***Soaking Saturday roll call***
Good Morning Pam & PA;
Today I have to go to St. Davids, PA to pick up my cap and gown. This will be a memorable day of rain.
Tomorrow is 6 months since my surgey wow.....
My cell phone is also messed up so looks like Gene and I need to go shopping for a cell phone - guess it's time I've had the phone since 2003 :-) I hate changing phones once I now how to work one. We might also change carriers depending on the possiblity of our current carrier refusing to honor our current contract which is a very old contract and I'm sure they will do everything they can to get us on a much more expensive plan. Also the reason for us not updating our phones since 2003 :-)
Also need to stop and pick up some meat at Whole Foods and some fruit.
Maybe I'll make a Carrot Cake today or tomorrow. Then have to figure out what to cook for the week and pack up in our little containers.
HOpe everyone manages to stay dry today....have a great day!
HAve a good day and be safe if you have to go out!
We are going to the farmer market here in town, then off to a local winery for a wine and seafood festival!! Guess who is not driving tonight!! We are hoping our children act like little angels but im hoping for the best and expecting the worst!! LOL i love my babies!!
We are going to enjoy the weather while we can!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!
This morning I got to sleep in - I actually slept in Molly's bed last night - I got home from Mah Jongg at 1:30 and Molly and Emily were sprawled out in my bed with Larry and I was just too tired to move anyone - so I climbed in Molly's bed and slept nicely until about 4:30 when Molly came in and told me to go back into my own bed, at which time I rolled over and ignored her.
Today - I just realied thatMolly was supposed to be at a City Year even 40 minutes ago - oops - so I am gettin goff the computer to take her - then off to the market for Larry to make dinner for people we are having over for Joshua's 15th birthday which is tomorrow. Larry is already cranky - should make fo ran interesting day! So - after the market I am heading over to practice for the Mother's Dance for the girls dance troop and then Emily has her class. This afternoon will consist of cleaning and getting ready for peopel to come over and then they will show up.
I hope you all have a nice day and try to stay dry!
Hope you all stay dry and safe