** NYE - 2011, Friday Roll Call **

on 12/30/10 2:13 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning to the last day of 2010.  I hope you have been doing some reflection of the things you did this past year.  I have - some good - some I am not so proud of - however, overall, I know that I have become a healthier person, both physically and mentally!

Just winding down after a fun day of furniture moving, clothes organizing, math problem solving and game playing.....when I wake up I am headed to Madame Vohl's house for some girl time, some possible baking, (PS - the monkey bread was a success - it was also a little like crack to some of my WLS peeps - mental note - do NOT make it for us all that often......) Going to come home after a quick trip to the market - with, I am sure, the other 40 million people, to take a nap - It has been too many days since I have had a decent nap....I know - tough life I lead!  Then get all gussied up for a house party at a freinds house - these people are NOT WLS people - I hope I remember how to behave around them.....I am bringing the SF Monkey Bread - they are fine with "crack desserts."  I am also going to try my hand at Maura's potato chip cookies - soooo freaking delish!

Don't get too excited - I am back to work on Monday and I will be no where near a kitchen until Spring break! :)

I hope you all ring in the New Year with a smile on your face and a positive outlook of the year to come!  Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you!  Thanks for supporting me throughout this one!
on 12/30/10 5:38 pm - Coatesville, PA
Mornin' all:

Ready for a busy day.  Going to go out and hand off my wedding rings to be resized.  Then maybe a lunch with Hubby.

Lots of chores to do today along with several parties to go to. 

ready for the new year and a renewed vow of health and happiness.

Blessings for everyone on this last day of 2010.

on 12/30/10 6:03 pm
Happy New Years Eve everyone! we have had a terrific week iln FL. Mike has tackled a million " husband jobs" and is determined to finish them today. He seldom gets to do that stuff at home because work beckons, so I really appreciate what he is doing here.

Today we will do a couple of errands this morning....what's a day without Home Depot in it? This afternoon we have a couple of people coming by to look at some Craigslist stuff for sale...hopefully to buy it! And tonight there are fireworks out over the gulf...provided we can get a parking spot! And I will take down the tree and get decorations put away.

Have a wonderful day everybody! See you on the flip side!
on 12/30/10 6:49 pm - Lancaster, PA
Stefi and PA

We will be hanging out with a friend of ours who has had a rough year and needs some support getting a new start. I have to say that 2010 had some good parts to it including getting married but for the most part I am happy to see it go. One of my best friends son was shot down at age 17 by police while he was in a manic state. The abuser of my nieces killed himself when confronted about the abuse. My step son Stephen OD and died on methadone and xanax. Another best friend's BFF was killed in an awful car accident. My Uncle died, my grandparents went into a nursing home. No family Christmas for the first time since My mom was born. Sparkle died. Serious fall at work.  Weight gain, private practice dissappointments. And one of my BFF is going through a nasty divorce. Been rough on me and so many that I love.

But many good things happened, got to know some of you better, and found love and acceptance not just for me but for Jason as well. Some sweet babies were born. Jason and I got married, and yesterday we got our new little kitty whose name we still have not decided on. I will hang out to those. My plan is to write down everything that I dont want to take with me into the new year and burn it! I am not sure where i saw that someone posted it somewhere and it seems like a good idea to me.

I love you all have a wonderful safe holiday.

Oh and yes  Stefi  would love that cookie recipe sounds fascinating
on 12/30/10 9:51 pm - Bethlehem Twp., PA
Nicole, I mentioned the Burning Bowl Ceremony at Unity churches.  There are two Unity Churches near you, one in Carlisle and one in Palmyra.  I'm sure they are doing the ceremony either tonite or on Sunday.  You can go to www.unity.org to get info.
on 12/30/10 11:51 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA

And....you got to meet and become friends with me.

HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

Laureen S.
on 12/30/10 8:38 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Steffi and all the rest of your PA folks!

Another year has come to a close, lots of reflecting on my part, I guess life is truly about the ying/yang and I will make this day about what is good in life, as yesterday I had a sense of great sadness going on about the things that were not so good about this past year, but in life there are choices to be made, some of them have consequences and others rewards and still others, are just simply about living and doing the next right thing for us, not being vested in any outcome whatsoever.  Choose to focus on the positive in all situations, even those that at the time don't seem as though there is anything positive to experience.  At the ripe age of 55 I've learned there is always something positive to experience and truly what does not kill us, makes us better equipped to live life fully.

So as I end this year, I wish peace and continued resources to carry on and live life fully to each and every one of you, after all today is all we have, LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH!!! 

Peace, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/30/10 9:55 pm - Bethlehem Twp., PA
What a year this has been for me!!  So many changes, most for the better.

I am ending this year in a state of extreme GRATITUDE.  So thankful for all that has happened this year.  I know that through appreciation I will continue to attract more good things into my life.

Tonight we will be participating in the Burning Bowl Ceremony at our Unity center, followed by a New Year's Eve party with our good friends there. 

May you all know that you are loved and appreciated.  I wish you a wonderful New Year's celebration, filled with love, health and happiness.


Lisa H.
on 12/30/10 10:00 pm, edited 12/30/10 11:06 pm - Whitehall, PA
Happy New Year to all of you...

It's been an interesting 2010 for me, as well.  Most of it has been positive, but there have been enough negatives for me to need to sit back and reflect and re-evaluate some things. 

Today I am working trying to finish up a few things before the end of the year.  The office is technically closed for the holiday so that means I get double time and a half for the day!! WOOT!

Last night I went into NJ to meet up with the friends from the SBAAWLS board.  It was nice to meet a few new faces and to catch up with others I had met before.  

I have to pick up Siehara from the Caines at some point and would like to take a nap. Tonight Siehara and I will head up to Tanya's and we are all going to hang out at her friend's house.  Then we will spend the night up there.

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable night tonight and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

My tracker


on 12/30/10 10:52 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all and Happy New Year to everyone. It's been. Busy morning and we're just about ready to load up the SUV and head to the beach for NYE with wonderful friends.

Hope everyone has a happy, safe and healthy New Year and 2011 !


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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