Monday Morning Roll Call

on 3/21/11 1:12 am - Boothwyn, PA
I'm gonna add my 2 cents worth here, too - I don't really know about the whole transfer addiction thing - I drank prior to having WLS - and trust me, I could drink just about any man under the table and walk out - but it wasn't habitual - strictly social and the most I would ever drink at home (without company) was a cold beer on a really hot day, and then only one.

Since WLS I drink wine - beer bubbles don't always agree with me and forget hard liquor - ain't happening. But what I have discovered with the wine is most times I can handle it IF I eat when I'm having it - because I can go from SILLY to STUPID real fast - and then I become almost comotose and literally have to be put to bed! I don't remember a thing that happened or was said (on my part of anyone else's) - and trust me I do NOT like that feeling. So I don't know if it's the way my system absorbs the wine? And if I do drink beer now which isn't often I just get 'full' and might get a little buzz, but that's about it.

I do know wine has a lot higher alcohol content than beer and I'm sure that's a big part of the reason it hits me so hard - plus just like with eating in the past I'm not very good with the term 'moderation'.

So our systems are definitely different with alcohol now - I don't think everyone has a transfer addiction. I think we need to stay aware of how much we're drinking if it seems to be on the upswing - but I enjoy a glass of wine in the evenings sometimes while we're watching TV.

And one good thing about REAL friends is that they'll always have your back, no matter how much of an ass we make of ourselves!! (We meaning ME)  :-)

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 3/21/11 2:52 am - PA

I'm going to echo what the others said, especially Lisa.  I've only had 1 drink since surgery and didn't like how I felt.  But I wasn't much of a drinker prior to surgery either.  I was a warrior when I was younger and drank every chance I got.  Reality smacked home when I drank the guys under the table at a party and got sick in the car on the way home---all while Anson was there to see my behavior.  I felt like death warmed over the next day and have barely touched alcohol since then.  I don't always know my limits, so I'm better off just not touching the stuff.  And I've learned I can have a blast at a party and only drink Crystal Light or coffee.

Catch it now before you really wind up with a problem, babe!!!

on 3/20/11 11:20 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!

Not feeling well this morning....VERY tired, nose is congested and throat is scratchy!! UUGGHH!!!

Today I will struggle through wor****il 3:30 then go home and sleep. Steven will pick up the child. I think I will be down for the count very early tonight...

Have a great one!


on 3/20/11 11:35 pm - Lancaster, PA
Good morning Ida and PA 
Hope you feel better. I am having my usual allergy issues. felt under the weather this weekend.
i was sad and missing my friends. But I am better. I brought my clothes and WILL be going to the gym after work today. I need to get my butt moving. I was so nauseous yesterday I went to bed feeling awful, I know it is my fault I ate like crap.

At work, eating well, doing what needs to be done today.

Steffi I think we all went through that place where we were drinking a little more than we did before and that it became worrisome. I know when I passed out at Maura's it did a number on my brain and so I have kep the alcohol to a minimum since then. I do not think I am cross addicted but I do think that the whole nature of drinking as a post op causes unique challenges that we need to be aware of. for instance getting drunk on one drink is pretty damn fun. But then being sober so quick kind of sucks as well.  So it prompts more drinking in an attempt to get back to the quick buzz.
on 3/21/11 12:22 am

Hi everyone. I had a doctor's appt early this morning (follow up on the UTI) so my work schedule is off a bit today. I'll make up for it later, for sure.

We had a great weekend - Mike was off BOTH days! This hasn't happened in 2011!  We had breakfast out on Saturday, went to Central Market, and then cruised thru TJ Maxx.

Sunday was church and watching movies - totally chilling.

So today, we are back to the routines, but at least I have groceries in the house and anticipate cooking some "normal" dinners at home this week!

Keep dry everyone!

on 3/21/11 2:47 am - PA

Hi all!!

I'm at work till 4.  We had computer issues this morning and couldn't use our main program after the upgrade this weekend.  But that's all fixed.  But it doesn't matter because I currently have no work to do.  I had Paul bring me in today because of the rain, so I'm not sure if we'll pick up dinner on the way home.

The beach was wonderful this weekend.  A *****illy but still beautiful.  It sort of renews my soul to go there.  It felt good to get out with the metal detectors too.  (I'm a bit sore from that---haven't used that machine in 4 months, so my arm is sore today.)  Only found 38 cents though.  The sand was replenished this winter, so I guess the treasures are buried pretty deep.

Plan to watch DWTS tonight and work on a piece of cross stitch I'm sick of and ready to finish.

Have a great day, all!!

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