OT - Whine!
Good Morning Gang - I need somewhere to whine and where better then the shoulders of my PA family?!
I am almost 24 weeks pregnant and I am getting scared. I know - you are all going to tell me that it is normal first time mommy-to-be panic. I am already uncomfortable, this baby is the best blessing I could ever ask for and I wouldn't trade one second of it for anything! I would also do anything in my power to make sure that my baby is healthy, even at my own sacrifice.
I know some of this is because of the low labs that need to be straightened out too.
That being said. I can't sleep. My legs hurt and fall asleep, my back aches and I barely get through my day because I am so tired. I have cut back on my "extras" but refuse to stop living my life because I know the less I do the worse it will be. I am an emotional wreck. I cry over well everything! lol Because I am home by myself, because someone doesn't answer the phone, because the bank gave me a hard time - you name it! I try not to complain to anyone, even Chris because well I want to be pregnant more then anything and can't wait until I get to meet my little one in a few months! I worry about going back to work afterwards, working up until delivery before hand, and even just getting through the next 16 weeks +/-! I know I will do it and it will all be OK but wow!
No need for anyone to even reply - thanks for listening to me ramble away!
I am almost 24 weeks pregnant and I am getting scared. I know - you are all going to tell me that it is normal first time mommy-to-be panic. I am already uncomfortable, this baby is the best blessing I could ever ask for and I wouldn't trade one second of it for anything! I would also do anything in my power to make sure that my baby is healthy, even at my own sacrifice.
I know some of this is because of the low labs that need to be straightened out too.
That being said. I can't sleep. My legs hurt and fall asleep, my back aches and I barely get through my day because I am so tired. I have cut back on my "extras" but refuse to stop living my life because I know the less I do the worse it will be. I am an emotional wreck. I cry over well everything! lol Because I am home by myself, because someone doesn't answer the phone, because the bank gave me a hard time - you name it! I try not to complain to anyone, even Chris because well I want to be pregnant more then anything and can't wait until I get to meet my little one in a few months! I worry about going back to work afterwards, working up until delivery before hand, and even just getting through the next 16 weeks +/-! I know I will do it and it will all be OK but wow!
No need for anyone to even reply - thanks for listening to me ramble away!
You WILL get through it.
How? Mustering through each day. It's what mommies do. Often times you don't know how to get through one day.....let alone the next moment. But you do. There's no secret plan or grand advice. It's just a matter of getting through moment by moment. And it doesn't end when you deliver, it continues. Some days it seems easy, some days it seems hard. But God never gives you more than you can handle.
Life is GOOD. Remember that. And remember that you aren't the first person to experience this and you won't be the last. It's normal. YOU ARE NORMAL! LOL
Hang in there Liz.......and lots of hugs to you for those moments you feel like you are going to lose it. You won't, it just may feel like it.
How? Mustering through each day. It's what mommies do. Often times you don't know how to get through one day.....let alone the next moment. But you do. There's no secret plan or grand advice. It's just a matter of getting through moment by moment. And it doesn't end when you deliver, it continues. Some days it seems easy, some days it seems hard. But God never gives you more than you can handle.
Life is GOOD. Remember that. And remember that you aren't the first person to experience this and you won't be the last. It's normal. YOU ARE NORMAL! LOL
Hang in there Liz.......and lots of hugs to you for those moments you feel like you are going to lose it. You won't, it just may feel like it.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Ah Liz, I do remember those days and you are completely normal. The leg pain you're going through isn't fun... have you tried sleeping in a recliner in a not-fully-reclined position? I remember that helping me for the last couple of months with Becky when I had the sciatica so badly. It's actually also healthier for the baby because the weight of the uterus isn't pressing on the blood vessels behind it and restricting blood flow (the reason they tell you to sleep on your side after a certain point).
As to the lack of sleep, just try to see it as preparation for the early days after delivery, when you'll be sleeping only when the baby is and having interrupted "light" sleep because you always have one ear on alert for any odd noise the baby makes. Just such fun.
You're also hormonally flooded right now, which is going to make the emotional transition you're going through even harder - the crying, mood swings, irrational things, all that fun! It's normal to be scared and to be worried about how things will be "A.B." (after baby), but that's all being magnified by the chemistry in your body - do your best to remind yourself (and Chris) that that's what's going on... and let Chris know how you feel! No one who knows you would doubt for a second that you want this baby - and complaining about what you feel doesn't counteract that at all! If anything, it will help him feel more connected to the pregnancy "experience" and to you.
You're an amazingly strong woman, and you will get through this. Trust yourself and trust your body, which has evolved over millions of years to be ideally suited for the task it's going through right now.
As to the lack of sleep, just try to see it as preparation for the early days after delivery, when you'll be sleeping only when the baby is and having interrupted "light" sleep because you always have one ear on alert for any odd noise the baby makes. Just such fun.
You're also hormonally flooded right now, which is going to make the emotional transition you're going through even harder - the crying, mood swings, irrational things, all that fun! It's normal to be scared and to be worried about how things will be "A.B." (after baby), but that's all being magnified by the chemistry in your body - do your best to remind yourself (and Chris) that that's what's going on... and let Chris know how you feel! No one who knows you would doubt for a second that you want this baby - and complaining about what you feel doesn't counteract that at all! If anything, it will help him feel more connected to the pregnancy "experience" and to you.
You're an amazingly strong woman, and you will get through this. Trust yourself and trust your body, which has evolved over millions of years to be ideally suited for the task it's going through right now.
Whine away sweetie. Emotions are always running ramped when you are preggo. Ask my hubby who used to tell me that I owe him big since I cried on his shoulders or bit his head off for no reasons. BUT remember it's all worth it in the end. This too shall pass. You deserve to be selfish especially when preggo. Take care of yourself. Do you have restless leg syndrom? It's worth mentioning to your OB or primary doctor. Just a suggestion. Remember you are loved!