Fhew - Friday Roll Call

on 3/24/11 2:21 pm - Philadelphia, PA
I wasn't sure that this day would EVER get here....between the crazy weather we have had, us trying to figure out our new phones - my up and down moods, I will be happy to see this week go away.  And to do that I am going to try to pack as much in to my Friday as humanly possible: 

I am heading to school, heading to the pool, heading home to shower, heading BACK to school to say hi to my students as they participate in their middle school dance, heading to the synagogue for a "Rock and Soul Shabbat" celebration, then heading to Plush Bar in Glenside to celebrate a life of a friend which was taken too soon three years ago and raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society.  I PLAN on NOT drinking anything at the bar.  I am pretty sure that Larry needs that from me more than pretty much anything else right now.  And as I was advised my a very dear friend today - I know how to have a good time in pretty much any situation!  So - THAT is what I will do tomorrow night.

Hope your Friday is a great day!

IdaMae D.
on 3/24/11 8:32 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Steffi & PA;

Sounds like a full day and evening for you!

Soooo glad it is Friday.  I'll be in work till 4, taking a walk at lunch time since the sun is supposed to be out today, gym after work. 

I have to check with the service desk to see if I can bring my laptop home this weekend.  They are supposed to be upgrading my building to windows 2010 this weekend and saw an email just before I left work yesterday that said something about needing to keep all company laptops docked this weekend.  If that is so then I will not be bringing work home with me over the weekend.  Probably a good thing, since I am maxed out with work.  One of my co-workers said to me yesterday "I don't know how you do it"  Work full time, grad school full time, coding class, and the house project, and my cold or whatever it is on top of all that right now, still have not completely shaken this cold.  I'm not quite sure how either but I can feel myself burning out.   Gene sees clients today and this evening, so Hider and I are on our own again.

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 3/24/11 8:39 pm - Lancaster, PA
Steffi I swear if I had your personality and energy I dont think I would ever need a drink to loosen up. LOL You can do it. Being out does not always equate drinking, you are too interesting and clever for that to be the case. Speaking of going out, we wont be coming to the fund raiser tonight, I had forgotten that I have a 5:15pm appt this evening, and dont want to rush around. Also it appears that I will be down that way quite a bit in the very near future on Fridays LOL.
I love ya. Do what you need to do if Larry needs to see you are ok with or without teh alcohol.

Today I am at work pretty busy morning. Last night I had my first session with my therapist and I like her. Thank God. My first assignment is to go to OA. I resist it because I remember hating it in the past but I will go. She wants me to go to OA and JUST BE A GROUP MEMBER. Not the leader, therapist, go to person etc just a person in a group trying to learn and heal. I can do that right?? LOL 

Then we went to see Sweeney Todd at the Fulton. I feel bad because I ducked out right before the end but God I was tired really late night for me. It was good, some of the singing was pretty off tune which bugged me. But the sets were amazing, which of course our friend is Bill the technical Director so we are biased. Over all good show.

Gonna get some down time tonight after my appt just me and Jason.  I hope you all have a good Friday it is very cold out there.
on 3/25/11 12:36 am - Philadelphia, PA
If it was only to loosen up I would NEVER drink.....it just felt good - seems like a theme with me! :)  HA HA!  And you are right - I know I don't HAVE to drink - and again, I was not really a drinker prior to surgery, so that I have only been this way for about a year - should be relatively easy to break - more than the food thing.....(I hope......)

And - I am soooo glad you liked your therapist! :)  (I will miss you and Jason tonight - but I WILL get to see you a few Friday's in a row soon!  YAY!)
on 3/24/11 8:52 pm
 Good morning Stef and PA,

Been a while since I posted.  All is well in Northern Jersey.  Been staying out of trouble and working hard.  After 43 years, I have been trying to quit smoking and trying to it without gaining any weight.  Been pretty good so far almost 4 weeks out now.  It is getting tougher though.  I thought it would get a little easier, but I am hanging in there.

I hope everyone is doing great.


on 3/24/11 9:43 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Congratulations on giving up the cigs, Geoff - it is hard, but it will get easier with time. I quit 21 years ago - can't believe it's been that long! And I was a 20 year smoker before that. I cried for a week after giving them up - my husband almost broke down several times and ran out to get me cigs but I wouldn't let him - LOL!!

When the urge comes just tell yourself 'Hey, I've gone 4 weeks without one - I can make it another day' and then find something to do - the next thing you know several hours or even a day will pass before you're thinking of having one again. Plus I changed my routines as to when I smoked and stayed away from smokers - that helped immensely.

Wish you all the best - think of all the money you're saving and how much better you're feeling!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 3/24/11 10:54 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

I quit smoking 8 years ago this month, it was tough, but I am so happy to have quit that very nasty and extremely expensive habit. . .  as for weight gain, one of my excuses for years was, I did not want to gain weight, well some years back there was a study that said, some weight gain does occur due to our metabolism needing to reset, but that the amount of weight is insignificant in people that don't substitute food for the cigarette and that by a year after quitting the metabolism corrects itself.  So long term, even if you gain a couple of pounds, you will benefit from quitting.  I can honestly say that in the past 3 years, I may have thought of a cigarette once or twice and then I just need to get near someone who has just had a cigarette and remind myself of just how it smells, which is not pleasant to my senses.

Best wishes on your kicking the habit. . .  think of something you really want to do or buy, put the money you spent on smokes in a jar and when the jar or the amount of money you need is there, reward yourself.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/24/11 9:49 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - have a great time this weekend, Steffi - sounds like it's going to be crazy busy and have a tall glass of ice water with lime - everybody will think it's vodka! Honestly people won't even notice - I thought they would when I couldn't drink but I would just carry a glass of ice water around and nobody hounded me to join them in a drink. Plus if you're in-person personality is as bubbly and bright as it is on line you don't need alcohol to have a great time!!

I'm at work - today is PT day at 1:30. I have a WebEx meeting from 9:00 to 11:00 today that I am absolutely dreading since it is the one part of my job that I abhor - filing. I know it sounds silly to have a 2 hour meeting on filing but this isn't normal filing - and yet I still hate it! Imagine that.

We were supposed to get together with our friends tonight but she called yesterday and is in the hospital with a nasty kidney stone and infection from it, so they've got her on antibiotics to clear the infection and then they'll 'take' the stone out because its blocking a duct. Not good news. So when I get home I'll be taking my nephew for a job interview, then making meatballs for my other guests coming tomorrow.

Enjoy the Friday, folks - it took long enough to get here!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 3/25/11 12:37 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thanks for the idea - I don't really care about the other people - I have always been that way fortunately.  I don't have to have a drink in my hand at all times.  I will be chatting away and celebrating the life of my friend anyway.....it will be a good time!
Liz R.
on 3/24/11 10:13 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All!

Today is starting much better then most of the days this week. My salesperson is off which is always a relief! I am here until 3:30 / 4ish. Need to stop at target to get a few things then home to hang with Amelia. Looking forward to a quiet evening of snuggling my Smunchy.
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