OT - Emergency Medical Services Week
This week allows us to honor all of the men and women in the very honorable position of Emergency Medical Services.
And we are lucky enough to have one of our very own on this board serving us, among many others who have family members in the field, or who have been in the field.
So, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Eric (and all the others like Larry and so forth who aren't physically on this board) for a job well done.
Having been "on the street" before...I know first hand. It's not easy dealing with people in THEIR environment, when their stress level is beyond high, and be able to keep your composure as well as your professionalism. And then have to save a life.
And then there are days where the fact that you can't save that life is simply devestating. Yet you must move on.
To many odd hours, to many parties and holidays missed, to much time away from your family, and certainly not nearly enough pay.
But for this week at the very minimum, we get to say thank you and remind you how much you mean to all of us.
THANK YOU - and make sure you enjoy YOUR week!!!
Saw this and figured it had to be true to the definitions you guys must use.
Daffynitions and Abbreviations
Cardiac patients
MUH (messed up heart),
PBS (pretty bad shape),
PCL (pre-code looking)
HIBGIA (had it before, got it again).
Trauma patients
CATS (cut all to shreds),
FDGB (fall down, go boom),
TBC (total body crunch) or HH (hamburger Helper.
Car Crashers
"Negative Vehicle to Vehicle Interface"
"Terminal Deceleration Syndrome."
"Glow Worms."
"Pharmaceutically Gifted."
Gunshot wounds to the head
"Trans-Occipital Implants."
The Homeless
"Urban Outdoorsmen",
Endotracheal Intubation
"PVC Challenge."
Taxiitus (tax-itus)
An inflammation to the patients wallet caused by the realization that a they have to pay for a taxi but a ambulance is paid for by medicare
RushPDitius (rush-p-ditus)
An inflammation caused to the Ambulance crew with the realization that the patient made up a medical complaint because they though PD would get there faster.
Dumbassity (Du-mass-ity)
When the presenting problem or presumptive diagnosis should be "patient is a dumb ass"