HA HA. Victory is mine. I start the Wednesday Roll Call!

(deactivated member)
on 1/11/11 7:20 pm - Eastern, PA
And now I'm going to shovel.

Consider this a placeholder post.

More later.

on 1/11/11 7:36 pm
Ha!  Smartie pants I was up earlier, let all 5 of my dogs out and was greeted by what are you nuts?! by them when I opened the sliding glass door and they went out and came right back.  Now I am sitting here gathering my thoughts since hubby & Heather will be driving me bonkers today!  Of course I will be right behind Norman shoveling my driveway and be grateful that almost three years ago when I was overweight I wouldn't have even thought about picking up a shovel.  Shovel wtf's a shovel?  So I shall ,when the daylight breaks pull on my farm muck boots (I know you all would pay money to see this picture) put on my flannel lined jeans, layers of sweaters, down vest, down jacket and leather barn gloves and get my tushie out there and shovel. I may even have a snowball game with my dogs unless its too cold for us.  Everyone stay safe, warm and have a great day! Yay Norman!
on 1/11/11 7:43 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Good Morning all

Boys have a 2 hour delay so that means they expect me to actually MAKE breakfast! The nerve!

After getting them off, I will be logging onto school to download my syllabus and get any initial assignments that need to be done. Two of my classes this semester are 50% online, 50% on campus, so we will see how that goes.

Other than that, just playing Zuma on FB and trying to kick Norm's ass so I am at the top of my leader board.

have a safe day everyone!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



Liz R.
on 1/11/11 8:24 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Norm!

Well I was up at 5, looked outside and decided that my Grandmother wouldn't be braving the weather to get here to watch Amelia so I am working from home today. That generally isn't an option but we aren't too busy so I just told my boss that's what I was doing if he wanted anything done today!

So basically I'll be doing a few hours of work, playing with Amelia and cleaning up the house

Stay safe all
Lisa H.
on 1/11/11 8:35 pm - Whitehall, PA
oh geez.. now Norm has something to hold over our heads... Steffi's sleeping in b/c she has no school..

I was up around 5 b/c my body clock is still on OT, I guess.  I checked for school delays to see none at that point.  Right before I fell back to sleep around 6, I saw that school was closed.  So, I woke up just before 7 and here I am at my desk ready to work.  It really does look pretty outside.  I have my blinds up so I can see it.  I can't see the main road so I don't know how bad the roads are, but I would have to assume since I live near the mall that they are not too bad. 

Tonight, Siehara will NOT have tutoring for her Bat Mitzvah b/c she (hopefully) has her med check with the psychiatrist.  I asked to reschedule tutoring time and was asked if we could skip this week b/c her daughter is home from college.  The tutor is very happy with Siehara's progress and does not think it will affect her adversely to skip the week, so I agreed.  

So... after work, my plan is to get over to the gym and then take Siehara for her med check and get her prescriptions filled.  I hope it all works out as planned.  I just don't know if her psychiatrist will brave the weather to get in b/c I think he drives from Harrisburg.  She needs her meds so something will have to be done.  Hopefully one of the other docs will be there to at least write her an Rx.  I don't feel we need to change anything.

Please, if you do have to go out, be careful.  I'll be watching the roads carefully later when it's time for me to head out.

My tracker


(deactivated member)
on 1/11/11 9:32 pm - PA

Here today and shovel that white stuff up and at work.
In a couple of days I be walking in that white sandy stuff inside of cold wet stuff.


on 1/11/11 9:40 pm - Boothwyn, PA
So how's that shoveling going Norm? I was woken up around 2:30 AM to the sound of our shovelers and plowers clearing the walks and driveways - I live in a 55+ development (no, I'm not that old but hubby is) so this is all done for us - smell me! Of course I'll be out there tonight shoveling a space in the yard for the dog to do his business...

I'm at work - amazing that I have the LONGEST commute and was the 2nd one here - the only one who beat me lives about a mile from the office. Still only 3 of us in - but hey, I made it. Actually coming up 202 was awesome because there as NO traffic and the road was clear - kudos to PennDot on that one.

I'm at work all day - not sure what's on the dinner menu tonight - something picked up or ordered out as I am NOT cooking tonight. Well, I'm cooking some ground beef to put in the crockpot for chili tomorrow morning, but that's it. My night off as kitchen-b*tch.

Stay warm everybody, especially if you're out there shoveling - wind chills are brutal today.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 1/11/11 9:42 pm
Good Morning Norm and PA!!

I got the word over the night that school was closed! YEAH!!! I tried to sleep in, but the munchkin decided to get up @ 7:15! The nerve of her....I really wanted to sleep in!! Well, I guess 7:15 is kind of sleeping in?? I am going to eat breakfast, then shovel, then take a nice warm shower and hopefully take a nap! If I feel up to it I will bake a banana bread, since the bananas I have are ripe I should use them!!

That is it for me!

Be safe out there!! I am staying in!!!


IdaMae D.
on 1/11/11 9:51 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Norm & PA:

I'm waiting to hear our friend that plows the driveway out there this morning after that Gene and I will venture out to shovel the sidewalk and clean off the car & truck.  Gene is still waiting to see if they are going to cancel his class tonight.  Last night he did have class they cancelled at 6:30 but he and his students were already in class and they decided to continue till 7:30. 

I slept in this morning since I'm working from home today as is the rest of my department.
I have a 9:30am conference call, then just monitor my emails and calling providers to negotiate rates for upcoming services to the member.

I was supposed to start vacation tomorrow but I'll be going into the office instead.  My project that I was notified two weeks ago that it needed to be completed by mid February I managed to get out the door earlier than I had projected.  However there are 13 queries I have to run tomorrow to get out to complete phase II of said project.  Phase I was also completed (my portion) and is now in the mail room to be copied, matched up , and mailed to the part of the network that does not receive spreadsheets.  I pulled this off with very little notice - Yeah me - this will go on my evaluation for next year that due to me and my organizational skills my part of this project was very successful and rolled out early!

On another note:  Our general contractor left a message yesterday that the excavator will be out and starting on the 31st of this month, so I have to get my arse moving on this packing up project at work.  So hopefully I will be able to start my vacation on Friday to begin packing, if another project starts to bubble I might be in the office for a half day on Friday then start vacation in the afternoon.  I do have Monday off as a holiday and I'm planning to take Tuesday off. 

Stay safe for those of you traveling today....have a great day if you are playing in the snow....



on 1/11/11 9:56 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Oh Norm....you can HAVE the victory of the Wednesday Roll Call - I am so kicking your ass in Zuma Blitz - it is way more fun! :)  HA HA HA! Who has the victory now?!?!  

I was awokend gently by a beautiful 12 year old to tell me that schools were closed - I rolled over, turned off the alarm clock and went back to sleep....I LOVE MY JOB!  (Yes - even on days I actually have to work, I love my job!)  I am now up - beating Norm and Jodi in Zuma Blitz and can now move foward with my day. Larry is actually home this morning, so I am guessing I will be out in the snow with the fam, shoveling and playing.  Later this afternoon -  I may try my hand at driving and getting to the pool, no reason not to - and then nothing on the agenda the rest of the day - well, continuing to ZUMA BLITZ of course - can't let Norm try to beat my score.

Have a beautiful snow day to those at home, to the rest of you - be careful and still have a beautiful day!
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