not much support...
During this last year while learning about WLS and taking the steps to have the surgery... I've come to the sad reality that I don't have much support - for my decision to have the surgery... or support of talking about the topic to any family members or friends...!?
Wow, I can't believe it. My mother and sister are so uneducated about it,.. even though I have tried to tell them / show them about the surgery.
It just makes me feel so unimportant. To me it's a sad thing.
The friends I have told are negative about it and say 'you don't need that' and then change the subject... or tell me 'it's not safe, I would re-think that.'
My husband is supportive of my choice and will do all he can to physically help me when I need him.
As far as emotional support or just someone to talk about how I'm feeling...
There is a big void.
So, please know that so far,... OH has been my only true support.
I really appreciate all of your advice and thoughts. (even though I don't personally know you)
I just re-read what I wrote, and don't want to come off as dramatic...
I guess I'm just feeling alone in this today.
I will need your friendship and guidance through my journey...
Thanking you ahead of time,.. Susie
Good luck, and you have lots of support here!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
We are here for you! I'm not that far away and will gladly give you my # (610-462-1204) if you ever need anything I'm a call away!
We will be here and please ask anything - someone here has been there done that or can help you get to an answer.
OH has been a HUGE support system for me. I've met so many wonderful, knowledgeable, and beautiful people from OH. We are all here to encourage and support you. Hopefully, in time, your family and friends will come around. This is why I told no one about my surgery other than my husband, and my two daughters. Didn't want anyone talking me out of something I worked very hard to educate myself about, prepare myself for, and knew I was ready to take on the responsibility of following the rules postop. I feel wonderful since my surgery. I'm taking no more meds, and I've gotten rid of 60 plus pounds -- this is a miracle to me!
You will be successful and feel wonderful too! Good luck to you as you embark on this fabulous journey!
Its ashame that you have no support. I'm lucky to have lots of support at home and at my work. Everyone is happy for me that I'm doing something to change my life. I'm so glad that I found this OH forum and everyone here has been so supportive. You won't be alone in all this. You will have all of us and we'll be glad to listen anytime. Since we're all in PA, we're never that far away either. I just found this forum and site a few days ago and already I'm feeling the love and support from people I didn't know a few days ago. Just know, we'll be here for you anytime!
Cheer up and best of luck with everything!