Kick Gastric Bypass "Grandma" into place!

on 1/28/11 12:28 pm - Gettysburg, PA
My beautiful PA people..................

I need my ass kicked! Please do it. I don't want rainbows, glitter or any sort of candy-assed advice.  (Dennis & Norm......I need you!)

I feel like I am in a downward spiral!

My depression has worsened. I feel worthless some days. I can't concentrate at times. I don't know what has gotten into me.

I changed my eating (AGAIN) over a month ago, just to see the same numbers on the scale. I have increased my water, decresed my caffeine. I am taking my meds, I am attempting to remember my past and be blessed for my present.

None of my own advice is working for me lately. At over 6 years out, I know it's a struggle. I know it takes work. What am I doing wrong? What should I be doing? What do all of you do to stay focused, determined and successful?

I, by no means, feel unsuccessful, however, if things don't change for me, I'm afraid I will be at that point.

Please my friends, kick my ass into gear with any sort of logical, emotional or psycological advice you have.

I am reaching out...........and......I have my big girl panties on. So BRING it.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 1/28/11 12:36 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Dennis and Norm will be the ones to kick you in the ass - I , however, being as sweet as could be, will remind you that this is a marathon and NOT a sprint.  You have been running a long time and will continue to hit those barriers, (whoa - who the hell took over my brain and used a running euphamism?)  Sorry - I am sooo over that - wonder if I can use math as a way of getting through to you - oops - didn't mean to make you go run screaming from the computer.

The only thing I can think of is it is winter -and while I do love the weather outside - it really does effect many of us.  Also, you are back into work, school, parenting and wifing (yes - I just made that up.) and you are exhausted.  Take a few deep breaths and remember what it is you are really doing.  I love you and am so happy to be following in your footsteps - including - but not limited to - wearing your tiara and wedding dress...(Like how I threw that in there!)

I hope at the least this made you smile a little - and if it didn't - well - then you REALLY need to get your ass into Philly!

Love you soooooooo soooooo sooooo much!
on 1/28/11 12:46 pm - Gettysburg, PA
 Thanks Stef!

Math..........makes me wanna puke!

You......wearing MY tiara & wedding dress..........makes me smile. (And pics to prove it!)

I think alot has to do with the weather.  But who knows! 

I truly hate being cooped up inside. I need sun.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



Sara E.
on 1/28/11 9:13 pm - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
I understand how you are feeling because I feel that way sometimes too.  I recently went on a 3 day liquid diet to support a friend who was having trouble getting back to the basics.  She lost 6 pounds...I exercised 2x as much as usual hoping for great numbers...only to see the scale go down 10 ounces.  I do feel sucessful but still do not see myself as thin at all. I try to keep sticking to teh basics and when I feel depression lingering on the horizon I look at my pre pictures...whoa! who is that person - it doesn't look or feel like me.  That seems to snap me back to the here & now.  The new me and my new healthier life.  My plan B always works for me.  I ask my son to give me a hug...the fact that he can, with arms wrapped all around me and he usually gives me a loving squeeze or tap, melts my depressing thoughts away like the spring sunshine melts away the last icy remnants of winter (this is the glitter, candy assed advice, but it really works for me).  In short- look how far you have come, stick to the basics and get a loving hug.  We are all here for you JoJo- you are never alone and never worthless.



on 1/28/11 9:52 pm - Boothwyn, PA
If ball throwing for the dog counted as exercise I'd be a size 2 by now - sadly the only one getting exercise from that is the dog and he's not overweight.

I've never been a person who suffers from depression - I'm human and get down occasionally but that's not even close to what some people go thru. However, this winter is definitely taking a toll on me and my emotions and weight.

I snap easily - I'm bored to tears - I'm not exercising and can't even get out to walk the dog because of fear of falling on the ice. The jeans that do fit are screaming when I put them on and I've been fighting the urge to go buy a larger size just so I have some that are comfortable.

I do think this cold snowy winter is a huge part of my depression and I'm also constantly thinking of my mom and this time last year when I watched her go down hill so fast.

Guess this isn't much of an ass-kicking for you but I can't be that much if a hypocrit when I'm feeling much the same way.

If you find the magic solution to this misery please share. I'm leaving for Florida in two weeks. Bought myself new walking sneaks and am looking forward to walking the dog and getting moving again. Maybe that'll give me the incentive I need to get back on track.

Hugs JoJo. We'll all get thru this somehow.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 1/28/11 10:09 pm - Whitehall, PA
Oh Jojo. I feel for you. I know it has to be hard for you with your crazy schedule. I would have to agree with Steffi.. What? It's winter. The weather sucks (not agreeing with her here) and we are limited in day light. It is very difficult at this time if year fir so many people, myself included.

Hug your kids. Hug your hubby. Hug me when you see me in 2 weeks!! Try to look at your old pics and remember where you were. The number on the scale is relative. How you feel is what's important.

It wil get better. It has to. Just keep doing what you know you are supposed to be doing and hopefully your spirits will lift. Keep coming to us for support and we will be here for you.

Lots of love and support coming for you.

My tracker


on 1/29/11 2:06 am
The part of your post that hits me is the depression part.

One thought - where do you stand with exercise?

It can truly help us process the whole hormonal and physical side of depression. And I know it's hard to get outside in this horrendous weather....and with kids I don't know how you get anything done at all....but the truth is, you need to put your own name on the list and get some time to get moving. It will help in more ways than one. The metabolic rate goes up, the depression can ease off....lots of good things happen.

The inability to see your own success is another sign of depression. The inability to concentrate - well, I have been feeling that one myself in a big way, and am to the point of wondering if I should seek some therapy or something....but this isn't about me.

So...try getting it moving, girl, and see how that works. When you look at your list of things to do each day, put your own name at the top!

on 1/29/11 5:14 am - Levittown, PA


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


on 1/29/11 5:19 am - Levittown, PA
I am sorry that you are feeling this way and you are not alone BUT I have to agree with Lynn when I finally stopped feeling sorry for myself I decided to be a little selfish that meant 4-5 days a week staying at least an hour after my shift was over to work out at the work gym.

It has been one of the best things I have done for myself. I have bonded with other friends who all are struggling with the same issues (ie. depression, food issues and even relationship issues).

I do want to say that YOU are not alone and we are all in this togather. Hope you start feeling better in no time. (((Hugs)))


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


on 1/30/11 9:24 pm - Gettysburg, PA
thank you everyone.

I can take alot from each of your posts and I appreciate the time everyone took to respond to me.
After reading all of this, and having a "get real" conversation with Dennis on the phone last night, I am going to definately get past this.

Thanks to all of you!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



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