May Cooking Class Reminder
Well, as we all know, Liz will be taking the month of May off from cooking class to have a baby (I know - what a slacker!). excuses, excuses.
As a result, I have a wonderful opportunity to host y'all for the May cooking class in my newly remodeled kitchen! What a great way to "break it in" (and what great incentive to get those last little details taken care of!).
The date will be Saturday, May 22 from noon - ??
The location is 3315 Spruce Drive, Doylestown, PA 18902.
We have plenty of parking and plenty of space for folks to hang out and relax. There's a Wii for those who want to play with it, so feel free to bring kids, partners, or whoever.
If you need specific direction, let me know, but it's also mappable online.
Here's the Google maps link to us: 3315+Spruce+Drive,+Doylestown,+PA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&ssp n=36.915634,74.003906&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=3315+Spruce+Dr,+Doyl estown,+Bucks,+Pennsylvania+18902&z=16
If you have any questions or suggestions of things you'd like to see made WLS-friendly, please PM me here or email me at kgoeller at nolimitations dot com.
I'll plan on making that strawberry ice cream again if you want!
Hope to see you all on the 22nd!
As a result, I have a wonderful opportunity to host y'all for the May cooking class in my newly remodeled kitchen! What a great way to "break it in" (and what great incentive to get those last little details taken care of!).
The date will be Saturday, May 22 from noon - ??
The location is 3315 Spruce Drive, Doylestown, PA 18902.
We have plenty of parking and plenty of space for folks to hang out and relax. There's a Wii for those who want to play with it, so feel free to bring kids, partners, or whoever.
If you need specific direction, let me know, but it's also mappable online.
Here's the Google maps link to us: 3315+Spruce+Drive,+Doylestown,+PA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&ssp n=36.915634,74.003906&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=3315+Spruce+Dr,+Doyl estown,+Bucks,+Pennsylvania+18902&z=16
If you have any questions or suggestions of things you'd like to see made WLS-friendly, please PM me here or email me at kgoeller at nolimitations dot com.
I'll plan on making that strawberry ice cream again if you want!
Hope to see you all on the 22nd!
Yep - that's pretty much how it works. Wasn't fun, but it worked and was a LOT gentler than Pitocin with more natural contractions. Just...well.... yuck. 'Nuf said. But then again, there's not much that's NOT yucky about this process when you get right down to it. ;-)
If it gets to that point, go with the black cohosh. (Wegmans has the tincture, btw, as well as the pills... in the organic section by the vitamins and herbs - in case you can't find the tea. You can do the tincture in ho****er or hot tea - a lot more controlled in dosage that way.)
If it gets to that point, go with the black cohosh. (Wegmans has the tincture, btw, as well as the pills... in the organic section by the vitamins and herbs - in case you can't find the tea. You can do the tincture in ho****er or hot tea - a lot more controlled in dosage that way.)
Thanks Karen! I think I'll stop and get the tincture (does it have to go in something hot? Mabye I'll make a "labor coctail" and put it in the raspberry tea! lol) tomorrow if nothing is going on. I have been dying for sushi (the cooked stuff) even though I have been so nauseous so I'll get it while I am there.
I'd say "go with the craving" in terms of something to eat - at this point, it's critical that you keep up your strength and keep yourself well hydrated. So anything that sounds good to you is a great idea.
As to the tincture, they all pretty much taste horrible, so something hot makes it a little more palatable. Watch the dosages carefully, of course, and don't overdo it.
As to the tincture, they all pretty much taste horrible, so something hot makes it a little more palatable. Watch the dosages carefully, of course, and don't overdo it.
That's what I have been doing - going with the craving. Of course it isn't all WLS friendly but I'll get back on track when baby comes.
Thanks for the advice (as always!!) I'll give it a whirl. I can chug just about anything lol learned that from several CT scans with barium :) Of course I will read the label and follow the directions - don't want to put me or baby at any risk.
Thanks for the advice (as always!!) I'll give it a whirl. I can chug just about anything lol learned that from several CT scans with barium :) Of course I will read the label and follow the directions - don't want to put me or baby at any risk.