Lies Lies Blog Update
I understand what u r sayin Nicole, I am lucky that I m not an emotional eater or I would be there aleady, I only eat cause I love the taste of food which I dont like anymore.I have been getting depressed lately & I say to NOrm I dont know what I m looking for I m not happy and I dont know why. I have a shopping addiction to make me happy and then it doesnt work. I dont understand why. I have the most wonderful husband in the world who would do anything for me he gives me what ever I want as u know all the plastics I had, if I could only get my tummt done I would be happy well it lasts for a while then if i could do my thighs, then if I could do my butt, then my arms and when I had to get carpal tunnell done i didn't tell Norm until the day before that I was doing my neck/face and he says whatever makes u happy sweetheart n it does for a short time, well i m done cutting up my body cause there is nothing left to do to my body and some days I m still not happy. I thought if I get a job during the week that would do it but I cant work I have the balloon business that I work from home and thank God is very profitable so it is not a money issue. I go out shopping to the mall just to walk around there is nothing even left to buy at NY & C I think I have it all I just counted my summer sandals & shoes I have 42 pr. I am going to star****ching my Grandson at his house maybe that will make me feel better. by getting out of my house.. I m hoping with the spring/summer maybe that will make me feel better. I just know I have to deal with it. I have a lot of WONDERFUL friends that support me and help but I will not medicate myself to get thru this, cause I can do it. you dont know me well enough but my theme song is
" I WILL SURVIVE" and I will and u will to.. I wish you luck in your ability to help yourself as u have helped others
" I WILL SURVIVE" and I will and u will to.. I wish you luck in your ability to help yourself as u have helped others
Susan if you are seeking and unfufilled, and the food doesnt do it, the clothes dont do it, the plastics dont do it. I would say that it may be a good use of your time to get some kind of help professionally Go see someone who can help you figure out " what the cake is" or what the next pair of shoes mean to you. I have done this and it is helpful, It is not easy, and I am still trying to put the things I have learned in place. But frankly I got tired of being empty and knew there was no cake big enough or belly flat enough that would fill it. If you need any suggested readings or anything let me know.