Well I am sure I will be hated more soon...
Ok they are doing the office Christmas party at Maggiano's. I have never been a huge fan of pasta... and now since WLS only kind I eat really is my Mac & Cheese and I over cook it so it doesn't make me sick and make it super protein packed...
I tried asking twice what they were going to serve to see if I would be able to eat anything and was told sausage and peppers, crackers and cheese, and all kinds of pasta... I know that they put a lot of sugar in their sauses so I can't even eat just the meat... so I emailed HR and my direct boss and told them I wasn't going because they wouldn't give me a straight answer on the food and after last year watching everyone eat and not me - well I'm not going to sit there and do that again. Told them I would sit in the office and work till 5 and then go home.
Well, now HR has told everyone (yeah great right) the same people that always give me issues are now pointing and talking. I can't help that my PCOS has been super bad lately but I am trying everything in my power to fight it so I don't have to go on meds... and I have never hid from people here that I have had gastric bypass... and well a stupid Christmas party isn't worth being sick later or the extra pounds... And there are 2 others that eat very low carb... So, I'm not the only one that is doing it...
I also have a huge issue that they are providing a TON of booze and then people will be driving home... but I didn't even put that in my email...
So I am again... hated... here... geez louise lol!
I feel you pain. I have a holiday party that is scheduled on 12/16 and it's at a country club and they are providing the wine and beer. I am a one drink wonder especially after having WLS. I know my limits and will not drink but I look at most of these gathering as mingling and having a good time. Last year they had a fruit and cheese tray and I ate that. Went home had a protein shake and went to bed. I did not think of the party as something that I was deprived of. Go to the party and maybe just eat what you think you can tolerate. I just think that you need to have some adult time. I am sorry that the restaurant is not giving you a straight answer and agree that a lot of foods have hidden sugars but look at the holiday party as an opportunity to network and socialize. Don't think of it as deprivation but think of all the big asses people at work at going to have after all that pasta and booze. LOL
Yet instead of just firing off an email you were not going to go why could you have not sent an email saying that you do have some eating restrictions could they arrange for your meal to be a plain chicken breast or something to that effect. Given advance notice almost all places will accommodate the request. It is all about the wording of the request.
As for the alcohol why it can be provided it is people's choice to choose to drink and make arrangements for driving or to make the wrong choice of driving.
In the end of it is your choose to attend or not but there is also a way to go about it so they understand in the future.
Well I asked yesterday before they finalized the menu to see if there would be something I could eat because they had told others that it would be all served family style. They ignored me- and then as I walked away laughed at me.
So, I asked today and the menu is set in stone there is nothing for me to eat. Like I said I never hid from anyone here that I had gastric bypass, and I tried working with them this year about this before it got set in stone. But no it isn't volunteery- you either go or work at the office- but they don't want anyone working. And last year when I asked what was going to be served and found out that it wouldn't be anything I could eat I was told to my face to suck it up and either eat or shut it...
I just think the drinking part is socially irrsponsible when they know people have to then drive home and you can't bring a boy/girlfriend/hubby/wife... so that person is drinking and then driving home... just irks me... lol...
Please take the opportunity to see the positive in this and try to overlook the negative aspects.
Regarding the booze.. that is their problem. You do not have to take the weight of everything on you.
I did not go to my companies party this year for several reasons ...
1. No one talks to me, makes it a long boring evening
2. If no one is talking to me, I'm grazing
3. The food is not good, its all frozen banquet food that still has a chill on it when it comes out
4. My boss stopped giving raises because of the economy, when asked why I wasn't attending I said, don't waste the meal money on me, if you can't afford to give raises, then don't waste the cost of food on me either.
5. I have always been a team player, however, they don't want me to be one. So I stayed home.