*****Sunday Roll Call********

on 1/29/11 8:19 pm
Hello PA!!

I am up early this morning. I did not sleep well at all. Too much on my mind. Had fun and laughs last night at Steffi's. The night did not end well though. As I was backing up out of the driveway, I backed into another car, ripping off my rear bumper!! I FEEL HORRIBLE!! I know it is only a car and neither Dee or I were injured, but still feel like a smuck! THANK G-D for Larry, Noah and Russ....they put my bumper back together! Now, I have to take it to a body shop to see how much damage I did.... I cannot tell you how many times I replayed this in my head during the night. I HATE THAT!!! On the way home I TOTALLY LOST IT!! I was crying uncontrollably in front of Dee, I felt bad about doing that, but I could not help it! I kept on apologizing to her for seeing me so upset.  Got home safely and talked to Steven about it and some other things that have been going on. In some ways, it was good and others it wasn't. Steven is having some real issues with his job and I have no answers for him. I wish I could tell him to quit, but that is not an option at least until he finds another job! I really feel for him because he goes to this job everyday dreading it! It has really affected our relationship and I told him that! Sorry for rambling, but as I said before, lots going on. I know you all understand and I feel that writing this all down might help in some small way. Hopefully today will be better.......

Today is taking Dee to Hebrew School, getting gas in my car, dropping off GS cookies at the cookie booth, picking Dee up and then heading to Cindy's house to see her new dog! Coming home and getting ready for going back to work and school. In between I also need to look for a pair of comfy dress shoes....

Thanks for reading! I am so grateful for all of you and this board!!

Love, Beth

IdaMae D.
on 1/29/11 8:44 pm, edited 1/29/11 8:44 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Moring Beth & PA:

Anxious, Stressed, Frazzled, Overwhelmed!!!!!

Have a great day....



on 1/29/11 9:13 pm

YEP! That pretty much sums it up!!


Patricia R.
on 1/29/11 8:47 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Beth,
So sorry to hear about your accident.  I have had those type of accidents before, and worse.  Thank God that nobody was hurt.

I had a good time yesterday at the Polar Plunge, for Special Olympics.  Today is dig my car out coz the plow came through yesterday and dumped a little snow next to it.  Not sure I have the strength to do it, because I am so sore today. 

I want to attend an AA meeting to get my one year coin.  My homegroup does not award them throughout the month, just one day a month.  I am unsure I can make it to church as I  am so tired from lack of sleep last night.

Have a great day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/29/11 9:35 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all. Beth sorry to hear about the fender-bender but it didn't sound too awful for the car, but it does sound like the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of other issues you have going on. I hope things start to calm down for you soon.

I'm up playing with the dog as usual. He and I had breakfast and are just relaxing before our busy day starts. I have to run to the grocery store then cook for company coming this afternoon. Had a nice dinner out with friends last night so it's been a fun weekend.

Enjoy the weekend folks.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 1/29/11 10:27 pm - Lancaster, PA
Beth I am sorry. Was it a friends car or a neighbor? I am glad you had some help, but I know that when you are in your head and start kicking yourself about something you cannot fix it is not a pretty sight. I am glad no one was hurt.

I am sorry things are rough at home and with Stevens job. I encourage him to put his resume together and start networking there are alot of people out there that know of jobs that could be better for him. I have never really gotten a good job without knowing someone.

We are laying low trying to get better. I think Jason never really got well and he is still sick.
I am trying to fend off my own sickness as well. Sad we did not get to see those we love this weekend but it is for the best.

The only think I really want to do today is get some pics of the wedding printed so I can put my frames up.

Stay warm and safe
on 1/30/11 12:00 am

Thanks for your support! It was actually a friends car. I was backing out of Steffi's driveway when it happened. The damage is mostly cosmetic (i think), I need to find a good body shop....

As far as Steven goes, I will encourage him to refresh his resume and start searching.

Thanks, Beth

on 1/30/11 1:25 am - Lancaster, PA
have him send it to jason he knows people
Maureen F.
on 1/29/11 11:12 pm - Essington, PA
Good Morning All,
   Beth I am sorry you had a crappy night! I cen feel your pain when it comes to your spouses job, I went through the same thing here over the summer.My husband hated going to work everyday, we were arguing like never before. I told him to quit! I would rather be happy and broke then miserable and still broke!! He has since found a few part time jobs in the field he likes (we both are in EMS) and is making some money. Yes times are tough and money is tighter then ever but we are getting through it together!! If you ever want to talk just message me.

Ok well it is Sunday, I am up ant at'em again today. Hubby making breakfast (eggs andscrapple) and then thinking of taking my boys bowling? They are 3 and 5, soon to be 4 and 6. We went sledding esterday hen had a 10 yr olds b day party. Where some one I havent seen in a while said "you look like your loosing weight" It maes me feel good,but also bad at the same time. I have not had my surgery yet and if I am noticibly losing weight now wny can't I do it like this al the time. Oh well just my head playing games again......as usual!! Have a good day all!!
HW-309      Surgery Weight - 283     GOAL-160
Lisa H.
on 1/30/11 12:52 am - Whitehall, PA
Hey Beth.. sorry about last night.  It was not a pretty site for sure.  I hope it is easily fixed.  Don't forget to call the insurance company.  I know you have a lot on your plate right now and that did not make things any easier. ((((HUGS))))

As for me, I am sitting in Steffi's kitchen, drinking coffee and listening to Larry play the guitar.  Steffi is teaching Hebrew School.. well she's at the synagogue.  I assume she's teaching.  Siehara is playing with Molly's IPOD.  We were all up very late last night, but we had a great time. 

Once Steffi gets home, we will hang for a bit and then head back home.  Siehara has a youth group meeting tonight and I need to pick Tanya up from the airport. 

Other than that, we will be relaxing and recovering from the night.  I'm sure I'll be in bed early tonight considering that I didn't get much sleep last night.

Hope everyone has a great day with little stress.

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