Kidney stones after RNY
thx ... Holly

Sorry to hear you're having these problems; are you going to have litho to get rid of them? It wasn't a difficult procedure and relatively (!!) painless.
Good luck.
After weight loss surgery we are prone to kidney stones but liek anything else in life there is no guarentee you will or will not get them.
I had them at 8 months out from surgery. Once it passed I was fine so far no new ones (knocks wood) also I know others that have had them after a time out from RNY.
I hope you find some relief I wish them on no one not even my worse enemy.
I think that it would be dependent on what the stones are made out of. There are different types of kidney stones. The ones you had before - have they ever been analyzed? If so - they can make diet recommendations to help prevent them.
With or without RNY some people are prone to them. If they are in the kidneys - they don't *generally* cause any problems. It's when the freaking things start to move into the ureters and get caught at the "UVJ" (Uteral veseral junction I believe) bend that they incredible pain, nausea, etc starts! Many times if there are stones just in the kidneys, they will leave them there as is.
Good luck either way!