finally Friday Roll Call

on 3/10/11 11:26 pm - Philadelphia, PA
OMG!!!!!!  (Funny though about the stupid butterfly!)   Am totally impressed by Skechers.  When I had cats and then the damn mice - the cats I think - befriended said mice...ugh!  Good for your cat = smart boy!!!! :)
Sara E.
on 3/11/11 2:14 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
I used to be scared to death of bats.  Caleb went to a boy scout mammal study merit badge at Lincoln Caverns and I went too.  Yup...the mammals we studied were bats.  All day, all about bats.  they we took a tour of teh 2 caves & saw bats (up close & personal).  I have a new appreciation for them.  If you need to handle them, you should use gloves.  (We did not touch them, of course.  But they are really quite beneficial and rarely attack or carry rabies.  I don't think if I saw one in my house I would freak anymore...but then again, I might. 



Lisa H.
on 3/11/11 3:49 am - Whitehall, PA
Thankfully I did not have to handle it.  I didn't freak out as much as I thought I would. Probably because I knew maintenance would take care of it.  The vet asked me if we kept the bat or what... maintenance let it go and it flew off.  The vet would have preferred to test it to see if it was a carrier of anything.  Oh well.. she gave Skecher a booster and told me to watch him for the next few days.  But, he looked fine. That and he weighs 13 lbs now.   MY HERO~!!

My tracker


IdaMae D.
on 3/12/11 7:24 am - Philadelphia, PA
Oh my the same thing happened in my daughters room many, many, many moons ago.  Her cat Piney Bear was chasing something around the room, Bri was home so she was crying that her cat was going to get hurt - she was in High School at the time.  I had to call animal control to come get the darn thing.  Pretty scary experience, had to take the kitty to the vet the next day to make sure he didn't get bitten by the bat.  Vet gave him rabies shot just to be sure. 


Lisa H.
on 3/12/11 2:06 pm - Whitehall, PA
It was pretty scary.. especially since we have no clue how the thing got in here in the first place.  We live in a ground floor apartment.  There is no attic or anything.  In hindsight, I probably should have called animal control instead of maintenance so they would check the bat out.  But, so far so good.  Skecher has been fine, thankfully.  He's still his normal loving self.  

I am very grateful that Siehara was not home because she would have totally freaked out.  I will tell her about it in a few years, maybe.

My tracker


on 3/10/11 9:48 pm - Croydon, PA
Good morning, Ida and PA.  Sorry about your basement!  And, a bat in a bedroom?  Nope, I wouldn't be going in there to check either!

I'm at work, as usual.  I have a food plan for the day.  I think tonight I am driving one daughter to a party (unless I can talk my son into taking her), and the other daughter is having a friend sleep over. 

I am pledging to stay sober and eat sanely today.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 3/10/11 9:59 pm
Good Friday Morning Ida and PA!!

Thank G-D it is Friday!!! Had to switch some of my lessons around because we are having an assembly this afternoon with some of the members of the Philharmonic of Southern New Jersey. My best friend is first chair clarinet in the group, although I doubt I will see her today. That is ok because I will see her tomorrow for her daughters' birthday party. Then we get to hang out together tomorrow night!! YEAH!!! That means I have to miss seeing my buds at Maura's

Today is wor****il 3pm, then home to watch my soap in peace and quiet, pick up Dee early, head to the mall to pick up birthday present for tomorrow, then haircuts, then out for Chinese!!! We are going to have Dee try chicken and cashews, she loved it as a baby. She said that she would try it! That is a HUGE step for her!!!

This weekend is SUPER busy!! I will need a weekend from my weekend!!

Have a Fantastic Friday!!

Love, Beth">">>

on 3/10/11 10:04 pm - Allentown, PA
Today is going to be a long day for me. I have my great niece who is 20 months old. For about five hours I should pretty tired after she leaves, but I do have an advantage. The women that live in my building love her to death. When do you know I get her to. I just go in the community room in my building, and they play with her. It's like they all have a grandchild, and she gets spoiled because it. And then after mommy come and get her. I'm heading over the bridge to New jersey to stay with my boyfriend for the weekend and I get to see the Delaware river I don't know. I'm pretty go over the pay bridge or the free bridge and Ethan and then come home on Sunday to start the week all over again. I'm going to try to stay on my diet this weekend, but you see my boyfriend is from Italy and he loves pasta, but he knows I cannot eat it. That is one thing I cannot eat after three years , any kind of pasta or whole-grain and I cannot eat sleep at all and we all know what happens. Some of my friends who are gastric bypass patients say I'm lucky, sometimes it goes away in three or four years or months. I'm hoping mine never goes away and I know if I do it. I will be sick for two or three days. That means even a small bit of candy even hard candy, I cannot eat well for you buddy. Have a safe weekend and I hope everybody's plans goes well.

on 3/10/11 10:04 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hey Ida - good morning to you and all of PA .

Woke up in a realtively good mood this morning.  Went out to dinner with a girlfriend last night and just chatted and giggled.  It was necessary and lots of fun.  Got home at a decent hour - got on facebook and giggled with same friend some more! :)

Today I am at school, hoping to have an easy day as the state testing begins on Monday and it is greuling - beware - I will be bored and most likely posting next week.....oy!  After school I have no reason to NOT go to the pool, so I have everything with me.  I never made it on Wed due to forgetting my bathing suit - and it just occurred to me again - I left the damned suit at home - UGH!!!!!!  Well, it is decided - I am stopping at the swim store on my way to the pool and buying a new suit!!!!!  so there! :)

Tonight there is nothing on the agenda tonight - we are all home, and I am making NO plans......yup - NO PLANS!!!!!!!!!!  (That is me telling myself to make no plans!)  Busy weekend ahead and lots of fun and exciting things going on so being home tonight is going to be a good thing!  (So long and the kids and Larry get along......pray for me wouldja!)

Happy Happy Friday y'all! :)
Patricia R.
on 3/10/11 10:24 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida,
In addition to the flooding here, I am praying for the people of Japan, and the areas on our West Coast where the anticipated tsunami is supposed to hit.

Today, I just got back from my hematology appointment, and she scheduled me for two venofur infusions prior to my surgery to protect me.  she is a doll. 

I was going to hit my AA meeting on the way home, but got hit with a wave of exhaustion, so I am back in bed for a quick nap.

This afternoon, I am getting my mattress set delivered.  I hope it means better sleep for me.

Have a good day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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