Christmas Eve Eve Roll Call

Liz R.
on 12/22/10 6:34 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All -where is everyone?!

OK so I am at work early. Decided to come in at 5:30 (yes I have been up since 4 and half the night with a stuffy teething baby) so I can leave around 2-2:30 and go home and get all the stuff I need to done for tomorrow.

I am sure that I won't be around much the next few days and wanted to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I can't wait to hear about what Santa brings for you and what your favorite gift to give was next week!

Just a reminder to be mindful of what you put in your mouth! I am all for a little indulgence for the holidays but be mindful and don't make yoruselves sick!!! Family Freinds and Love are the true reasons for the season - NOT food!!

Love you All!
on 12/22/10 7:20 pm - Newark, DE
Good Morning Liz and Merry Christmas to Everyone here on the PA Boards.

I know that I haven't been posting for a while but do check-in and read the boards regularly.  It's been a really rough few months for me and my husband but we are getting through.  And with the prospect of a new job for my husband in the new year ... things are really starting to look up.

Plan for the day for me is to finish up the laundry this morning then run out to get my hair cut, my nails done, and to the grocery store for some healthy snacks.  Then after that it's a mad dash to the house to pack all the bags for a trip to Indiana to see my family for the holidays.  Then later this evening it's out again to our best friend;s house for dinner and presents. 

Early tomorrow morning it's off to Indiana for a full week.  Was told last night they are expecting snow... not sure how much starting at around 1pm... should be an interesting trip. 

For all of those traveling please be safe and to everyone please have a very Happy Holiday.

on 12/22/10 7:43 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hi Liz and PA.  I am sure you will have your hands full over the next few days but so much fun you will have! There is nothing better than children at Christmas and this is Mia's first yay.

We have a busy day, we will be working then heading to NJ yes NJ to see someone special, and then off to Morimoto for a nice dinner. One of our friends gave us a gift card for dinner there for a wedding gift and we gonna use it! We both have friday off so no worries about staying out late.

We are considering bringing a older kitten home to live with us, who is currently at the Lancaster Humane League, he is very funny looking and very sweet. It broke my heart being there seeing all those kitties, one Barney let me hold him but he was so scared he shook the whole time. They had to seperate him from his brother because they considered him " unadoptable " because of his fears, I feel so bad for him. So if anyone wants a pure grey russian blue shy kitty who may not make it until the New Year let me know. He needs to be with other nice kitties not bully boys like mine. I cannot believe I am considering another WHITE HAIRED CAT!!!  With all the black I wear.

Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve Eve. My family are all gathering in NC and now I am missing them, wish I could be there. Probably next year though. Love to you all
Liz R.
on 12/22/10 8:03 pm - Easton, PA
I hated going to the shelter too - I wanted them ALL!
IdaMae D.
on 12/22/10 8:10 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Good Morning Liz & PA:

Merry Christmas Eve Eve Liz!  Enjoy Mia's first Christmas, the memories I cherrish the most are both daughters first Christmas.  They were both infants at the time, however, seeing their eyes light up while looking at the lights and decorations is a priceless memory for me.

Today I am out of work by 2, boss is off today, however yesterday told us we could skedaddle by 2.  On the way home I need to pick up some no-sugar added cherries for my cheesecake that I plan to make tonight.

I received two boxed of chocolates at work as Christmas gifts so they will be taken to Gene's sister's for Christmas Eve celebrations. 

I'm not baking any cookies this year, my daughter did all the cookie baking for everyone else and then she made a ton of cookies for Gene and I, so as much as I wanted to make cookies, just doesn't feel like Christmas without the cookie baking, I withheld so that we can enjoy the cookies Bri made for us.  Both of my daughters have been texting me regularly this week to make sure recipes and ingredients are okay for both Gene and I to have.  I do have two wonderful daughters.

My SIL had to fly to Florida, his dad has had two open heart surgeries since the weekend.  He is on a ventilator and sedation to heal.  Today they are going to try to take him off the ventilator, so if anyone has some extra prays please send some out to my SIL and daughter and his family for strength during this time.

Time to get my butt out of this house and on the way to work.   Gene has off the rest of the week - woo hoo, I'm looking forward to us spending some time together!!!!!

Hope everyone has a great day......



on 12/22/10 8:19 pm
Good morning PA! I do love Christmas, and today is the day to savor the season before it gets reduced to piles of empty boxes and clearance sales.

Mike arrives in FL today! I have everything ready and pick him up at 11 am. It was going to be midnight tonight, but the work issues settled down (thank you Santa!) and he changed his ticket. Well, I think he actually had to buy new ticket, but I am not begrudging him the expense one bit!

So this morning I am tossing in a little laundry, straightening a bit, and wrapping his last present. Then off to the airport. Tonight I hope we can just walk through downtown Naples to see the Christmas lights. And I kniw he will want to see sunset at the beach, which is most of the reason we are here anyway.

I will be able to check in with you all during the holiday, but for those who are offline or busy Christmasing - have a wonderful, blessed holiday!
Patricia R.
on 12/22/10 8:50 pm - Perry, MI
Merry Christmas Eve Eve to all my PA friends,
Liz, enjoy Mia's first Christmas.  My daughter gave me a Grandma's first Christmas ornament from Izzy on her first Christmas.  It is precious to me, as are the memories of my kids' first Christmases.

Today, I have already walked Utley and baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the normal people.  I also made dough for refrigerator cookies with Splenda Sugar Blend and put that in the fridge. 

In an hour, I will head to my AA meeting, then over to my sister's to help her.  She puts off till the last minute getting her house ready for company, so I am going to help her.  I also have to put a letter in the mail at the post office.

Tonight, I have to finish baking and clear off my pantry top, as it is a dumping ground for all the crap I don't know what to do with.

Have a blessed day everyone...and make wise choices with the food.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Lisa H.
on 12/22/10 8:54 pm - Whitehall, PA
I got to sleep (in) a bit.. I finished my OT yesterday, so I took advantage and slept til Siehara woke me at 6.  My clock was set for 6:15.. oh well..

I'm working til 3:30 (or until they tell us we can leave early???)  Siehara has a 1/2 day today.  I think she'll be home before 11.  

After work, I will make something for dinner... yup 2 nights in a row, believe it or not. 

Tonight, since there is no Hebrew School, I'll head to the gym for Body Pump followed by Pilates.

Tomorrow morning, Siehara and I are volunteering for the Spirit of the Lehigh Valley.   We will be helping out in the kitchen.   The event includes live entertainment, winter clothing, including hats, scarves, and mittens for those in need and a Winter Wonderland with Santa Claus giving toys to the children. Children also receive a new book from Cops N Kids literacy program and a stuffed animal from the Allentown Toy Company.  This year nearly 5,000 people are expected at the dinner.  

We are scheduled to be there from 9-11am, but I'm sure if there is work to do, they are not going to kick us out.  It should be very rewarding for both of us.  I'm hoping Siehara gets to see some of the people who will come through there so she realizes that we are not as bad off as she thinks we are. 

Tomorrow afternoon, we will probably do what all Jews do on Christmas... go see a movie and have Chinese food for dinner! 

I hope everyone has a great Christmas.  I'll be online, I'm sure.  We have no other definite plans until Saturday morning when we head up to Tanya's to celebrate with her.

My tracker


on 12/22/10 9:12 pm - Bethlehem Twp., PA
Lisa, I think that what you and Siehara are doing tomorrow is wonderful, I am so glad that you found a place so worthy of your time.  I think you will find it to be an invaluable lesson for Siehara, we worked in a soup kitchen once on Thanksgiving when my son was 9 or 10.  They took him on a tour of the shelter and showed him how 5 families were sharing one TV and where they all slept until they got back on their feet.  It is something he will never forget, I'm sure.  And there is no better feeling when you are helping those less fortunate.  Strive to see the good in them all to help lift them above their adversity. 


Liz R.
on 12/22/10 9:20 pm - Easton, PA
that is TERIFFIC that you are doing that.

We are having a housefull, 2 more are always welcome :)
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