Fabulous Friday roll call!!!

Lisa H.
on 12/16/10 6:49 pm - Whitehall, PA
TGIF!!!!!! It's been a long week of work and other stuff...

Today has me working til whenever the heck I get done with all my crap... Is that specific enough for you??? LOL

After work, I have to go to the drug store to pick up Siehara's meds.  

Other than that, I really have no plans.  What? No plans? Really???? 

I'm working on firming up plans for a sitter for tomorrow night, so I'm hoping Sarah calls me to let me know that she can keep Siehara with them overnight.  She was pretty sure she could, but had to verify a few things first. 

Tomorrow morning, this wonderful woman who babysat at our synagogue on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is coming to our service.  She wants to experience a Jewish service, so I invited her to come any time.  Tomorrow is the day.  So, I'll meet her there and sit with her so I can explain things as she asks or looks bewildered.

Hope everyone has a great Friday.  Stay warm and if the roads are covered where you are, please be safe!

My tracker


IdaMae D.
on 12/16/10 7:42 pm, edited 12/16/10 7:44 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Lisa & PA:

I'm up and getting ready for a slippery ride into work if the forecast from last nights news is accurate so I will be traveling slowly this morning if it is as bad as was predicted last night.

Yesterday, had a half day at work due to a PCP appointment. My PCP was not in the office yesterday, no one in the office is quite sure the reason I was scheduled for yesterday. So I now have my PCP appointment for the 29th in the AM.

I did get a lot accomplished yesterday, got home from work, checked work emails, put out a few fires. Gene had a meeting @ the college where he teaches so once he left I settled in on the couch and had a nice nap. Employers should supply a nice room where we can take naps. Gene called on his way home, woke me up, so when he arrived back home we went out to the store(s). We both needed our new appointment books - we are late getting them this year, so as we were looking in a couple stores for just the right one, we noticed the parking lots around the local shopping centers were pretty empty, so that started us on our journey for the rest of the night. To ShopRite - store was empty to get the ham I need for Christmas day and so of the ingredients I'll need for Saturday's cooking for our church Christmas Luncheon which is this coming Sunday, all the big cooking needs to be completed on Saturday, then to Target to pick up some disposable pans for said cooking of various dishes for this coming Sunday as well as work on Monday, and Christmas day. In all it was very productive, the stores were empty just the way I like to shop. The weather must have kept everyone inside last night.

So this morning after my flurry of activity last night I'm late, why break now with what became my pattern this week.....I have to finish getting ready for work - need to find something very warm for today to wear - I'm running out of choices at this point. Work till 4 maybe a bit later as I want to get some stuff cleaned up prior to the end of this week. Then home.

I might stop at the Mall I have an idea of a new outfit I want to try. I'd like to get a pair of leggings with one of those longer sweaters (have to be careful with long tops due to my very short height), but I'm guessing I'm not in shape to wear something like that. Even when I was thin sweater type dresses/tops were never my thing (just never looked right on my body), so now I just want to check it out one more time and than shelve the idea forever if they still look horrible on me. If not tonight then maybe I'll drag Gene out with me tomorrow night after he's done seeing his clients so I have his opinion just to make sure I'm not getting something that really looks terrible on me.
Stay warm and have an awesome day.....



Sara E.
on 12/16/10 7:51 pm - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Good Morning Lisa & PA!
BTW...loving the new avatar Lisa.

Today is work then Caleb has dress rehearsal play practice 7-9.  This weekend our church is putting on a Charlie Brown Christmas.  Caleb has wanted to be in it for 4 years...they kept telling him no, he is too young.  Well 2 weeks ago a boy had to quit and magically my son with the photographic memory is not too young anymore.  I thought he would tell them where they could go, but surprisingly he said they need his help & he will do it.  He learned his part and the songs in all of 5 minutes...he is amazing.  If you happen to see the Centre County United Way commercial...that is him too...he learned that script in just minutes also..and that was almost 2 years ago.  So I will be baking (for the play) and at the play stuff from tonight through Sunday...looks like my weekend shopping is toast.  Have a super Friday everyone.



Lisa H.
on 12/16/10 8:44 pm - Whitehall, PA
Thanks Sara... that was from the night I did the singing at the synagogue gala.

How are things with Caleb and the bullying situation? I hope they are better.

My tracker


Sara E.
on 12/17/10 1:24 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
They moved Caleb to another bus.  All the kids are well-behaved and no violence at all.  The trouble is the route is much longer and it takes him 20 extra minutes to get home.  He doesn't like that a bit.  The principal said he is taking care of the other kids on the bus.  But since he got one of their names totally wrong when we spoke, I think that means he is overlooking the assaults and hassassment and they are getting away with it.  That is a shame because thos echildren need professional help.  But at least CAleb is safe now...that is what I really wanted. 
Thanks for thinking of him... you are super!



Lisa H.
on 12/17/10 8:12 am - Whitehall, PA
Glad they took some action to keep him safe.  I've been thinking about him a lot and hoping things were getting better. 

Siehara is dealing with some mild bullying and when she told me about it, I emailed her teacher right away.  She was called down to the guidance office the next day.  This was just yesterday, so I don't know what will be done.  But hers is minor (name calling) compared to what Caleb has gone through.

I hope things continue to go well for him.

My tracker


Maura M.
on 12/16/10 8:31 pm - Yardley, PA
Work today - thank God this is the last day of the European folks on site doing software testing - the past 2 weeks have been very stressful as there is constantly a question from someone, sometimes with a line of 2 or 3 people trying to get my time at once.... I have negative patience left today...

Tonight - home to bake, bake and then bake some more tomorrow, then a holiday gathering, then home to finish whatever else I have left to do on Sunday and then go to my nephews graduation party - why on earth my sister in law felt that it had to take place the weekend before christmas is beyond me.. he graduated 2 months ago!!!! 

I am VERY VERY behind for this whole Christmas thing!  Who do I call to put in a request for a 1 week delay?

Well that's it for me..I'll take a deep breath and head out in to the freezing cold (Mark just went out to warm up my car... LOVE HIM!!!!!). 





on 12/16/10 8:47 pm - Philadelphia, PA
I tried to push back Hanukkah to no avail - maybe the Christians will be more understanding - let me know how it goes for you! :)
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/10 8:34 pm
I am up and getting ready to spend the day in New York City with ny girlfriend Sharon for a Christmas Girls day. So looking forward to spending time with her. So Iwill bundle up and once home tackle the 10000 things on my to do list. Since last night I got 0 done! 

Have a safe day all! 
Life is good! 
on 12/16/10 8:35 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Lisa - No plans tonight?!?!  Is it like a Shabbat or something?!?!  VERY strange! :)

I am sitting in my bed NOT wanting to finish the packing that has to get done.  Most of it is done, have to get the toiletries together and double check that we have everything we need - if not, they have stores in North Carolina right?!

My step-dad is picking us up at 9:30 to head to the airport.  Flight is at noon.  Emily is "out of her skin excited" as this is her first airplane ride.  Me - a bit nervous - however, it is only a 75 minute flight, so should be rather quick and not too annoying with ALL the children - including that big 45 year old one! Hey - just realized - four WHOLE days with Larry as he is NOT working.....wonder how THAT will turn out! :)

Once we get into NC, we will rent the car we have reserved, head to the hotel and then the festivities begin tonight with a dinner prior to services.  I am really looking forward to this - it has been years in the planning!  And I love these people!  So - I hope your Friday is fantabulous!  Stay warm and safe! :)
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