Wild, Wacky and Woundrous Wednesday Woll Call

Maura M.
on 11/30/10 12:09 pm - Yardley, PA
So, I'm cheating and posting on Tuesday evening...

But - it is just because I want to be in the loop of the posts and just can't seem to work a post in to my morning routine!  Forgive me, will ya?

Today, I am working and then heading to a wake after work.  My neighbors father passed away yesterday morning.  It is so sad as his father gave up after his mom passed away 11 weeks ago.  I can't imagine losing both parents within a 3 month period.

After the wake, I will be home alone - Mark has a game to ref - boo hiss.

That's it for me - I look forward to updates from all of you as to what your days have in store for you!





Pam Hart
on 11/30/10 4:20 pm - Easton, PA

oooooooohhhhh.....I'm telling Wednesday you're cheating on them with TUESDAY.  There's gonna be a tangle I'm sure!  LOL

Well I'm 8 hours into my normal 12 hour shift and am VERY antsy today.  Probably because I got some good sleep finally and am well rested.....and sitting at the triage desk.  Sooooo not my style to just sit all night.  I'd much rather be in the back moving about and doing something!

I have tonight off - whoo hoo!  I'm tempted to go to the gym but my doc asked that I stay out all week and give my left lung some good rest and recovery time from the pneumonia.  He did say I could walk and do some lung expansion stuff as I felt able, so I might do that.  We will see.  There's a fine line between allowing it to recover and getting the extra fluid outta the lung by exercising and stuff ;)

Napping during the day at some point and then taking my favorite twin girls out somewhere after school.  Plans still up in the air for the activity of the day but we'll figure something out.  Hanging w/ them and then hanging with them and their mom (Erin) in the evening.  Should be a great day and evening all around!  Watch out Eric....when the cat's away....us girls are gonna play!  Be glad Erin and I haven't gotten out on a shopping trip yet together....I bet we could be QUIITE dangerous lol

And that's about it!  Looking forward to a day off not spent feeling like death!



Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Liz R.
on 11/30/10 8:08 pm - Easton, PA
Give those girls a hug for me!
IdaMae D.
on 11/30/10 7:25 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

A quick stop this morning.

Work till 4pm.

After work I start my first medical coding class @ 5pm till 8pm.

Then home to crawl into bed - I'm exhausted already...

Hope everyone has a great day...



on 11/30/10 7:27 pm - Lancaster, PA
Maura I will forgive you because I loved seeing your roll call post. I wish we lived closer so I could come hang out with ya while Mark is gone. That is the hardest part about this journey and these friends. I love you all dearly, but we all live so far apart it makes it hard to really spend time and hang out. Jason and I were joking that we needed to just move to Bucks County because that is where most of our friends are, or there are within a more reasonable driving distance.

Today I am at work, I have a last minute SAP eval to do this afternoon after work. I attended my back on track group last night even though I was behind I still went. Even though that voice in my head was telling me to JUST BAG IT YOU ARE TOO FAR BEHIND. I am glad I didn't learned a vfew good lessons.

Sparkle has been home and in seclusion for one week now, she is eating, drinking, taking her meds WITH ALOT OF ARGUMENT, and is actually playing a little but still no poo. I am scheduling an appt with the vet to see if we need to do something else.

We are trying to figure out a place to have a post wedding party in Jan and are running into snags the guest list is at 100 at this point. Not that many will show I am sure, but dear lord the prices for most of these places is crazy and the one we can afford does not have any dates we want  ARGGGG 

Oh well, Hope you have a good day and stay dry
Maura M.
on 12/1/10 7:57 am - Yardley, PA
Don't let a pesky little thing like finding new jobs get in your way!  In the interim, we wil just need to find weekends when you take a bucks county get away and come and play with the crew on this end o PA!


Liz R.
on 11/30/10 8:10 pm - Easton, PA
Good MOrning All - trying to get back into the swing of things after the holiday. Mia slept great last night which means I actually slept! I am at work today until 4 then headed home to spend time with her. Just the usuals once home - dinner, straightening up and lots of cuddling :)
Lisa H.
on 11/30/10 8:28 pm - Whitehall, PA
Well looky loo.. glad to see yooo!! .. LOL....

Talk about cheating.. I texted Rocco yesterday because I haven't heard from him probably since Emeril's, other than to talk to him a few times.  I got a response from the texts this morning from his GIRLFRIEND.. yup.. figures.  I knew something was up with the way "he" was talking to me in the texts so I just backed off.  She called me really upset (with him, not me).  Apparently they've been together for a year and all of the "things" he has--truck, ipad, phone, etc.. she bought for him or are hers and she let him use them.  She said that he is a loser, user, gets with girls with kids and takes advantage of them.. well, if you knew that going in, why would you be with him and let him do that to you??   I apologized to her b/c I truly did not know that he had a girlfriend and assured her that we have not seen each other in a few months.    I knew there was a reason we were never more than um, friends with benefits.. Thank goodness I did not fall into that trap.  

Anyway.. that was a hell of a call for 7 am.. as for my day, I'm working til 3:30.  After work, Siehara has Bat Mitzvah tutoring.  She was supposed to go to a tree lighting event in the area with her school band, but she lost the permission slip so she can't go.  That's better because then we can come home and light the menorah for the first night of Chanukah. Maybe I'll even cook a decent dinner.. lol..  Later tonight, she has a psych appointment/med check.  I want to talk to him about her paranoia.  It seems to be coming back a bit and I wonder if we need to change her dose of Celexa.  We'll discuss it.

I am going to call the girl who gave us Skecher and see when we can get together so I can return her carrier.  We are done with it now that we took him to the vet, so I need to get it back to her. 

Hope everyone has a great day!!   Happy Hanukkah to my fellow Jews and posers...

My tracker


on 11/30/10 9:07 pm
so the g/f was texting you previously too???? I'll tell ya, if she stays with this guy, there is more than one LOSER in the equation!
Lisa H.
on 11/30/10 9:47 pm - Whitehall, PA
I never got texts from her before.. just this morning.  Apparently she took the phone from him and got my text.  He didn't have my name attached to the text so she wanted to know who it was.  That was not surprising, since he did that.  But, then the questions got weird and I knew something was not right.

I agree.  If she stays with him, she is a bigger loser than he.   She is already a fool for buying him expensive things.. IPad, Iphone4, letting him use her truck... all the while knowing he is living in his parents' basement. 

Again, glad I was only after one thing with him...

My tracker


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