Today's Flat Abs Tip
Stay on track, with a little help from your phone.
Overcome the shoulda-woulda-couldas! Try this smart two-second trick for getting off your butt and into your sports bra.
We know how it goes: You totally meant to get up to work out this morning. But your bed was so cozy and warm and you figured you could do it later. And then—ugh!—the day got nutty and you had to work late and…yeah. It’s that whole time-getting-away-from-you thing. A good way to motivate—and make sure you don’t miss workouts—is to treat them like any other can’t-miss appointment. Set the alarm on your phone for your 6 A.M. jog and put in on the other side of the room, right next to your workout clothes, so you’ll have to get out of bed to shut it off. Or program it to ring at 7 P.M. as a reminder to leave the office and head to the gym.