Wild, Wacky and Woundrous Wednesday Woll Call

on 11/30/10 9:11 pm
Hi everyone! I have been more of a lurker lately and haven't posted much but all is going okay out here in Lancaster County. Today, I'd add that it's a "wed Wednesday" roll call!

The last 6 weeks have been pretty crazy for me schedule wise - work travel, family travel, holiday preparations, etc. I have to get Christmas gifts bought and wrapped early because many have to be shipped and delivered....and yes, it would be easier/cheaper to do gift cards but I enjoy the shopping part a lot more than I'll admit!

Anyway, things settle down now until Dec. 18 when I will take off for FL again...this time getting to stay for a whole month!!! (Working remotely from there in January, tacking on some vacation in December!) Mike and I are looking forward to the holiday season away - never did that before!

As for today, it's just a work day for me. I want to break away to go to the gym at lunchtime, but then it's back to work. Dinner is made - leftovers from last night. And I'll work on gift wrapping tonight.

That's the plan anyway!
on 11/30/10 9:29 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Morning all - I'd say 'Good' but the weather out there is definitely not good today! But we made it to work safely and thankfully most of the worst weather held off until we were almost in King of Prussia. Just hope the winds don't take out my outdoor christmas lights at home!

Should be a quiet day in the office - several co-workers are scheduled to fly out to various locations this morning - hope they make it.

Last night after dinner I sat and wrapped presents for 3 hours - 25 of those suckers! But they're all done for our family party on Saturday - we only buy for the great-grandkids (yes, there are a ton of them) and our gifts for the exchange - seemed never-ending. Toughest part was first coming on a gift bag from last year that had my mom's handwriting on it, and it had been a gift to me, so of course that brought out some tears - then I found another gift bag that had something in it and lo and behold it was the Christmas card we gave her with the Hair Cuttery gift card in it - the one we thought she had thrown out! OK, more TEARS...but I knew I'd have moments like that this year, since its our first Christmas without her - the first episode happened when I found the Christmas stockings, because hers was there.    I'm sure I'll have a few more of these during the holidays - even with as much as I went through with her I miss her terribly. OK, I'll stop now before the damn waterworks start again.

So anyway, I'm here working...hope everyone has a great day!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/10 10:03 pm

   We lost my Uncle and Mom with in 3 months of each othre 11 years ago and so we had the "first" hit us double but what we still do every year is hang there stockings. It makes me hapoy to see my Mom's hanging there with mine every year and think of her. She loved Christmas so much!  
on 11/30/10 10:08 pm - Boothwyn, PA
I kept mom's stocking but couldn't put it up - maybe next year. She had a lot of ornaments that her grandchildren had given her over the years that I made sure went on the tree but again, big fat tears every time I hung one. I guess I'll just be going around the holidays with puffy, red eyes this year!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/10 10:13 pm
I totally understand and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
on 12/1/10 1:16 am - Philadelphia, PA
Sadly - in my experience, the tears don't stop after the first year - for me - they were worse during year two - year three is a bit less sad - but still sad and SUCKY nonetheless!  Good luck as you get through this next first for you!
(deactivated member)
on 12/1/10 12:04 am
In work on this rainy day even though my Aunt gave me permission to stay home. HAHA!

Last ngiht ran to Kohl's to make some exchanges then home made dinner. Watched the lighting of the tree in Rockerfeller Center. I was tired so then went to bed early last night slept in this morming as well.

 Tonight after work it is just home to do dinner and such. Quiet week so far I like it this way.

Life is good.
on 12/1/10 1:14 am - Philadelphia, PA
Wow - it is afternoon - so NOT my MO!  What a morning I had - emily's report card conference this morning at 7:45 - (She is doing GREAT!)  got to the area around school at the same time as the bell was going to ring, and sat in my car for over 15 minutes just to get a place to park within what seemed like 12 miles from school (Not that far!)  came into the classroom and those darned kids wanted to learn something.....the nerve of them!  Then, they only have a half day - so my normal 45 minute break was only 20 minutes, and I actually had to finish doing my other morning routine of school work - again, the nerve!.  So - here I am, students are dismissed and I have about 50 minutes to get myself organized for the parents that are hopefully coming in to talk.  Of course, I am sure the only parents that will show up are the ones whose children are relatively doing fine.  It is always that way - I rarely see the parents of the children that are struggling!  oh well....speaks volumes about why our students fare so well in public school in this district!

After school, I am hoping to get to the pool.  it has been over a week and I have everything with me.  from there - home for dinner, hanukkah candles, gifts for the kids and then need to take Molly out to get shoes for a Bat Mitzvah she has this Saturday night.  Her dress is amazing, so I am hoping to find adorable, appropriate heels for her that do NOT cost me $40,000,000.  At some point I need to actually wrap the gifts I am giving to my children.  Tomorrow night is a Hanukkah event at the synagogue with Emily singing in the choir.  oy vey!  I still am hoping to push Hanukkah back one more week - I mentioned it at the synagogue yesterday and the kids - students included - did NOT seem thrilled with the idea....well....I tried! :)

Hope your Wednesday is wonderful as well as wacky! :)
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