Wicked Wednesday Roll Call

Patricia R.
on 2/1/11 5:52 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I woke up around 4:00 with a wicked headache, and I am having trouble sleeping.  I hear the frozen rain falling outside and am dreading walking Utley in it, not because of the rain, but the ice.

My plans for today are what I planned Tuesday:  Cleaning and organizing.  I fell asleep and spent most of Tuesday in bed.  I don't sleep well during the night, and I am now on a muscle relaxer, in addition to other things.  I also have to wrap a baby shower gift, or gifts, for a shower I am going to Thursday night. 

I am also going to finish making a hat for Izzy.  My daughter wanted me to make Izzy a crochet hat with a flower on it.  I found the perfect pattern for it, and finished the hat part, and need to make the flowers for it. 

Have a good day, and be safe and warm.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/1/11 7:08 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Good Morning Trish. Hope your headache goes away and be careful when you take Utley out.

The ice here didn't amount to as much as they thought. Johnny got to work just fine and said the main roads are just wet. However, my college cancelled all classes today in anticipation of ice so no driving to lecture for me today.

So today will be hanging with my little ones, doing some school work and putting some laundry away that I didn't get to yesterday.

This evening, I have a date night with my best friend. I am so excited because the last 2 times we scheduled dinner, the weather had us cancel it. It will be nice to have a nice girl talk and maybe head to the mall or Kohl's together!

I hope everyone stays safe and warm today.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 2/1/11 7:34 pm
Good Morning Trish and PA!!

I am up because I wanted to see if there was any delay for Dee's school and to call out of work! I have an upper respiratory infection and feel like crap! Yesterday, I spent most of the day sleeping and I slept through the night too!! I guess I needed it!!

Today, I am taking it easy. Plan to drink lots of fluids and get more rest! That is, after I drop Dee of at school!

Be careful out there!


Lisa H.
on 2/1/11 8:22 pm - Whitehall, PA
Morning Trish.. I hope you get to feeling better soon.  You sure have had some problems this year. 

I think my sinus infection is back.  I'm taking Mucinex and rinsing hoping that this will get better without having to go to the dr.  Gd knows I don't have time to get to the dr for meds.  But, I will go tomorrow if it's not better. 

Working til 3:30, while the child has no school and will hopefully find something to keep herself occupied.  Tonight, Siehara is supposed to have tutoring for her Bat Mitzvah.  I guess we'll have to see if the roads are clear by then.  If she does NOT have it, then I will work with her again on it.  

If there is no tutoring, I am going to head to the gym for Spin class.. if it isn't cancelled.  I need to get over there and do something on my own.  I didn't go yesterday even though Siehara kept asking me if I was going and trying to encourage me to go.  I just was not feeling it. 

We'll just have to see how things go later. 

I hope nobody has to go out before they clear the roads and it warms up a bit.  Stay safe everyone

My tracker


on 2/1/11 9:48 pm

I feel your pain with the sinuses!! Mine feel like there is a ton of cotton stuffed up them and I can't get it out! Sorry, TMI!!! Hope you feel better sweetie!!!



on 2/1/11 10:27 pm - PA
Morning all!!!

Trish, Beth, and Lisa---I hope you ladies are feeling better!!!

I'm working from home today.  Or will be in a bit.  The company is opening 2 hours late, and since I'm a temp, I'm not allowed to do any work when the building is closed.  Yeah, I can handle sensitive documents but can't work my regular hours if they're not open yet, even from home.  Go figure!  But at least I can get some hours in instead of losing a day's pay!

Got on the treadmill this morning.  And after 30 minutes, our power blinked off and back on.  Rather than get stuck in the dark basement if they went out again, I decided to call it quits.  Glad I did because the power went out again briefly.

I hoping to get to the store after work, if the roads aren't bad.  I don't think they will be---the cars going by my house don't seem to be having any trouble.

Ok, off to do a little cross stitch till I'm allowed to work.  (And stitch again when my work is done, unless they send me more to do.)

Have a great day, all!!  Be safe!!!
on 2/1/11 10:27 pm
Good morning everyone! I've been out sliding around on the ice this morning, letting the dog play and chiseling the ice off my car.

It's a regular work day for me and I need to get my focus where it belongs. Going through another "lull" in my attention and ability to concentrate on work. I believe this is in part due to my notable "lack" of love affair with my job....but I also wonder if there isn't something else going on and if I should see a counselor. I talked to Mike about it - he says very clearly, I do not seem depressed in any way....but I'm not sure what it could be. If any of you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.

And today I am upset by where my weight stands. I have held at 153-155 lbs. since August. Last week I jumped to 157 and today was at 160. I have eaten a lot of meals out in the past week, which is probably at least part of the issue. So today I am on my shakes and soft proteins, and that's it. None of my indulgences at all....no nuts, no peanut butter, no SF ice cream. At 19 months out, I am taking some inventory of where I am in all of this (and probably should reply to Karen's thread but I'll put it here). I'm definitely "good at what I am good at." I place firm limits on refined sugar (almost none) and sugar alcohols. I take my vitamins. I hit my fluid target every day.  I exercise regularly but need to kick it up a notch yet again. I am careful with refined carbs - but know that hidden carbs sneak in by way of those "indulgence" foods from time to time. I don't keep a food log any longer.

But when I began this journey, I promised myself that my threshold for regain would be small. And I am at that threshold today. And the truth is, I know what to do....but it's scary. It feels like the pre op anxiety has returned, asking myself, "What if it doesn't work?"
on 2/2/11 3:16 am - Levittown, PA
Congratulations for taking "inventory" AND I am going thru the same thing. Anxiety of "What if I failed at this too?" BUT I know you can do it. I just started tracking my weight and exercise and it's an eye opener. I love the daily plate because it gives you other foods that I can track too. It includes "ethnic foods" which I was not aware contained so many hidden sugars and carbs.


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


on 2/1/11 10:41 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - for all of you dealing with sinus issues and not feeling well hope you feel better soon. Maybe a SUNNY day would help?? I know it would surely do wonders for my attitude.

I'm at work - we left once it got light out because we weren't sure what the roads would be like, but they were just wet - came through a lot of rain but that was it. Thank goodness it wasn't colder and snow! That stinking groundhog better be right and spring is coming soon.

Last night I made this yummy chicken fried rice (nothing was really fried, tho) - anyway, used good chicken, brown rice, onion, sugar snap peas, little corns and teriyaki sauce - and then I got the FREAKING FOAMIES - Oh dear god I haven't had them in ages and at almost 3 years out you would think I'd be safe by now, but sadly not true. The pain, the dry heaves, the 'foam', the tissues I went through blowing my nose - UGH. Laid down for about an hour in between running to the bathroom to  and finally it settled down. Sipped some hot tea and didn't do much the rest of the night - wipes me out.

So that was my evening...work today should be uneventful...hope everyone feels better soon.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 2/1/11 10:42 pm
Lynnc99...Part of your post could have been written by me! I'm refocusing on "no carbs", "no sugars", "no sf ice cream", "no peanut butter".

My weight has gone up a tinch...about 4 pounds. Like you, I won't let the weight creep back on. I will also have a very low tolerance level for pounds coming back. Everyone tells me it's time to stop losing, but, I've got another 10 pounds to the "bottom of the weight window". I'm not going to try to get to that number, but I don't want to be more than 10 pounds above that either. What's nice is that i (and you) should know that as long as we do what we're supposed to do, that tummy surgery we had will get us where we need to be. It WILL work!

Today has me sitting here surrounded by my girls and all my daycare kids...which are also girls. House full of estrogen...bored estrogen. No, they're having fun. If you listen closely, you may hear them. The ice doesn't look too bad, but, then I didn't have to drive anywhere. They closed school last night in anticipation of the ice. We have a huge area in our district. I wonder if anyone got what they had feared.

As for the rest of my day...I'll play with the kids (but, my kids are having a ton of fun playing "daycare" right now). Take care of an ebay sale and get it ready to mail. Work on my blasted taxes. YUUUUUUUCK!!!!

Great Day to all!
"Life is too short to buy cheap fabric softener."  ~ favorite quote by my favorite genious!

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