Firecracker Friday Roll Call
I didn't make it to the gym at all last night. I knew I wasn't going to make it to zumba, but thought for sure I would get there for pilates. I ended up talking to Siehara's friend's mom and it was too late. We went over to Wegman's so Siehara could eat dinner. I didn't eat as my pouch was still feeling kind of off from dumping earlier in the day. I picked up a few things and then we came home. Bron came down after work and we watched Pulp Fiction... well, he watched Pulp Fiction, I watched the back of my eyelids as I fell asleep. LOL
Today had me up at 5 for work.. YAAAAAAWWWWWNNNNNNN The man is snoring away. Hopefully, they will let us go a bit early since it's the holiday weekend, but I won't get my hopes up. After work, I'll pick up Siehara and hopefully we'll end up with David and Sarah for our Friday night ritual that has been put aside for awhile now.
Tomorrow, we will go to synagogue in the morning and then head to Maura's.
Sunday, picnic with Bron's sister-in-law's family at their house which is by a lake. From what I hear, they have a blast there. They have a boat and they tie an inner tube to the back and drag people around the lake on that. Of course, there will be food and swimming and such. I need to check with his SIL (Karen) to see what I can bring. I'm thinking about making some cookies and I'll just bring a few of the protein cookies for myself so I can eat with everyone else.
Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend!! I know I'm planning to!
Ann---You did fine with role call! I agree with Kathy---be careful with picnic foods today!!!
Not much happening here today. Paul woke up with a headache (yeah---a real one! Not me!! ) Gave him his meds and ice packs, so hopefully he'll be up and moving in a little while.
We've been having trouble with out internet connection. It wasn't working last evening or this morning but now seems to be working.
Nothing happening today, other than hanging out on the beach. We had a bit of excitement last night. Apparently there was a false fire alarm in the buidling across the street, so we had police, fire, and rescue vehicles everywhere. And the building where the alarm went off? Lots of people standing on their balconies watching the activities.
Have a great day, all, as we celebrate the birth of our nation!!!
So, uh, I was supposed to have a four day weekend this week, has anyone seen it? Oh - wait - I had it - but packed it so full it went by in a BLINK!
I've already put a sf sour cream (well, I subbed greek yogurt for that part, too...) in the oven, cleaned up MOST of the kitchen....
I need to finish cleaning the kitchen, do some laundry, and other domestic goddess chores and then hopefully get a nap in before work.
I am taking the day off from the gym - I'm hurting today - between 2 appointments with the trainer, 4 spin classes, 2 days of weights on my own, and Hershey my muscles need a day of recovery. I'll go tomorrow after work though, no doubt!
I slept in, because I am back on the right dose of one of my meds. I walked Utley by the Delaware this morning, glorying in the breeze and river.
My plans for today are to get laundry, tidying and vaccuuming done. I also need to put some stuff in my car to take to my storage unit. I have summer clothes and my grandson's pack-n-play to put back. I have one of those for when the Munchkins visit.
I sadly said goodbye to them yesterday. They are heading back to Michigan today. I hope to see them in Minnesota in August.
Tonight I have my AA meeting. I love this meeting. Some terrific women attend it.
Must get back to work. Kitchen is done, on to laundry.
Albert Schweitzer
I shall do a few quick things for work, do some cleaning in the house, shower, go food shopping and then do some prep for tomorrow - Mark and I will surely be doing some outside work this afternoon and I am looking forward to it.
am also looking forward to support group and my bbq to follow.
Love ya PA - hope to see some of my favorite faces tomorrow!