Need to vent and need prayers

Shannon O.
on 12/7/10 7:29 am - Reading, PA

Hey all,

I'm still trying to find balance between being a mom of 2, a wife, work, church, and kind of a social life.

At work... which seems to be the biggest stresser in my life just seems to get worse each week.  At work they had an issue with the invoicing and invoiced 3 months of bills in 30 days.  Since I do the cash posting needless to say I got behind because of everything that was coming in... and I also took a sick day at the start of Nov, and then lost 2 days because of Thanksgiving. 

They finally realized I needed help and let me have my old helper back.  We our now finished with November except for one check- stupid NYU doesn't know how to make out checks lol...

Anyways...  I took a sick day today.  I didn't sleep at all last night, my head is pounding and I have a sinus infection... Today was the day that I was going to start processing all the credit card payments.  We basically charge everyone on the 1st of every month.  And every month we keep adding to that day.  Dec 1st was our largest day every.  I went to having 22 pages of CC payments to 27.  That is a HUGE jump. 

So here is the new fun stresser... We got a new CFO and CEO... and I had thought things would get better.  My boss got me off the phone tree so I could work more and things looked up... well today the CFO sends out an email not understanding why are we NOW doing the CC from the 1st.  I have all this extra help now, I'm off the phones... why does it seem like we are still behind.  Needless to say when I saw that email today I was in tears.  I thought we had been doing an awesome job and to see that well it made me feel like a HUGE failure.  I called my boss this afternoon after seeing that to make sure I wasn't being overly emotional (coming off my period) and being sick... he thought that we were in a great place and agree with me that we don't think she understands my job... it isn't straight data entry.  There is a lot of time spent researching things, calling customers, and talking to co-workers like collectors or the cancel contract department... because there are a lot of times where they tell the customer to do something with a payment but don't tell me or they were incorrect about stuff...

So, here I thought I could spend the day getting better and rest... but now I get to log in and work now... so I will be working from now till Midnight I am sure... oh yeah I am basically the only person in the entire company that does my job... I am also the only one that doesn't have a back up...

So, here I am trying to find balance in my life like say a date night with the hubby (haven't had one of those in 2 years now) or say join a gym and workout... instead I spent pretty much all my free time some weeks working at night... I thought that I was going to get to go to Liz's this weekend for cooking class but now it doesn't look it.

Please pray for me.  I'm stressed, tired, and so frustrated. 

Thanks for letting me vent.

on 12/7/10 8:26 am - Levittown, PA
I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. I am going to share one piece of infomation with you. WORK is just that WORK. Do not bring that home I know easier said that done but you cannot get emotional or upset because your new boss does not get the way things are looking right now from her prespective. Do make time for date night with hubby and you precious little girls. Go to Liz's life is too short trust me 12 days in the hospital taught me to slow down I had no choice and TRUST me the last thing you need is to make stress make you more sick. Hugs coming your way and also prayers.


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


Shannon O.
on 12/7/10 9:06 am - Reading, PA
well I might have to work this weekend... they want to run Jan's invoices on Monday and want everything caught up... so not sure I will have a choice...

Patricia R.
on 12/7/10 10:29 am - Perry, MI
I hear your pain and stress, and wish I could reach through cyberworld and give you a huge hug.  I remember when I was working and had little ones at home, and felt like the world was just falling apart and insane, and it was me. 

Do some deep breathing and take ten/fifteen minutes to regroup and take care of yourself.  You must get healthy, and be rested, or you won't get better.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 12/7/10 1:16 pm - Delmont, PA
 Sorry you are going through this.  I have my theories on management.  Some have their jobs only because they went to college.  They have never worked for the company before so they really have no idea how your job is done.  If they have worked for your company its been so long since they were involved in the day to day nitty gritty they have no clue what needs to be done or how to do it.

If it's a corporation they have someone over them and all they worry about is the bottom line.  The further down the work food chain you are the more you get crapped on. I have worked for a manager that micro-managed me to death.  I was convinced she was OCD.  She would pick something up off the floor and take it to another department and tell them to put it away.  She could have done it herself when she picked it up and was right near where it belonged but no.  She had to make someone leave their department to return the offending item.  The whole time she was waiting for the person to return and ask them why they were behind on their job.

It's impossible not to stress.  Just take a deep breath and vent!  To us of


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
Shannon O.
on 12/8/10 2:02 am - Reading, PA
what is funny is that she said she wanted to sit down and see how my job worked... she has done this with everyone but me now... she really doesn't understand that it could take an hour to figure out one check... 1 freaking stupid check... grrr lol... but it bugs me when others look down on me because they don't think i have a degree.. I do... I hate numbers lol... which is why I was a graphic design/print journalism major... soooo not a math person yet here I am controlling the flow of money into my company.. the only one doing that as well... jerks lol!

on 12/7/10 8:57 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Big hugs and many prayers coming your way, Shannon - sounds like life is truly overwhelming you right now. Balancing all those things can certainly take a toll on you and your health, so please try to find some time for yourself each day just to some deep breaths and relax a little.

Vent away -we're always here to listen.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Shannon O.
on 12/8/10 2:03 am - Reading, PA
Thanks Kathy... anyone wanna TP my company lol...

on 12/8/10 1:58 am - Swiftwater, PA


I let the work stress get to me... I let the home stress get to me.... and when that happens I forget to take care of myself.  Needless to say, I've not been doing the best job of taking care of my momma's little girl for some time now........ well, I had a wake up call.


As Shilpa said, work is work and once you conquer the current work flow, the company will find another work problem to slap on your desk.    I've learned to take a deep breath and be very realistic with my bosses to communicate priorities.  Yes, sometimes I work weekends.  The struggle comes into my worklife when the bosses don't have a clue about what do.... that's where the communcation comes in.

Times of change are always hardest for me... especially with a new person in charge.  Seems as though everyone else is outpositioning each other to impress the new boss.  I put my head down and focus on my job.....stay in close communication with my immediate supervisor and things eventually get back under control.

Prayers are there for you and yours.... and remember to stop and smell the roses... or at least break out in dance with the girls as you watch TV!!!!




Shannon O.
on 12/8/10 2:04 am - Reading, PA
I think what is the most upsetting about all of this is she is starting to treat me like the Jerk was here... come on and get a clue and see how my job really works...

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