How do you measure, measure a year...

on 12/28/10 2:31 pm
 How about love!!!

(Re-post from FB)

There is so much that I want to say about this past year, I don’t even know where to begin. Today, December 29th, is my one year anniversary of taking control of my life. It hasn’t been an easy road by any means BUT it is hands down the best decision I have ever made. I’m so proud of everything I’ve accomplished over the last 12 months. I would love to share every highlight, every wow, every moment of success but that would take a book lol. So I made a list of 12 highlights, one for each month, not in any particular order… and trust me, these are only a highlight of this amazing year!

1.    Lost 120+lbs- My BMI has gone from 50.8 down to 31. And the inches I’ve lost add up to more than 5 feet!

2.    I’ve dropped 7 pants sizes!!   

3.    I Love to workout- I never would have thought I’d be saying that but it’s true. I even enjoy GOING to the gym. I don’t feel like I don’t belong there anymore, I feel so much more comfort about it. (THANKS BRIT!)

4.    I can run a mile in just over 10 minutes- I went from not being able to walk campus without becoming winded to running a mile; I never would have thought this would have been possible.

5.    I can fit comfortably in seats! All seats; Movie theatre, school desks, sports stadium, etc.  Even in the car where my hips use to be squished and my seat belt barely fit. Belt fits now!!!

6.    Some things that everyone takes for granted that I couldn’t do but now can: Put my socks and shoes on without having to pull my pant leg to get to me feet, Paint my own toe nails by just bending my leg up, CROSSING my legs!!!

7.    I can ride Roller Coasters again!! I don’t have to worry about not fitting on rides ever again. Now who wants to go to Orlando with me?!?! No, seriously…

8.    Zip line and Rope course- I would have never imagined I would be able to complete a course like this and I’m still surprised I made it through it. But I can’t wait to do it again! I’m so proud of myself and all my friends that did it with me, You all ROCK!

9.    I took on a more leadership roles this past semester than in my whole college career and it has left me with such great memories. I had a blast as the Social chair in my Fraternity, working on the Homecoming banner, and contributing to fellowship day (especially writing and singing the song <3).

10.  I got the best Little I could have ever asked for! I love ya Megan <3

11.  I managed to make it through a semester of college completing everything I started. In the past I have always had to drop a course because I couldn’t handle the load but this semester I finished it. And to top it off, I got the best GPA of my whole college career, 3.8!!!

12.  I’ve found my own voice. Over this past year I’ve learned to speak up (No filter Holly!). I’m not afraid to speak my mind. I’ve found confidence in who I am, and I like her… a lot.

  Every day is a challenge. I still struggle with food and body image. I’m not content with where I am yet, I want to get 15 to 20 more lbs off but I know I will get there. I have great supporters in my life and I’m so grateful for you all. I would have never made it to this point alone. I want to send a Thank you out to:

My parents- You have given me the opportunity to take control of my life and you’ve supported me through the whole thing. I know it hasn’t been easy on you either and it was a scary idea but you have always been there. Thank you so, so much for believing in me. I love you <3

 My Brothers- You have been there through this whole journey with me and I don’t know how I would have made it day to day without you. I can’t explain how much you have helped me and saved me. You encouragement and support have meant the world to me. Some of you may not even realize the impact you have had, but I will never forget it.

My WLS peeps- People don’t understand the struggles of this journey like you do. You are more than just new friends, you have become a family to me. You have been there in some of the hardest times and also some of the most rewarding. I hate that I’m not around has much as I want/and need to be, but I know you’re always there if I need you. I look up to you all so much and am so proud of all of you <3

My Besties- You’re the shoulder I lean on and the hands that lift me when I’m down. You have loved me in all shapes and sizes, and you’ve supported me throughout this whole adventure. You push me to be my best and don’t let me get hard on myself. I know going forward that you will continue to challenge me and I thank you for that. Boop!

IdaMae D.
on 12/28/10 7:34 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 congratulations on your first of many years to come!!!



on 12/28/10 10:48 pm - PA
Congratulations! Also Orlando is a much friendlier place to smaller people, wish I could go with you. You look great btw. 
Maura M.
on 12/28/10 11:24 pm - Yardley, PA

You didn't list the most evident one - the constant never ending smile that is always on your face!    You should be so proud of your accomplishments.  Keep up the good work and the rest of the results will come. 

We are due to connect in West Chester in January to celebrate our one year...




on 12/29/10 12:36 pm
 Aww Thanks hunnie <3

And I agree! We totally need to make plans. I don't start student teaching till the 19th, so I'm game for anytime before that. Trader Joes maybe?? lol
Lisa H.
on 12/28/10 11:41 pm - Whitehall, PA
you are totally rocking that tool girlfriend!!! 

I'm going to get to WCU and party with you youngins,.... lol..

I'm glad I have been a part of this journey and also to be part of the rescue team!!

Keep up the great work!

My tracker


on 12/29/10 12:37 pm
 Umm.. Yes Please!!! We would have a fabulous time!

And I couldn't have made it through that adventure without ya <3
on 12/28/10 11:44 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Congratulations Holly,

     You should be proud of your many accomplishments  When I was your age I was not ready to take charge of my weight.  I needed to become much older before I could make that commitment.  How great is it that you stepped up to the plate to become healthier.  Your quality of life has improved dramatically and you can see the positive ripple effects from the WLS.  I admire your courage, strength and determination.  You are an inspiration to this middle aged woman.  Happy successing and happy surgiversary  Take care.

on 12/29/10 12:38 pm
 Awww Thank you so much =) 
on 12/29/10 12:31 am - Levittown, PA
You post made me tear up. You truly have done a phenomenal job! I agree with Donna I wish I had the courage to take the step to make myself healthier at your age but it's never too late to get healthy. So with that being said I would not change a thing. I wanted to say congratulations on one year of successing and continued successing for the rest of your life. You deserve all the happiness life has to offer you girlfriend and I am so blessed that our paths crossed as part of having our insides re-routed!!


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


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