Sleepy Sunday Roll Call

Patricia R.
on 11/20/10 2:51 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning PA,
My sleep pattern is all out of whack, and I have to get up for church in the morning.  I had a busy day, and Sunday proves to be the same.

Church is having a special service where we invited all of the families served by our food pantry to the service.  Each family will be receiving a food basket with a turkey and the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner. 

When I get home, I will finish the organizing I started.  That will take me the rest of the day.

Hope you all have an awesome day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Lisa H.
on 11/20/10 5:29 pm - Whitehall, PA
Just got in.. yes, I know it's 4:30am..  Went to karaoke and then to see a really good band play at a club.  Then, we went to breakfast at a diner.

Going to bed.. Siehara will be coming home around 8, but she has her key and has been told to just let me know she's home and then occupy herself until I drag my butt out of bed. 

When I wake up, I will spend time with her going to find a dress for the Bat Mitzvah.. we got shoes today.  The only other thing planned is watching the nuptials at 9 pm!!!!!!

Have a great day everyone.. nighty night!

My tracker


IdaMae D.
on 11/20/10 8:26 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning;

Today I'm up and getting ready for church.  Prior to I'm going to finish the last chapter I need to read prior to class tomorrow night.  Gene is up and busy working on his portion  of today's service, Gene is taking the role of worship leader this morning at church.  After service, we are having a covered dish Thanksgiving fellowship time. 

After church I have to find a slip, so we are going to head to 2nd Avenue, if I can't find one there then over to Franklin Mills Mall where I'm sure I'll find one.  I have a skirt I cannot wear due to needing a slip under it.  If I had the time I'd line the darn thing, but don't have the time.  Once that mission is completed, home to hang out and get ready for work tomorrow.  The weekend flies by way to fast!!!!

We received a letter from the city yesterday, we should know by Dec. 6th if our building permit has been granted.  YEAH!!!!  However it is causing a lot of angst since both Gene and I have realized that we have to pack the entire house and move everything out to the shed except for our bedroom which is only going to have two windows replaced.  Otherwise all other rooms need to be packed up and moved out for the construction to begin - OY VEY!!!!!!

Hope everyone has an awesome day....



on 11/20/10 8:34 pm - Philadelphia, PA
hee hee hee - I love the OY VEY!!!!!!  And you hit it just right! :)  Good luck with everything and.....wait for it.....MAZEL TOV on getting the permits! :)
IdaMae D.
on 11/21/10 6:44 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Steffi!  The closer it gets to the permits approval the more I want to run and hide....


on 11/20/10 8:44 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Trish - sorry you are having sleep issues - it really messes with everything when THAT is no under control!  OY!

I had such a GREAT time with some WLS peeps last night.  Lisa Schnibbe Hunt, her hubby, beautiful Hailey, Beth and Dennis came over to play and eat and laugh.  GREAT time with all of you!  Today will be a running around crazy kind of day - ready for this.....

I am taking Emily and Molly to Hebrew School where I will be dropping off lesson plans for a substitute as I will not be in class today.  I will be heading off to an Israel symposium with some of my 10th graders not far from the synagogue - the symposium, which I have been looking forward to for some time is, to discuss how our teens handle the Israel/Arab conflict in the middle east and what they know or don't know and hopefully will get some answers that I can't provide for them.  From there I get to come home for a few moments, possibly to see if Josh made it home alive as I haven't heard from that kid in two days....oy - teenagers....then head back out to where I had just come from to watch Emily play some soccer.  From there head BACK to the synagogue for an event this afternoon - oh wait - I forgot - Molly has to go back to the synagogue about 2:30ish for an event for her - I think Larry is handling that one.  Anyway - the Event at the synagogue is from 4-7 then home to drop off the kids - then Larry and I are headed to the Bucks County viewing of "THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR!" of Nicole and Jason.  I am really kind of excited to be sharing in their day with them and others as well.....Pertty sure that tomorrow will be a blur filled with NOT drowning at the pool.....OY VEY is right Ida! :)

I hope your Sunday is filled with peace and sun!  Have a GREAT one everybody! :)
(deactivated member)
on 11/20/10 8:55 pm

Good Morning All,

    Been up for a little while now taking care of Aunt Mary. We had a littel scare last night but she is doing fine now. Which is a good thing.


  I have an appointment with the trainer this morning then suppose to meet some freinds for breakfast. THen I will come home make chicken tenders homemade ones. Yummo! Take a nap then tonight heading out to watch the wedding of Nicole and Jason.

Last night we had a great dinner with amazing friends. This is the true extra bonus of this journey the beyond great people we meet on this journey.


on 11/20/10 9:46 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all. Have a busy day planned. Just got hubby up and after he eats we'll head out to the grocery store for a marathon trip. I've split the list so maybe we can keep under two hours!!

Have some cleaning to do today and prep for the big day Thursday.

Enjoy the day! Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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