Monday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 11/21/10 6:30 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning:

Today I'm working till 4, then class till 10.

Very long day ahead....

Hope everyone has an awesome day....



Lisa H.
on 11/21/10 6:47 pm - Whitehall, PA
Morning Ida..

I'm up after an enjoyable night of wedding watching.  That video Maura, Steffi and Beth did is classic!!

I'm at work per the usual.   But, it won't be so "usual" because I am having lunch with Lynn, who happens to be coming to Whitehall for a school visit!!!!   Can't wait to see her and catch up!

After work, we'll have dinner and then head over to the gym. 

I'll either do zumba or spin.  After last week's workout, I'm thinking spin is the better option for me.  I definitely get a much better workout there than I do in zumba.  I wish they weren't at the same timeso I could do both.

Congrats again to Nicole and Jason! What a beautiful thing to be a part of!!

My tracker


on 11/21/10 7:46 pm - Clifton Heights, PA
Good morning PA,
Man, I have a whole weekend of board reading to catch up on.  I was pretty busy this weekend. Saturday was heavy, duty, much needed cleaning of the garage and the rest of the house. Sunday was finishing up on the cleaning and doing the laundry.  Also did about 5 hours of overtime work on the laptop. Was so exhausted after all that, that I was in bed watching the Eagles game by 9:15. I know I fell asleep shortly there after till my phone rang at 10:00.  It was my oldest son who I've been trying to talk to for the last two weeks.  Friday, I called his wife to ask her to have him call me since I've been leaving messages with him for the last two weeks with no phone calls back.

This week is just 2 days at work for me.  Took Wednesday off to cook a few things and pack an overnite bag.  We are going to my SIL house in Fairfax Station, VA.  Just outside of DC.  Love going there for Thanksgiving!  We always have a ball.

Hope everyone has a good day.


on 11/21/10 8:50 pm
Busy day ahead! I am headed out shortly for a school visit - the bonus is lunch with LIsa!

Then home and filling in the rest of the work that needs to be done. Busy couple of days before the holiday weekend for sure.

And it's occurred to me that I have a LOT of finishing up to do on Christmas shopping. We start delivery of Christmas gifts over Thanksgiving weekend, so those HAVE TO be done. Fortunately I started some wrapping (of the easy things) on Saturday. So that will probably lie ahead for my evening plans.
Lisa H.
on 11/21/10 9:00 pm - Whitehall, PA
WOO HOO!! Can't wait for lunch..

The Lehigh Valley Mall has some pretty nice shops and is on your way back to 22, if you are interested.

My tracker


on 11/21/10 8:57 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Happy Short Work Week Everybody! I had a full weekend of cleaning and shopping - time to get back to work and in a routine til Thursday.

Our holiday weekends are rapidly filling now - every year we host a big Christmas bash for my husband's children, grandchildren and yes, great-grandchildren - its always a lot of fun. This  year I suggested inviting my husband's siblings, who he hasn't seen or talked to in year (we have no idea why) and he liked the idea, so now his brother and sister are both coming with their families. Thank goodness we have a big clubhouse where we live!! And that date is fast approaching - 12/4 - and then I found out my brother is coming up from Florida and will be coming to the house on 12/3 with his girlfriend to spend the night, so let the games begin.

Tonight I will probably vacuum and that will be the last of the cleaning except for wiping down the guest bathroom tomorrow night or Wednesday - not sure when our friends from Maryland are venturing up for Turkey day. I'm excited!! Lots going on over the next month and my arm is finally feeling better. Have to schedule some PT appts today but they won't start til next week, I'm sure.

Hope everyone has a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 11/21/10 9:18 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Ida - Good luck getting through today! 

I am at school a very tired little girl.  Didn't get home from Maura and Mark's until after 11 and then crashed.  I did, however, remember to take my vitamins!  Yay me! :)

What a fun nigh****ching our friends get married via the internet.  It was an amazing show and you could really see the love the two of them share.  So nice! :)

After school today I have yet another date with myself at the pool.  Going to try to get as close to 1 mile as possible. I hit 2/3 on Thursday and hoping to get even closer today.  I will get home, have dinner, and then the girls have dance.  Two more Monday's of that before the Christmas recital.  Thena few weeks repreive until the spring dances start.

Hope you all have a nice Monday! :)
Patricia R.
on 11/21/10 9:50 pm - Perry, MI
Good Monning Ida and PA,
My plans changed today from going to the pain specialist to just cleaning and making an AA meeting.  I forgot I needed a referral for the pain doc, and my PCP requires a 48 hour window of time for referrals, so I go on Wednesday instead.

I feel like such a louse.  I was not feeling well last night, and missed the wedding because I forgot to set the timer for 9:00, and got into the football game.  I did see the pics that were posted.  I feel so bad.  It looked like a lovely ceremony.,

I hope you make it through your tough day.  I remember when I was teaching in Philly and going to Temple at night.  What a schedule.  Hang in there.  It will be worth it.  Be sure to take your vitamins.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/21/10 9:59 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!!!

Just wanted to send a BIG thank you to Maura and Mark for hosting the wedding viewing party! It was so much fun and the food was delish!!! I am glad that I left when I did because I was a little bleary eyed driving home, I guess I was more tired than I  thought!!

Today is wor****il 3:30 then home, have to go out to the store to pick up ANOTHER free turkey that I am donating to a needy family from our school. My mitzvah (good deed) for the holiday!!! Then making cheeseburger pie for dinner and probably early to bed....Dee has off the rest of the week after today, lucky her!!

Not much else going on today.

Have a great one!!!

(deactivated member)
on 11/21/10 10:15 pm
Good Morning All,

    Today I am back in work after a fun filled weekend also mixed in with taking care of my Aunt. I have to say this surgery has been way more then just about losing weight it has been amazing friends that I have made along the way.

 Maura and Mark thank you again for hosting a great wedding veiwing party. Complete with the champagne toast, chicken dance and cake smashing!

We got home took one more check on my aunt for the eveing then went to bed to watch the rest of the game. I last till Manning slide and fumble the ball that is all I saw.

This morning I was up early took care of my aunt made her breakfast, changed her dressings and then made a shopping a list. She wants cookies (which of course I don't have) so Den will go to the store today. Then got myself ready for work but a short week today and half day tommorrow then Den & I will be heading away till Thanksgiving morning when we return to a family breakfast. My Aunt's kids will take care of her while we are gone. Novel idea isn't it?

Tonight I have to get nails done then home to make dinner then pack for our little getaway. Then watch Dancing with the Stars with my Aunt Mary.
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