Wonderful Wednesday Roll call

Lisa H.
on 2/22/11 10:05 am - Whitehall, PA
So what if it's 9:00 on Tuesday.. I want to post tomorrow's roll call now.. so there!

I have good reason, too.. Today (Wednesday) is my 2 year surgiversary!! (It's also Jena's surgiversary)

I already posted about my 2 year check up and don't know if I have much else to say about it.. I know right?!  We'll see what happens later.   For now, my plans for the day.

Celebrating my 2 years by having an endoscopy to see if my stoma is stretched.   This will give me the answers I need to either have it fixed or to kick my ass into full gear.  I have to be there at 6:15 am, thus the post now.  

My step mom is going to come down to drive me and I am trusting Siehara to get ready for school on her own.  I will wake her up before I leave and then call when I get to the hospital to be sure she is out of bed and doing what she needs to do.  She took a shower and packed her lunch tonight.  She just has to remember to take her meds, dress appropriately and eat breakfast in the morning.  I made a huge deal about how I think she is responsible enough to handle this and all I ask of her is to call and leave me a message when she gets on the bus.  She is very happy that I am trusting her.  

Once I get home, I will probably just rest until she gets home from school.  I can't imagine being too out of it from the procedure, but I am fighting off a cold and can use the rest anyway.  Siehara has her Bat Mitzvah tutoring in the afternoon.  Maybe we can grab dinner with grandma before her tutoring.. that will depend on how long Grandma plans to stick around after my scope.  

There is a body combat class at the gym tomorrow night, but it looks like it is at 6:30 and that's when Siehara's done tutoring.  Plus, with the way I feel, it's probably not a good idea.  So, we'll just come home from tutoring and hang here for the night so I can get more rest.

Hope everyone has a great day today!! 

Maureen---- good luck with your surgery and we'll see you on the other side!1

My tracker


on 2/22/11 10:17 am - Levittown, PA
Congratulations on 2 years of successing! I hope you get the answers you are looking for. Keep us posted on the results. Hope you feel better soon. This body combat class sounds awesome is it like boot camp I have done those. They are HARD!!


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


on 2/22/11 10:52 am
Lisa, MAJOR congrats on the 2 years, and best of luck with the procedure tomorrow. Be sure to keep us posted!

Wednesday will find me working early (5-1 ish) at home, in order to free up time to spend with the kids at the pool and playground, and probably make some semblance of dinner. It's INTENSE with 3 little ones in the house!  Joyful, but intense. You DO forget how it feels to be "on" 110% of the time for them.  But I am so happy to be able to give Sarah this time and a little respite from winter and the isolation of being home while hubby is in graduate school and working. At least it's warm here!

I'll add that I am back to exercise classes on an almost every day basis - my 4-5 lbs. seems to be sticking around so I have to keep the activity level lHIGH and also assess my eating to be sure that junk is not creeping in.

Maura M.
on 2/22/11 11:00 am - Yardley, PA

I am glad you posted roll call - it actually means that I will be on it before the day is over!  I think they should all start the night before!

1st - Congrats on 2 years, and as I said on your other post, your resolve to stick to the gym is awesome and such an example for all of us!  I hope tomorrows procedure helps you get some answers..

I am very happy that I did a good workout tonight - 20 min on the tread on an incline of 8 - speed of 3.5.. then ab circle for 10, then weights, then situps.. I love when Mark and I get home at the same time and he pushes me to get my butt moving.. I am so bad when left on my own.

Have been burning the candle at both ends lately, but enjoying life..

Work tomorrow - nothing too crazy this week, which is good!  Love short weeks!

Have a great day PA!





on 2/22/11 11:39 am - Scranton, PA
Congratulations on 2 years!
I wish you the best of luck tomorrow!
                 Lynn      HW-237/SW-225.8/GW-130   
    I already Kicked Cancer's Ass...
Patricia R.
on 2/22/11 2:04 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Lisa and PA,
Congrats on your 2 years.  That is awesome.  Good luck with the procedure.  I hope you get your answers.  Keep us posted, because I may have the same problem, and may need to talk to Dr. Marymor.

Tuesday was a bizarre day for me.  I saw my family doc about my intestinal problem, and had to get some lab work started with a stool specimen.  I also had to get a prescription, and I am on the BRAT diet for now.  I did get to my AA meeting in spite of all the running around I had to do.

Wednesday has me getting to my meeting, and then home to do some cleaning, as the borough is going to be in on Friday to do a use and occupancy inspection of my apartment.  Yippee. 

Nothing else exciting, except walking Utley when I need a break from Utley.

have a good a day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/22/11 6:58 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Oh my sister from another mister......you are amazing and I am so proud of all you have accomplished.  Having been able to love you through some of the most challenging and wonderful times in our lives has been a higlight for me!  You are a trailblazer and someone I look up to for so many things......Mazel Tov for two amazing years of successing and sharing and loving it all! :)

Good morning to everyone else!  I am wide awake and alreadyplaying on the computer - I know that I am going to beone unhappy camper come mid-afternoon, I was up VERY late chatting with friends on facebook, skype and then hubby on the phone til about 12:15 ish....and then woke up at 5, wide awake - I laid in bed for another half hour and then that darned empty belly made me come downstairs to have a bowl of oatmeal.....so of course, I HAD to get on the computer whilst I had my morning snack, yes, I said whilst, remember, not much sleep! :)

So, I am finally heading off to school after an unexpected four day weekend and am only working two days this week, can you hear, wink wink, my hacking cough and see my runny nose?  I HAVE to, read as SUCH a hardship.....giggle giggle giggle, travel to Washington DC with my 10th graders from the synagogue, along with my son, to a retreat of sorts which will culminate with my students lobbying for important things in their lives on capitol hill on Monday.  Last year was my first trip with the 10th graders and I was so moved by their ability to know what is important and verbalize it to those that are in charge so to speak.

After school I am headed to the plastic surgeon for a check-up - he had wanted me to lose the 10 pounds i gained since surgery, but that did not happen, however, I have not gained anything additional, so hopefully that will not **** him off too much! :)  Tonight is the parenting seminar that Larry and I started attending a few weeks ago and tonight is bringing the teens along, it should make for a VERY interesting evening.  My guess is that by the end of that I will be drooling and with any luck will not die on the way to my warm and, sadly empty, bed!

Hope your Wednesday is as Wonderful as Lisa's (And Maureens)
on 2/22/11 7:05 pm
Hi Good morning all,

Lisa congrats on the 2 year surgiversary.  I hope all turns out as you hope.  I have heard from a couple of people that stretched their stomachs that the procedure to re-tighten is a very easy procedure to do.  I hope all turns out as you hope.

Things in NJ are going well, been working out hard at the gym, finding the time to go is most difficult.

My weight is holding pretty steady.  I seem to be fluctuating between 157 and 160 lbs.  157 this morning so that is always good.  :-)

I have to go for a small procedure myself in NYC today.  They are doing injections in my head to block the Occipital nerve which was injured from the car accident.  Supposed to relieve the headaches.  I hope it works, but can you tell that I certainly have a worse headache just thinking about those injections.  :-)  I will be glad when it is over.

I am getting excited about going back to Florida again on 3/18, I can't wait.  I am soooo over this weather.  I am not a winter type of guy.

Happy hump day to all and Lisa, best of luck!!



on 2/22/11 7:09 pm - Lancaster, PA
Congratulations Lisa you have come a long way and so much has changed. You are an example that this is a marathon not a sprint and that you have to keep on keeping on with self evaluation, excercise and support. I hope you get some answers.

Today I have decided to be in a better mood so I am working on that. BTW I wore a suit to work today lol I know cheeky but I dont care. I have clients this evening so today will be long. I need to get some stuff done because we are heading to NC on Friday I am starting to feel rushed. I dont like that.

I have decided to wait and send my response to my eval when I get back from my trip, I dont want to be stressed on my trip and give them time with me away to make things even worse.

Body Combat starts at my gym next week I am looking forward to trying it out. 

Have a good day and good luck Maureen
Liz R.
on 2/22/11 7:55 pm - Easton, PA
just for you I wore a hoddie to work today ;) I am even meeting with a paint vendor at 8:30! lol

*hugs* today WILL be a better day!
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