RE: Goal Setting (Pam's Post)
ONE: My eyes are still bigger than my pouch but lately I've found myself 'forcing' the rest of my lunch, dinner, etc. down so I wouldn't waste food. DUMB IDEA! So last night I made lean burgers on bakery rounds for dinner - mighty yummy I might add. So as I'm down to the less than 1/2 of it left I'm sitting at the bar slowing down and thinking 'damn, I'm full...but it's so good I hate to throw it out' - OK Kathy - step away from the food - walk it over to the garbage disposal and stuff it down and grind it up. And I did - I didn't wrap it up for later - I didn't sit there and force myself to fini**** - I was DONE and needed it out of sight and out of my mind. Felt pretty stinking good to 'feed the disposal instead of myself'.
TWO: Morning break meal can be a challenge for me at work - I usually keep Atkins protein bars in my drawer because they're lo-carb, very lo sugar, and high protein - and tasty. But sometimes one doesn't quite fill the bill and lately I've found myself 'adding' other stuff to it (maybe another 1/2 or smaller bar - some whole wheat crackers?' - so today I made myself a mocha coffee with sf swiss miss and strong coffee - and had that along with a protein bar. It was extremely filling and I have no desire to knosh on anything else.
So those are two things I am going to add to help me achieve my goals - feed the disposal instead of myself and add a filling beverage to my snack - yes, I know the rule of not drinking before and after meals, and I'm getting back to that with lunch and dinner, but having the special coffee with my morning snack tasted good and filled the pouch.
Do you ever just look at stuff and think 'oh man, that's not nearly enough'? I STILL do that and it makes me so angry at myself sometimes...but like they tell us - they can fix our stomachs but not our heads - guess we're on our own for that!
GReat post Kathy! And funny you mention this stuff....because just the other day at dinner I mentioned I was doing the SAME thing to Brian. I hadn't quite realized it. And I guess he didn't really either...because when I made a conscious effort to stop eating and not force myself, there was significantly more on the plate than there has been in recent history - and Brian's FIRST comment "Are you feeling ok? You didn't eat much" So I told him what I was doing and why...and he thought about it...and said "hmm, you're are eating more than you had been and then complaining you are to full later on. Good move"
Because we were in a restaurant at the time (and I didn't want to bring it home, it wasn't "left over" material I used a trick Shauna does...I took my ice water and dumped it onto my plate enough to make the food unappetizing. No picking until the waitress came to clear the table!
Thanks for getting us thinking and for putting it out there.
The coffee and snack...I'm glad you brought up the rule of no drinking w/ meals etc. I know you said it filled you up - but did you get hungrier earlier? Also keep in mind that it will allow your body to "soak up" any of the few bad carbs/sugars that are in the bar and less of the protein.
Not lecturing...cause I drink with my meals too, more so now than I have in the past, just passing out reminders :)
That's funny Brian said that to you about not feeling well because my husband said the exact same thing!! I have to admit its much easier to back off on food now that my mother isn't around to watch me like a hawk - she used to fret and worry that I wasn't eating enough - guess it's just a mother thing...