Cooking Class SAturday Roll Call
YEp - just cause I can! lol Making ROll Call all about me! :)
OK so I am going to vent here because it is the only "safe" place. Hubby wants me to go somewhere with him tomorrow. I haven't been home for a day to get things done in 2 weeeks. Not to mention I am not sleeping well because of these darn leg problems and I just want to hang out at home with him and veg. WEll this morning he tries giving me the guilt trip about not wanting to go to his AUnt and Uncle's tomorrow (mind you these people NEVER call to see how the pregnancy is going, NEVER come up when we invite them and ALWAYS have an excuse). Ugh! I feel a fight coming on - after cooking class of course! lol
WEll I am prepping some things for cooking class and that's about it for the day! Looking forward to a day of friends and support - oh yea and great food! lol
Thanks for listening to me rant
PS - I decided when I had my miscarriage that I was going to be more selfish - I have to focus more on me and my little squiggle monster baby :) LAtely I've realized that this isn't a bad thing but a GREAT thing!
OK so I am going to vent here because it is the only "safe" place. Hubby wants me to go somewhere with him tomorrow. I haven't been home for a day to get things done in 2 weeeks. Not to mention I am not sleeping well because of these darn leg problems and I just want to hang out at home with him and veg. WEll this morning he tries giving me the guilt trip about not wanting to go to his AUnt and Uncle's tomorrow (mind you these people NEVER call to see how the pregnancy is going, NEVER come up when we invite them and ALWAYS have an excuse). Ugh! I feel a fight coming on - after cooking class of course! lol
WEll I am prepping some things for cooking class and that's about it for the day! Looking forward to a day of friends and support - oh yea and great food! lol
Thanks for listening to me rant
PS - I decided when I had my miscarriage that I was going to be more selfish - I have to focus more on me and my little squiggle monster baby :) LAtely I've realized that this isn't a bad thing but a GREAT thing!
Afternoon everyone Liz I don't blame you at all. Hope everyone enjoys thier day out today!!! Me well right now Nana is pissed at me because I let my dad drive my car up to the grage to put air in the tires for me. I told her I would nto let him drive it but I changed my mind because I hate putting air in the my tires oh well she will get over it.. when he brings it back we are off to Allentown to the mall nana wants me to take her to get new pair of sneakers and my bff send me gift card for barnes and noble in the mail I just got it today so I think I will get few books their today and enjoy the beautiful day outside as well.....
Hello all...........
It's afternoon but still stopped in. Many of you are at Liz's, many are heading to other places. I am home! LOL. The wrestling match today was alot of chaos and chasing after Riley. So kids are hanging out, Johnny is working on Sawyer race Kart, and I am surfing the internet. LOL
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
It's afternoon but still stopped in. Many of you are at Liz's, many are heading to other places. I am home! LOL. The wrestling match today was alot of chaos and chasing after Riley. So kids are hanging out, Johnny is working on Sawyer race Kart, and I am surfing the internet. LOL
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
well Liz here is where I get flamed but I would have just said to my hubby ....ya know sweetie our house really needs to get cleaned and I would greatly appreciate your help and if that doesn't work I would just say to him....sweetie go without me I am sure you will be fine. And guess what Liz you are allowed to be selfi****s not a bad thing! I personally would have opened my mouth if it were George's family and let them know how rude they are when you are making the effort to have a relationship and they are not receptive but I hate to say this my mouth does get me into trouble because I swore to myself that when I re-found myself I was never ever going to hold things inside but thats just me. Look out world Linda's back!
Oh....I'm soooo sorry I didn't see this yesterday! I would have definately talked to you about it when I was over. I hope things went ok last night and that things are ok today. Hugs!
Anyway - yesterday - I did prep in the morning, went to your house in the afternoon and had a GREAT time with so many good friends and so many good recipies, got my car stuck on your grass and did some damage to your lawn, felt like a moron for doing it, then headed out to Lancaster for the "slumber party" which was a lot of fun, found a new wine that I like (damn you mary), came home, gave hubby a back rub (your basement and his back did not get along to well) and then went to bed! Ok...Readers Digest version but all true!
Anyway - yesterday - I did prep in the morning, went to your house in the afternoon and had a GREAT time with so many good friends and so many good recipies, got my car stuck on your grass and did some damage to your lawn, felt like a moron for doing it, then headed out to Lancaster for the "slumber party" which was a lot of fun, found a new wine that I like (damn you mary), came home, gave hubby a back rub (your basement and his back did not get along to well) and then went to bed! Ok...Readers Digest version but all true!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.