2011 Happy New Year Roll Call

Maura M.
on 12/31/10 1:17 pm - Yardley, PA
Happy New Year OH Peeples,

Mark and I are watching Dick Clark (kind of sad actually), we just toasted our neighbors in the culdesac and are contemplating heading to bed!

I for one can say that 2010 is the year that I took charge of my life and while I am sad to see it go, I am looking forward to what 2011 has to offer.

Am hoping that you all brought the new year in with a bang and that 2011 is a year that brings you much peace, love and happiness.





Laureen S.
on 12/31/10 8:49 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Maura, PA.

As the new year arrived, I was in the land of my dreams and have started this new year well rested.

Wishing everyone the very best life can offer in this New Year 2011 and this new decade!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Liz R.
on 12/31/10 9:14 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning and Happy 2011!!! We ended up going to visit my Grandparents then going to my Aunt's for a fondue party with some of the family. It was quiet and quite nice. Mia was a doll as always even though we were out way past her bed time.

As for today I am headed out to Kohls in a bit wih my Aunt and Grandmother and Mia of course  - I hae a 20% off coupon and they have Kohls cash - can't let it go to waste right?! LOL Then it's home to help Chris run speaker wire (actually I am hoping he is done when we get back! lol) and relax for the rest of the day. I need to start food prep for the week so there is always protein rich foods available.

Have a great day all!
on 12/31/10 9:30 pm - Lancaster, PA
Good Morning all. I fell asleep at 11:50. So I missed it LOL. That is ok though I have never really been a big NYE fan anyway, as a kid it always kind of scared me. I watched too many Nostradamus shows. 1-1-11 is exciting, what a great number and way to start a new year. Today one of my HS friends is marrying her prince charming in a small ceremony she picked just for this day. I am happy for her.

I am up early  hydrating lol it only takes one or two drinks to make me feel really dehydrated. This leads me to my NYD goal. I have decided to pick one goal and master it then move to the next rather than overwhelm myself. This is part of my BOT program. My first goal is to drink enough water. I have never liked drinking water or anything really, except now coffee which of course makes me have to drink more water to compensate. So once I have mastered this again then I will move to the next thing. I started with water because it is vital to weight loss and general health and well being.  Just to let you all know still working on a location for BOT will probably be King of Prussia hopefully.

Ah yes and the little guy, he is doing well he is so sweet. He made a break for it yesterday and the other two cats saw him so they are pretty grumpy. After much debate, and talking with people and the little guy himself. He told me that he wants his name to be Sir Yum Yum Chai and that he would like to be called Yum Yum. SO be it LOL ready for the jokes,,,,,,,
on 12/31/10 10:04 pm - Coatesville, PA
happy new years all.  Hope everyone enjoys their day no matter where the are or who they are with.

I like Maura am going to miss 2010.  It was a great year of discovery and renuance.  But I hope that 2011 will be even better. 

I want to continue with what I was doing right and add a few more things.  This will be my year of organization.  I love organization and this aspect of my life has taken a back seat to other things.  So.. Yah for Organization. 

blessings to all. 
on 12/31/10 10:38 pm

Happy New Year Maura and PA!!!

Another year has come to an end and a new one has begun. This year has been a difficult one and one that I am glad to see go! I am hoping that this year brings me less stress, more time to take care of myself and the knowledge of using my tool to the best of my ability. Yes, I will stray but I am strong enough to get back to what I need to do!!

My wish for all my OH peeps is that you all have a year full of happiness, love, and the strength to get back to basics when you get off track!!

Last night we spent together at home, I tried to take a nap but it wasn't happening!! So, after the ball dropped, we all went to bed.

I am up and dressed going to Barix for support to get back on track for the new year!! I am looking forward to the next step in my journey, plastics!!!

Love, Beth


on 1/1/11 1:00 am - Bethlehem Twp., PA

I am so glad to have found this forum this year and to have met so many of you, some in person.

What a year it has been!  Hoping 2011 continues with great changes and continued success in all areas of my life.

We enjoyed the Burning Bowl Ceremony at Unity last night, it is always such a moving experience.  We partied with our friends there till about 11:30 and made it home in time to watch the ball drop before bed.

This morning my new fridge was delivered!  We went with a side by side Samsung with stainless steel front.  We got the counter depth model, it looks so much better than the old one!

I am in the store today until 4PM, I was busy all week right up to 3PM yesterday, so I am going to see if anyone shops today.  That way I'll know whether to open next year.  So far SLOW.

Enjoy 1-1-11!! 

IdaMae D.
on 1/1/11 2:06 am - Philadelphia, PA
Good Afternoon Maura & PA:

Happy New Year to my OH and Barix Family....sending out much love to you all for the support and love I've received from you all these past years and when I say years I mean years.  I was thinking about how many years I've been on this forum with many of you, I came here in 2006 when Gene had his surgery.  I've seen many come and go and many do stay.  Those that have disapeared I often wonder how they are doing and think fondly back to 2006 when I knew nothing about this surgery or journey I was embarking on with Gene.  At that time I never thought I'd have this surgery but by the grace of God I did and it has saved my life, just as it has so for so many others.

Yesterday was an awesome day spent with my bestest buddy in this world - my hubby, the man of my dreams, the man I always dreamed would come and sweep me off my feet and when he did I almost deleted his email when a friend introduced us back at the end of 2001.  I kept that email for 2 months because a friend kept saying, "Ida answer him what do you have to loose"  So I did and the rest is now history as well as my future "which looks bright".

I found the leather coat I wanted, however, it was not meant to be.  As I was looking in the mirror modeling it for Gene, I noticed a mark on the bottom of the coat.  They tried to get it off, then to cover it up.  In the end the flaw was more than I could overlook on this beautiful coat.  And for the money they were asking even with the large discount after the spot would not come out, just did not justify the purchase of a flawed coat. So I am resigned to freeze for the remainder of this winter since I cannot find a good, warm, long, winter leather sherpa lined coat.

After we got done looking at the coat we walked around the Berlin Auction, I almost went into the shoe store because I saw this awesome pair of boot - but again not meant to be.  Walked in the door wa**** with the most powerful - aweful perfume - instant headache for me - allergies went bizzark.  So no boot either.

We left the auction then went to Pitman, NJ to visit with my dad, we bought him a new winter dress coat and wanted to drop it off and spend some time with him.  He wanted to go out to dinner so we took him out to dinner, had a very nice visit with my dad.  He was talking about his life and that in 9 years 2020 he will be 100 years old.  He said he hopes to make it there but if God calls him home he's lived a good life and when it's time to go home he''ll be ready.

We got back to dad and my brother and his wife and my nephew stopped over.  My nephew is going to be 8 yrs old on the 3rd.  He is such a great kid.  He loves his Uncle Gene, he never leaves Gene's side when they are together.  My brother is going through some very difficult job/financial decisions so I'm guessing there is going to be some brother/sister time in our future.  My brother and I have a very difficult relationship but when he's being nice to me and needs me I am always there for him.  Otherwise I stay away because I cannot have that type of poison in my life, dad and I are the same way. 

After we left dad's went to Throrfare, NJ to see my daughter and her significant other.  They are not married yet are talking about it, but there is always the hope in the back of my mind that she will come to her senses.  He is a nice guy - lots of terrible stuff has happened to him throughout his life, he relies on the booze way too much and yet has soo much potential.  I do hope Gene and I are a bit of a good influence on him.  Last night he was talking about it always being his dream to go to culinary arts school.  We told him we would support him if he decided to go in that direction.  I could see him get scared when he heard that and backed off the idea saying he was too old to go back to school.  I just looked at him and said well thank you for that compliment you must think I am much younger than I am - he laughed....

Got home later than we'd planned we didn't want to be on the roads late.  Arrived home 10:30ish.  I fell asleep on the couch watching Dr. Who with Gene - Dr. Who always puts me to sleep....

Gene woke me up about 12:15am so we could wish each other a happy new year, then back to sleep I went.  Gene work me up about 1am to send me to bed.

I can say we had a very nice and uneventful New Year - just the way I like to spend the new year.

Happy New Year to all, here's looking ahead to a wonderful and bright 2011.....

Ida & Gene too....


Lisa H.
on 1/1/11 2:51 am - Whitehall, PA
Happy New Year to my OH family..

We spent last night at Tanya's friend's house with her and her family.  It was quiet, but pretty nice.  Siehara and I both have colds so I'm glad I didn't end up going out.  We watched Dick Clark sans ball dropping?? Where was that ball, anyway? I had to tackle Siehara to get my midnight kiss, but she took it in stride.  From there, I was ready for bed.  Tanya and Courtney wanted to go out, so I took the kids back to her parent's house and got Marshall and Siehara in bed and went to sleep.  Tanya was grateful and I got a pretty good night's sleep.

I woke up this morning, feeling pretty crappy.  Tanya wanted me to stay and go to dinner at her aunt's house, but I knew if I hung there I was just going to feel worse.  So, Siehara and I came home and we are just going to relax for the rest of the day.  I just took some Nyquil, so I am about to crawl under the blankets and try to sleep off this cold.  

I'm looking forward to taking back control of my life this year.  My food has sucked over the past few months and I intend to change that, starting now.  Maybe being sick is a blessing because I don't really feel like eating anything.  I will stay hydrated today and get some rest and hopefully feel better by tomorrow.  Tomorrow, I would like to do some food prep so I have no excuses for not eating good meals.

Well, for now, I am going to hit the sheets and get some rest.  Hope everyone makes 2011 their best year yet.

Love you all!

My tracker


Dawn S.
on 1/1/11 4:45 am - Spring Grove, PA
Happy New Year to my wonderful OH family!  I had a great night out last night celebrating with my best friend and her man.  My man, eh, not so much- but that is another story and one I am not going to dwell on now. 

This has been an incredible year and one wild ride.  I have accomplished so many things I never dared to dream of and now I have so many new dreams that I can't wait to fulfill.  This year I am entering purge mode.  I have spent the last few months working to learn who I am and what I want to do, be, etc.  As part of that, there are some issues I need to address, some things emotionally and physically that I need too purge, etc. so that I can continue to grow.  My goals for 2011 include moving forward with that purging process, continuing to learn who I am and who I want to be and working to get there.

Here is to a fantastic 2011!  Peace, love, hope and joy to all of us!

HW 326/SW 296/CW 168                           
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