I'm a mess
Hi there, I meant to reply sooner but couldn't find your post. You and I had surgery on the same day and we seem to be around the same point in recovery. I still don't drink plain water - maybe I need to try it again since I haven't in awhile. Like others in OH said, my tastes have changed after the surgery but luckily, I still like artificial sweeteners but don't really like eating/drinking so many sweet tasting things. I am able to tolerate the Unjury protein products and Believe drinks better than any others. Unjury smells terrible but tastes ok. Truthfully, I wouldn't get any protein at all if it wasn't for the Unjury chicken soup and unflavored Unjury. I probably eat no more than 1/2 cup of food all day - that may be normal I don't know. I am not adventurous at all about food because my stomach is on the grouchy side. I have thrown up around 5 times since the surgery. My husband always has to remind me to eat and drink slowly because eating too fast aggravates my stomach. I am trying to exercise but don't everyday like I should because I get so darn exhausted just getting through the day. When people asking me how I am doing I tell them the same thing - I am getting better in baby steps. I definitely feel better in many ways but still have alot farther to go in others. But you and I made a great decision to have the surgery done and there is no turning back. We have got to hang in there and try not to be so hard on ourselves. I had two major surgeries last year and learned really quickly that I am a slow healer. Aren't we lucky to have the support of the people on this website? If you want to you can send me messages directly and we will try to keep each other uplifted.
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. 2 Tim 1:7