One year anniversary pictures!

on 1/14/11 9:36 am - FL
I wanted to come post my update over at my home state forum too, so forgive me if you read this already!

 I thought I would come in and post since yesterday was my 1 year anniversary! I meant to post yesterday on my actual date but time got away from me again. That seems the norm these days, but its a great thing! Its been quite a while since I have been in here to post but I read when I can.

Six months after surgery we moved from Pa to Fl and time escaping me may not be a good excuse for me going MIA, but I've been very very busy living this most awesome new life of mine! Life seems to zip on by when your loving every second of it. When I first joined this site, I often wondered why many members would go MIA and I was concerned maybe it was because they had regrets. I would like to say that I have NO regrets! My life is so full and so wonderful that I am absorbed in living now, which is the very reason I am not as involved anymore. So for those wondering the same, that's my reason! ;-)

Prior to my surgery I did not post a single picture of myself. I was much too self conscious to even allow myself to be >IN< a picture, never mind post one. When I look at these awful pre-surgery pics, I shudder. It is very hard to believe that was me. Even my husband commented how shocking they are to look at because he never viewed me that way. The brain is an amazing organ and apparently likes to play games with us sometimes. lol This new life has done wonders for my little aversion-to-pictures problem and I LOVE being in pictures now! Everyone comments on how happy I look, it truly shows thru your smile! I feel wonderful too!

Here are a couple before pics and a couple after pics... I have lost 130 (and some odd) pounds. I went from a size 20 to a size 10/12. At this stage, I am trying to maintain. I feel comfortable where I am and quite frankly, don't think I need to lose anymore.

So now that I just bored you to death, ;-) here I am...

This was taken the evening before surgery. Jan. 12, 2010.

This was taken in April 2009 while in Ft DeSoto Fl. on vacation.

This was taken September 2010.

This was taken this Christmas 2010. This is my whole family!

These next 2 are from this month, New Years Day 2011.

R K.
on 1/14/11 6:25 pm
Incredible transformation.

Not nice making us look at beach pics when it's 6.1F on my deck and the bike has been on the battery tender for 3 a month.
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
Randy Pausch
on 1/14/11 10:39 pm - FL
Thank you! I feel as fabulous as you might imagine! Its been wonderful!

lol Sorry about the beach pics... ;-P  I gotta tell you tho, we do not miss the cold one bit! That is one of the very reasons we wanted to move down here, aside from opportunity. My husband has been riding the bike to work all winter! 

And since I have very little quilting now, I am positive I would become an ice crystal up there in my home state of Pa! I do miss 'home' though. Going to miss riding the hills and mountains and curvy back roads full of lush green foliage! We are on the Gulf Coast of Fl and its very, very beautiful but its very very flat. lol

IdaMae D.
on 1/14/11 10:17 pm - Philadelphia, PA
congratulations!     Isn't riding great now that the weight is off???? 

I'm always bugging the hubby to go riding now



on 1/14/11 10:42 pm - FL
Ida, Thank you!!

Yes, it is a whole new feeling being skinny on the bike. Although I do have one complaint... my butt get really sore now. lol I guess things could be worse. ;-P

I have all this room now between hubby and myself. Its wonderful! I may have to downsize what style bike I will be getting for myself however, I am so tiny now, I dont think I could hold up his glide if I tried. rotfl.
IdaMae D.
on 1/16/11 5:07 am - Philadelphia, PA
Your welcome!!!!!!

We have a lot of room on the seat now as well.  I forget the brand we have I think it's a Mavrick or something like that - a lot of padding for my butt.  It is pretty weird all the sliding around I do at times, been a learning curve to get used to.  But riding is soooooooo enjoyable again, just like when we first met!!!!!!

When I complete my MBA I'm going for my motorcycle license then getting a Harley.  But I've always needed a small bike I'm only 5 foot tall and most Harley's are made for 5 ft 5 and over.  So we'll have to get one and then customize it just for me - only problem then will be the hubby won't be able to ride it very comfortably....We have a Heritage Softail Classic I can't even put my feet on the ground...


on 1/22/11 3:50 am - FL
A couple months before I had surgery I took the motorcycle course in Pa.. It rained, well POURED both days we rode.. (thats my luck) lol.. so I was able to get my "feet wet" the right way I suppose you could say.. lol But it was SUCH a fun course!!! I LOVED IT! And whats very awesome (for me anyway) is that I scored a 1 which means I got the highest score in my class of mostly men who were already riding! WOOT! They point you on mistakes and the higher you score, the worse you did. We had a blast tho, it was truly fun and we had some great laughs!

I dont have a bike of my own yet either but soon, hopefully. We are in the market right now for a boat now that we are so close to the Gulf of Mexico (going on a sea trial tomorrow with a 24 footer actually) but after the boat, I need a bike!

I cant ride hubbys Electra Glide either, its much too wide for me, all of me from the waist down touches everything hot and I cant flat foot the ground.. the grips are huge too, I can barely get my hands around them and use the clutch and brake. My father has a Goldwing, which is an amazing ride but forget it, no way I can even touch that one on my own. Much too tall and massive for me.
on 1/14/11 10:28 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Congratulations on your phenomenal transformation.  You look at least 20 years younger and I know that you are feeling it also.  What a great gift that you gave yourself and your family.  i wish you many years of joy and happiness.  Remember to come back and visit your home state board sometimes.  I am prejudiced but I think that we have the best board around.


on 1/14/11 10:46 pm - FL
Aww, Donna! Thank you very much for that post! You made me smile from ear to ear! :-D

I will certainly come back to this board. I love being in Fl but home is back in Pa! I have lived half my life in Northern Jersey and the last half in the Philadelphia area so this is a whole new experience for me. Having had surgery and then moving here 6 months later, truly gave new meaning to my "new life". Everything I have ever known CHANGED in less then 6 months! Its been fantastic though... simply amazing and I am loving every second of it!
on 1/14/11 11:08 pm

You look fabulous! Obviously you are successing....all of your hard work has paid off!! It is funny how our hubby's don't look at us the way we look at ourselves. It is amazing to me that my hubby still wanted me when I was at my heaviest. Now, he calls me "bony butt"! I LOVE THAT!!!!

It is wonderful that you are enjoying and living your life now! It makes everything worth it!!



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