*****Thursday Roll Call*****

Patricia R.
on 11/17/10 3:10 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning PA,
I am suffering from extreme thirst and insomnia.  Not a good combination. 

I succeeded in getting my bedroom cleaned, and now must organize the mess I created in my lving room as a result.  I need more storage space, and just do not have it.

I also must call a few doctors to make appointments.  Need to schedule next B12 shot, and must call pain specialist about an alternative to getting a cortisone shot for my bursitis.  In order to get that shot, I would have to go off my coumadin, and that is something I am not even going to ask my hematologist at this point.  I can distract myself from the pain during the day, but getting comfortable in bed, and then waking up in pain just plain sucks. 

In the evening, I have my Special Olympics Management Team meeting at Bucks County Community College.

Hope you are all well.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/17/10 4:36 pm - Gettysburg, PA

Good Morning.

Trish, sorry you can't sleep. that can be so frustrating.

I am at work, not as tired as last night, but ready for my bed none-the-less.

Hope everyone has a great day. I will be sleeping.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



IdaMae D.
on 11/17/10 6:21 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning;

Trish hope you get your health back on track soon - sending prayers.

Getting ready for work.  Again working a half day, leaving work about 1:00 then heading to eye doctor appointment.  After that going home to get Gene then over to Jersey to look at the rest of the proofs from our photo shoot to see if there are any in that batch that we like and that he can use for his business cards etc.

After that just home to hang out together,.

Hope everyone has an awesome day...



Laureen S.
on 11/17/10 7:12 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Trish, PA,

Hoping that you get done the things that make you feel better.

I have had little to no time for the computer this week and thus am feeling out of touch with everyone, I really could have used our support group meeting last night, but work prevented me from attending.  I am feeling anxious about some personal situations and this too shall pass, but I need to address some things and have come to realize that I am still passive aggressive when it comes to certain matters, the old not wanting to rock the boat thing.  Anyway, I have to deal with it and I will do so.

Work has been busy lately and I am hoping that something good comes my way in 2011, as I am thanking my lucky stars for being employed, but need to move into a less toxic workplace.  I did manage to get through the past couple of days foodwise, by bringing and preparing things that I knew would be good for me, so the temptation to eat what was all around me was not overwhelming, as when I am stressed, I still turn to food, which is probably why my weight has climbed over the past year.  Anyway, this is not meant as a ***** session, but as a venting of my frustrations and need to move forward away from what is not good for my overall well being.  I am responsible for my actions and action I am taking, now it's up to the Universe to provide the doorway in which I can walk a free person.

Life is as good as it gets for me today and I will be in gratitude and make the decision to go forth and be happy.

Sending best wishes to all, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/17/10 7:15 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hi Trish hoping for a good pain free, peaceful, rested, organized day for you.

Today I woke up to my kitty Sparkle acting weird, she would not come to me when I called her she just sat and looked at me. Eventually I got her to come, and it appeared she was limping. She also jumped up in bed and started snuggling with Jason. this is weird behavior because anyone who knows her, knows she is crazy and is scared of everyone. She has been a looking a little thinner but I just thought it was due to her actually going potty now instead of being backed up. I can handle her passing, if it is time it is time, but I just cannot deal with it happening while I am gone. My pet sitter never sees her while we are gone, so it is impossible to asses her. I am going to give it up and try not to worry about it, but I would hate my little baby to be alone and in pain.

I am at work, Jason was hanging out with her when I left. Gotta a busy day and then tonight we have to pack pack pack. Getting nervous still negotiating with the chapel about the service, I hope it will be what I want it to be.

Hope you have a good day it is cold so bundle up
on 11/17/10 8:51 pm - Boothwyn, PA

If Sparkle is watching you and Jason pack for your trip it could be why she's acting funny right now - and clinging to Jason if she thinks you're going away. My dog does that - if he senses I'm going out or leaving he'll jump on my husband's lap - to keep one of us home with him.

Will send prayers to Sparkle that its all it is...

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Pam Hart
on 11/17/10 7:53 pm - Easton, PA

A quick hello from me, still around!

Things have been hectic, but good, very good.  We are getting by day by day.

Today I'm going home, just doing some packing food for work, and then going to bed after a hot shower.  Working on one hell of a head cold which is quickly going into my chest as normal, and I just feel run down and drained.  I was going to go to the gym regardless because I have had one day of weights, one of cardio, tomorrow is weights, sat is cardio...and I wanted today to be the third cardio day.  But.....I've been out ruled on that one and was told under no cir****tances should I go to the gym and I should lay down and rest finally.  Hmmm.  Rest.  Interesting concept.

Other than that, back to work tonight.  I get to "greet the general public" for 12 hours tonight out in triage.  Fun times!


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 11/17/10 8:59 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Feel free to text me. I will be up all night!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



Liz R.
on 11/17/10 8:07 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All

Trish I hope you can get these pain issues worked out!

I am at work today until 4, hoping for a better day then yesterday. We did get paid yesterday which was nice. AFter work just headed home to hang out with Amelia and my Grandmother. Making dinner etc.
on 11/17/10 8:57 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - don't overdo it Trish - take your time sorting thru your living room - you're already in pain so its probably better to take it slow and easy.

I'm at work - not much new there. Had taken my SUV in to the dealer to get the driver's side window fixed and they called saying they think someone tried to break into it and that's why the window wasn't working - I'm guessing it happened the other week when I was at the outlets shopping. Thankfully nobody got in but now I have to wait for parts to be ordered so they can fix it.

Lots going on with the kids in my family right now - trying to help my nephew resolve his driver license issues - of course it would help if he would be 100% honest about things.

My daughter and her husband have some big decisions to make. His contracting business tanked so they've really been struggling in Seattle. She has taken the 911 test twice and sadly failed it twice. Now she is considering coming back to the east coast and taking the test out in York County - she worked there before and she loves doing the 911 job, plus it pays great and they really need the money. So they have a lot to think about.

Not much on my agenda today - threw a big old roast into the crockpot this morning with some potatoes - not sure what I'm going to do with it tonight - maybe make some gravy and throw some carrots in it and call it beef stew? I'll figure something out.

Hope everyone has a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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