An Incredibly generous offer...
Shilpa--I agree with the others ...if your father is willing to give you this gift and it is something you truly want to do and it would make you happy and it would make him happy to give it to you then go for it!!!!
What a wonderful gift and what a generous father you have!!! Accept the gift with love! <3
What a wonderful gift and what a generous father you have!!! Accept the gift with love! <3
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
My thought is to accept his offer like he said it is only you and your sister. Reality when his time comes everything would go to the two of you and this his way of seeing you happy with what you may recieve in the future.
The money ws passed to him and now he wants to pass it on to you for happiness. Go for it because as my own father said the Brink's truck does not follow the hearse. Let him do this for you!
My thought is to accept his offer like he said it is only you and your sister. Reality when his time comes everything would go to the two of you and this his way of seeing you happy with what you may recieve in the future.
The money ws passed to him and now he wants to pass it on to you for happiness. Go for it because as my own father said the Brink's truck does not follow the hearse. Let him do this for you!
I am a firm believer that if parents are going to gift money to childen they should do it when they really need it and the parents can actually see the benefit of it - I'm sure your father put a lot of thought into this gift, and he has seen you transform yourself in more ways than one - so I say accept the gift graciously, have the surgery and let your dad see how the surgery will enhance not only your looks but your self-esteem and confidence.
He sounds like a wonderful person but it doesn't surprise me because he has a wonderful daughter who is extremely generous in spirit and caring.
Go forth and be transformed, my dear - you deserve it!!
He sounds like a wonderful person but it doesn't surprise me because he has a wonderful daughter who is extremely generous in spirit and caring.
Go forth and be transformed, my dear - you deserve it!!