Plastics Anyone?
Hi Everyone!
Well, I think it has been a year since I’ve posted. It is good to see the boards still very active!
A few weeks ago I celebrated 3 years post op! I just cannot imagine that. For those of you who do not know me, take a peek at my profile and photos. There is hope!! I am maintaining a 235lb weight loss so it does work! It is still a lot of work and there are many ups and downs but I have learned so much about me, life, others, love and God over the past 3 years. If you are on the fence, just think about where you want to be 1, 3, 5, 10 years down the road. Maybe that will help you see the ‘you’ God created you to be!
I have a question for those of you who have had plastic surgery. In about 2 weeks, I will be having a lower body lift. I never thought I’d be going in for more surgery but here I am. The massive amounts of excess skin is harming my back and neck. I cannot stand up straight and it hurts to stand or even lay down. So, to help me to be healthy, pain free and well, yes.. look better, I am having plastics. I am not looking forward to the recuperation but I am looking forward to the eventual outcome. I am hoping I can stand up straight, sleep without pain and maybe even wear a shirt that doesn’t have to go to my knees to cover the skin!
Does anyone who has had a lower body lift or even a tummy tuck have any suggestions on things to get for post op time? I have increased my protein intake and I am taking additional vitamins to help in healing. Is there anything that after surgery you thought, “if only I had known to….”? I got a big dress to wear home and I will likely bring my own pillow to hug. Is there anything you would recommend?
I hope everyone is doing well!
Yea, I am not looking forward to immediately after surgery BUT if I can stand up straight and actually move my neck without me having to pull my flesh up, it will be a beautiful thing!
Thanks again!
What you are, is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself, is your gift to God.