Sticking to the Basics - FRIDAY!
snow what snow?? there is a dusting here...
B: Beth's crustless pizza
S: rest of last night's ricotta w/pudding powder
L: salmon I didn't eat yesterday
S: protein shake
D: don't know yet.. depends on where we are
S: pudding or Starbuck's decaf latte (if we are at the mall)
did I tell you that JELLO makes SF rice pudding now? Yummy!
ETA: no morning snack, wasn't hungry.. WOOHOO!!
lunch: salmon wasn't looking so good, so I had some leftover meatloaf. It seems so dense this time around eating it. That's a good thing, I didn't eat too much of it. I probably only got in a few ounces.
B: Beth's crustless pizza
S: rest of last night's ricotta w/pudding powder
L: salmon I didn't eat yesterday
S: protein shake
D: don't know yet.. depends on where we are
S: pudding or Starbuck's decaf latte (if we are at the mall)
did I tell you that JELLO makes SF rice pudding now? Yummy!
ETA: no morning snack, wasn't hungry.. WOOHOO!!
lunch: salmon wasn't looking so good, so I had some leftover meatloaf. It seems so dense this time around eating it. That's a good thing, I didn't eat too much of it. I probably only got in a few ounces.
sprinkle a little cinnamon or a couple raisins in that SFRP or a little top of lite whip cream and you will swear you've "crossed over".... Dannon lite & fit banana w/whip cream and cinnamon sprinkle...same effect. Jello also has another new one "boston creme" I think (yellow and choc), OMG.
can you tell I"m doing a "soft foods" phase???
can you tell I"m doing a "soft foods" phase???
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)