Monday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 1/23/11 7:02 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Good Morning PA:

Monday comes way to fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a wonderful day yesterday, too long but nice.

I was the worship leader yesterday, left the house late no idea how Gene got me to Center City on time but I arrived as the prelude was playing.

After church a wonderful fellowship hour then hung around chuch until 3pm for a concert.

The concert yesterday, Oh My a wonderful flutist, chelloest, and soprano with our organ as the accmpaniment.  Bach, Baroque, some other beautiful arrangements....AMAZING!!!!!!

After the concert went to Spring City to visit a couple friends, one to see a new man cave dedicated to Pittsburgh sports teams predominately the Steelers  - all I can say about that was overwhelming amount of sports memorialbia.  And our other friend who is a Jets fan.  Gene and I left prior to half time I was falling asleep was a long day and way past my bedtime.....

Today work till 4 class till 10.  Statistics tonight - OH not looking forward to STATS...

Hope everyone has a great day - stay warm....



on 1/23/11 7:38 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hi all

Did a whole lot of nothing on Sunday. I remember back when I was a year out or so my weekends were jammed packed. Not sure what happened now If I do one thing I am lazy the rest of the weekend.

I am at work today it is an extended day due to mandatory training at the end of the day. Aggravates me when they require we do these things but then act like we cut their arm off if we want to get that time back. I am here 1.5 hrs extra...i should be able to leave early some other day. TIME THIEFS!!!

Man oh man wanted to start today positive! One thing I am doing is athe 5 day just to break my carb cycle get some semblance of control the move into a kick start. That does make me happy.

It was 8 degrees when I was out so bundle up
on 1/23/11 7:57 pm
Well, we are up to 2 degrees here....

I am working at home today and hope to BLAZE through some stuff that has been lingering on my "to do" list.

Started some chicken in the crock pot this morning for later on...thanks Lisa for the inspiration!....but discovered that the crock pot doesn't work. So I will either put it in the oven later to bake, or run out at lunchtime for a replacement crock pot.

Sunday was a nice day for us - went to church, visited with some friends in the afternoon, and hung out with MIke in the evening.

Food wise the weekend was just okay for me. Eating out for my main meals, with assorted protein shakes, a couple of protein bars, and some nuts at home. It's never a good thing when I fall into that pattern...not eating "warm" food, too much convenience stuff, etc. So today I am back into my routines, which seem to be a lifeline.

And I have to check the gym schedule for the evening....not a day for the pool, I don't think, so I'll see what else is going on.
Patricia R.
on 1/23/11 8:16 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Ida and PA,
Glad you had a good day Sunday, Ida.  I did too.  Our worship service and message was awesome.  Key to the message was how precious we are to God, just because God made us, not based on anything we do, or achieve.

Monday has me up early, due to Utley not going potty last night.  He played games when it was time to go out last night, so I gave up and endeed up getting up early this morning for him.

Today has me continuing a project in my kitchen, on organizing my cabinets.  I have limited space in my cabinets and must use it more efficiently.  I also must haul a** to my AA meeting.  I am getting squirrely, and need to clear my head.  I am also going to try to get to the gym.  I dread going, just because I hate having to fit my coat and all the trappings into a locker.  I miss Summer big time for a lot of reasons.

Stay safe and warm.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Liz R.
on 1/23/11 8:29 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All!

Well i am here at work shivvering! It was 3 on my way in. BRING ON SPRING! Also got here to find out that we don't have any water, apparently the pipes froze over the weekend. FUN. It's now working in one sink at the opposite end of the building and I have the heat cranked so hopefully it breaks free soon.

After work I think I'll head straight to my parents to hang out with my Mom and Mia.
Lisa H.
on 1/23/11 8:53 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning Ida and Pa.. 

Yesterday I made chili and a spinach and cheese quiche and portioned them out for easy grab and go meals.  YAY ME!!   Overnight, I made crockpot chicken and portioned that out this morning for more choices.. YAY ME again!  

Today, I am working and Siehara is home from school.. AGAIN.  Professional development day.. yay!  Hopefully, there will be nothing stopping school the rest of the week, but I fear the forecasted snow.  OYE

Speaking of my wonderful child.. Gd I love her.. can you believe she was texting that boy again?!?!  She had him listed under some weird combination of letters in her phone.  Her friend Julie called her out yesterday by saying very loudly in front of her mom and me, why are you even talking to him?!?  I grabbed the phone, but she had deleted the messages already.  She did tell me she was talking to him.  I have the phone, removed texting and she may get the phone back when hell freezes over.  breathe mom, breathe.    I thanked Julie for letting me know and she said that she's been telling her that she shouldn't talk to him for awhile.  Her mom verified that, as well.  Apparently she told her about it because she was concerned for Siehara.    When Siehara went to her room crying, Julie went with her and talked to her for awhile.  I later confirmed that Siehara was not mad at Julie for getting her in trouble and she understands why she did it.  

Anyway.... working til 3:30.. gym tonight for zumba and yoga

home to cuddle in warm blankets

Stay warm everyone. 

My tracker


on 1/23/11 9:24 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Hi Ida and the rest of yinz Pa'ers!

First things first, Im sooooo happy that the Steelers are going to the Superbowl!  Secondly, my heater core in my car is kapoot and I f'ing froze my ass of this morning!  No heat on days like this is not a good thing.  It would be ok if I had a quick little commute, but 50 minutes in zero degree temps is craptastic.  My wife says I should go buy a new car but I like not having a car payment and have been reluctant to pull the trigger.  I guess im going to have to have someone fix it or get used to freezing.  

As some of you may remember, I had some significant complications after my bypass surgery back in July.  While they were trying to find out the source of the bleeding they did a couple Colonoscopys and found some sort of mass in my upper colon.  Well I had a follow up scope about two weeks ago and the results came back last thursday.  Good new is that it isnt cancerous.  bad news is that it is a Tubulovillous Adenoma (fast growing polyp).  The Doctors are recommending that I have the part of the colon where this is growing removed (resected) through a laprascopic surgery.  The chances are high that it will grow back and become a carcinoma.  So, it looks like I will be having another lap surgery on my innards.  Im a little gun shy based on my last surgery.  Sigh!  Im trying to stay optimistic, but damn its hard.  I wont be using the same surgeon I used for my bypass, I lost some faith in her so I will have to find someone else.  Anybody know a good surgeon for this type of thing in the Pittsburgh area?

Ok, thats enough from me for now.  I hope everyone has a good day!

HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 1/23/11 11:11 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Really sorry to hear you're facing another round of surgery, Swede, but it sounds like it should be taken out before it does turn into something worse. No recommendations for surgeons since I'm not from the steel city, but do your research - you'll find the right one.

Now about that car heater thing - seriously you need to get it fixed for bite the bullet and buy another car! Would you let your kids ride around in an unheated car??

Oh yeah, go Steelers - guess I have to root for them since they're the only PA team going to the big dance.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 1/24/11 8:39 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Kathy, thanks for your support for both me and the Steelers.  Its nice to see that your not a hater like some of your bretheren on that side of the state(ahem Stef).  If the Steelers werent in it and the Eagles were, I would be rooting for Philly.  I also root for the Phillies, basically because the Pirates suck ass!  Anyway.  
And as far as the kids riding in the freezing car, what doesnt kill us... LOL


HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 1/25/11 12:06 am - Philadelphia, PA
Of course you would root for the Eagles - have you SEEN me in a jersey?!?!  DUH!!!!!

Oh - and the Phillies rock....I look good in those shirts as well! :)
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