING day. Did some cleaning and straightening in the morning. Took Dee to her friends birthday party. It was at Happy Tymes in Warrington. It was kind of like a Chuck E. Cheese type of place, but more elaborate. It was like an indoor amusement park! So all was going well until after eating...Dee took off downstairs to the amusement area and then I found out that the birthday girl was going to be opening gifts. So, I went downstairs to find Dee. I COULDN'T FIND HER!!!! I looked for about 10-15 minutes. I even had them page her over the loud speaker, NOTHING!! I had to try really hard not to freak out, but inside I WAS!! There was this huge jungle gym/tube thing in the middle of the place. Yup, that is where she was! I was YELLING in my projected teacher voice(thank goodness for all those voice lessons and years of playing the clarinet) her name. Finally when I found her, I REALLY let her have it!! Of course, there were tears. At this point we missed her friend opening up her gifts and the party had pretty much ended. Since she was crying I told her that we were leaving. I couldn't take it anymore!! That 10-15 minutes REALLY exhausted me!! We came home and I handed her off to her dad. I laid down and they went bike riding around the neighborhood. She is really getting good at that!

After all that, I just vegged for the rest of the evening. No dinner and went upstairs around 7:30 to lay in bed while Dee took a shower. We snuggled for a bit then she went to bed. I realized that I was hungry so I went downstairs, had something to eat then went right back upstairs. Watched TV and then went to sleep around 9pm. WHEW!!!

Today is wor****il 3:30, then stopping off for gas, going to TD bank, then home. Dinner, homework, relaxing then bed!

Have a great Monday!
Love to all, Beth

(deactivated member)
on 4/17/11 11:50 pm
Monday again the sun is out and my boss is out. Great day! 

The weekend was pretty quiet I didn't start my purging project but Ihad good quality time with Den. We slept in both days on the weekend. Saturday we went for a really nice Japanese lunch them came home in the rainy weather and just vegged. Then we went out to meet  few friends in all the rain but we had so much fun.

Sunday we slept in then went out for Mexican did  few errands then came home to relax, It felt great to not have to be any where unless we wanted to be there. We really do not get many weekends like that yet we are working on making that happen.

Today has me at work then at lunch getting my year;y  mamogram then after work we are meeting some very good friends for dinner and the Flyers.

Life is Good! 
Laureen S.
on 4/18/11 12:02 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Pam, PA

Good to see you here again, as always your life is sooooo full. . .  Have a great day and hope you get to sleep so you go back to work refreshed.

I had a good weekend, Tony was down on Saturday and we just hung out and enjoyed spending time together, then he had to go to work, so I got all caught up on dvr'd programming and hung with the Roxie girl, even with the rains, I made it to the Women's AA meeting I go to and then home to bed.  Yesterday I spent the early part of my day food prepping and then did some gardening stuff, went to visit my son and his family, food shopped, home, roasted some veggies, had some dinner, watched some television and went to bed, oh so exciting (lol). . .

So here we are, another wonderful Monday, ever notice how quickly those first days of the work week come around, well at least this week is a short one for me and that will give me an extra day to get some things accomplished and since I am just a guest for Sunday's Easter dinner, I will hopefully get some rest too this upcoming weekend. . .

Well you all have a wonderful day, hope no one was overly affected by the weather on Saturday and wishing you peace and strength to get through the rough spots of living. . .


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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