Tuesday Roll Call
My brother-in-law flew up from Florida last night to attend the funeral of a dear friend of his who died suddenly last week, so he'll be staying with us until Friday.
And honestly that's about the only news I have this morning!
Take care and have a great day.
Been a while since I have posted, but I have been lurking!
This past weekend my son turned 19. It was the first birthday of his life I wasn't with him, as he was away at college. But he is home now for spring break this week, so I am happy. He brought home a TON of laundry, so I will be doing that in my spare time.
My son has been having problems staying focused in lectures at college, so he saw a psychologist on campus. They tested him yesterday for ADHD, and the results are that he does have it. He doesn't have the hyperactive part, but he does have the attention deficit part. It never was noticed all through school because he has a very high IQ, over 130 she said, so he was able to compensate all these years. But now that he is in college, with long lectures, it is affecting him. So now we have to see what his primary care dr. wants to prescribe. Our family doctor is very holistic-minded, so I know he won't load him up with unnecessary meds. I am glad this issue will be resolved. I have to force myself not to look back and blame myself for not knowing about this before. I knew he was smart, and I always was on him to do better in high school and middle school. Now I know he did the best he could.
As for me, the store is doing well. This past weekend we started staying open 7 days a week. Hopefully this will be worth it!
Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!
My younger son has ADD, and it has hindered his college progress somewhat. He was not diagnosed till high school, and he had already developed some bad habits by then.
Hope your doc is able to help him. He may also benefit from talking to the psychologist that diagnosed him about coping techniques during lectures. I have some ADD as well, and I developed some strategies to get through college and grad school in spite of it.
Good luck.
Albert Schweitzer
Another "typical" day for me. Working until 3:30 - 4 then headed to my MOm's to pick up Mia and home to hang out with her. Hoping for a successful and early bed time, we've been struggling alot with that lately due to teething.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Day 4 of the South Beach diet and so far so good - NO CARBS!
Today the plans are VERY exciting - no really they are......school, with a stupid meeting that I hate and feel that I am taking away from my kids, after school I am headed to Kohl's to by some unmentionables, oh crap - did I just mention it?!?! oh well, then to the market - I am headed to the Flyers game with facebook hubby and he is not eating any carbs and we are not having dinner until AFTER the game. So I need to make sure he has what he needs snack wise so we BOTH wont be tempted by all the delicious goodness that comes with sporting events. Then to the Flyers game - they better not suck ass like they did this weekend. In any event, looking forward to playing and having a fun night.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Good Morning Trish and PA!
Sorry that your back is still bothering you! The swim should help!!
Today is wor****il 3:30 then stopping off to get some gas for my car, OY!! These gas prices are a real KILLER, especially when you have an SUV!!! Then home to watch my soap in peace and quiet. Pick up the girls, homework, dinner, blah,blah, blah...My life is so boring!! But sometimes boring is good! Some relaxation time, getting stuff ready for the morning. I totally forgot to pack my vitamins and meds so it should be an interesting day....
Have a good one!!
Love, Beth
Once in work I oaid a few bills.going to work on a few other personal things I need to take care of then since I didn't yesterday I may leave early either today or tomorrow. Last night I was sorting clothes so need to get my final options packed for Thursday.
Thats my story and I 'm sticking to it!
Morning Trish and PA!
I'm at work, here till 5:00. (We alternate staying till 5 in case a report needs to get submitted last minute.) I'm hoping to get a walk or 2 in during the day. We try to walk to the other end of the building and back, and I'd like to get out for a walk with Paul when I get home. (We went out to walk after work yesterday, and I got stuck talking on the phone to a recruiter while we walked. And she ticked me off. She was almost insistent that she call a couple of references she has for me, even though I told her not to. She's had those names for about 3 years, I haven't been in touch with those people, and I burned the bridge with one of them. Instead of respecting my wishes, she asked why she couldn't call them and said she wanted to start checking references immediately. Seriously??? Who are you going to reach after 6pm??? I'm not really interested in the job she's trying to fill anyway.)
Bored today. So far, we have no work to do. But this is a good place to work, and I'm happy to be here.
Have a great day, everyone!!!