Langhorne Barix 1st Saturday - will bring lots of 20's & 22's if any interest
Not sure if anyone that is coming to the meeting is in need of size 22's and 20's to help keep you clothed while losing - jeans, sweaters, casual tops, professional clothes - I won't lug everything and will donate it if there isn't any interest. If there is interest, let me know and I will lug the clothes with me.
I would lug it anyway - there are a lot of people who are not on the boards who come to the meetings. I know I got and gave away a lot of stuff at the meetings. Also, if you plan on going to Liz's cooking class I was able to help out a lot of people there as well. So that is another option.
I am still trying to figure out a way to get to the meeting this weekend. Hope to see you there! :)
I am still trying to figure out a way to get to the meeting this weekend. Hope to see you there! :)