Cold Wednesday Roll Call

on 4/5/11 9:01 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hi all how ya doing this morning?  I am freezing wish this weather would make up is mind which way it wants to go.

I am at work today which is nothing new. I always kind of dread Wednesday because I have to go to my private practice all night. It is hard to get home chill and then have to go back out and work again. 

OA last night was ok. Two women were very nice, and of course the one unstable person in the room sits down beside me, and quickly grabs the sign in sheet and writes down my email address before I can some how get it back. I can see that type of illness from a mile away and red flags are going off. She asked me for my phone number and I had to tell her no. She tried to get them to change the topic of the meeting because " The new person might benefit from a review" I had to say " the new person is familiar with 12 steps and does not need a review thank you very much. This person insisted on walking me to my car, giving me a hug etc. I know this does not sound like much but in my field you can see this personality type and lack of understanding of boundaries and how draining it can be on others. I am going to have to be cold and detached and not encourage her.  She is the ANTI of what i need in my life right now. I know you arent really supposed to discuss meetings but I am not sharing any names, or details specifc to what other shared. This was my experience. She made me very uncomfortable, But enough about that.

I hope you all will have a great day getting closer to the weekend which is AWESOME!!!!  So much to be thankful for right?
Patricia R.
on 4/5/11 9:31 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Nicole,
So sorry you had a run-in with one of those people I hate to see.  It seems, from my many years in OA, there are more of them in OA than AA.  I think AA old timers shut people like her down fast, so they don't monopolize things.  OA is more tolerant of emotional displays, and boundary violations.  Just my personal experience.

I had a blast with the Munchkins yesterday.  My Mom taught my Grandson to say, "Mine."  Now, he says it, with attitude.  He takes after his Mother in being a neat freak too.  He came into my nephew's apartment and cleared off the coffee table for my sister-in-law.  It was hysterical.

Today has me heading to the Salvation Army to shop with them, and then I have to go get an X-ray of the foot that was operated on.  The rest of theday will be resting the foot.  It still hurts terribly.

Hope you are doing okay otherwise.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 4/5/11 9:32 pm - Lancaster, PA
enjoy the munchkins
glad to know that you " get it"
Lisa H.
on 4/5/11 9:42 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Nicole and Pa.. hope you can find it in your power to detach from the needy ones.  You are there for YOU.

My Back to Basics class yesterday was good.  I am going to make a separate post about that.   By the way, I was AWESOME at logging my food and getting in all my water.  Now, when I logged my food I did notice that my numbers are way off, but that's the point of logging.. right? 

Working til 3:30.  During my lunch, I am going to run to the bank to make a car payment and then to Walmart to pick up a few things.. fyi.. You can get a $2.00 off coupon for Soy by going to this link: 0-68/  If you go to Walmart, it ends up being just .68 for a 1/2 gallon.. hellllloooooooo  I'm SO THERE!

Anyway, after work I'm going to make black bean burgers for dinner and then I will take Siehara to her Bat Mitzvah tutoring.  If it gets a bit warmer, I am gong to walk in that neighborhood while she is there.  If it does not get warmer, then I think I will go to Starbucks with my homework from yesterdays B2B class and do that.  

After tutoring, we'll head to the gym.  If I get there in a decent amount of time, I will sneak into Body Combat late.  If not, which is more likely,  I will do my own thing --cardio and upper body work.    I feel like I need more strength in my upper body.  I want to be able to do full manly pushups and I can barely eek out girly ones.  

Home to bed at a decent hour.  

My tracker


on 4/5/11 9:46 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Nicole and all who venture over here.  Good luck with ridding yourself of this type of person.

I am up and sitting in my kitchen.  I am not going in to school today as I was able to get an emergency psychiatric appointment for Molly at 9:15 this morning.  Larry and I are BOTH going to take her.  She seemed OK yesterday afternoon.  She was just very sleepy.  Which is amazing as she came home from school early and slept from 1:15-5.  I guess depression really can affect your sleep patterns.  This is the first bout of depression i have seen in her.  Her symptoms to this point was from her very high funny place to pure rage and fury.  I am hopeful that the doctor can talk some sense into her and explain to make her understand WHY she needs to continue her medication.  Should be a very interesting morning to say the least.

After that I am dragging poor poor Larry to the market with me.  (oh puh-leeze - do NOT feel bad for him!)  Then this afternoon I am going to try to get some paperwork for my Israel trip together and then tonight THE PHILLIES game with my facebook hubby - boy am I lucky that his actual wife does not like sports!!!!!  First the Flyers - now the Phillies! :)  YAY ME!

Heres to hoping that my Wednesday is nice and calm!  Hope you all have a great day too! :)
on 4/5/11 10:57 pm

Hope things go well with Molly today! Give her a hug from me, please!!

Love, Beth">">>

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/11 11:49 pm
Steffi, I am so sorry Molly is going through this and wil keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I love that young woman and want the best for her.
on 4/5/11 10:00 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good chilly morning all - sorry you got stuck with Miss Needy, Nicole - but luckily you are able to spot those types of personalities and distance yourself.

I'm at work - should be a quiet day - which is good because I need to go on-line and check sites that I put items on -; craig's list, etc. Desk is kind of empty this morning so it'll be a good day to get that done, and the boss is heading out to a site.

Was supposed to have PT today but cancelled since I have to take off Friday afternoon to go with hubby to the ortho doctor - just feel bad because I've been missing so much time at work. I do account for it but I do still get a case of the guilts.

Tonight I have to do my PT exercises at home, then wrap birthday presents. Probably not much else on my agenda today. I'm such a bore.

Stay warm folks - spring is coming - sooner or later!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 4/5/11 10:28 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Good morning Nicole and my PA friends.  I am at work and trying to warm up.  Man if there is anything I miss from being a fatty is that I was never cold like this.  Ive lost too much insulation I guess.  I will be working until 3:30 and then head home to have a quick dinner and get my son Jett to baseball practice.  While he is there his mother and I will be doing yoga (P90X style) which by the way kicks my ass.  I sweat more doing that yoga then I do when we do the cardio workout.  Yoga is no joke. 
Nicole, sorry about your new borderline freind.  Just tell Steffi to not sit by you at those meetings.....hahahahahahahaha.  Seriously though I hope she doesnt turn you off to the meetings and you can find a way to block her out and get something from them.  Good luck!!!

Steffi, I hope everything goes well with Molly this morning!  I will be thinking of you and yours!

I hope everyone has a great day.

HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 4/5/11 11:05 pm - Philadelphia, PA
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