Vitamin question
I don't mind swallowing the big pill.. was just looking for an alternative.
I was able to tolerate the orange, just didn't like the chalkiness. I guess I can continue with what I am taking or deal with the chewables to get more benefit from them. I'm going to look for the ones Liz mentioned too.
I keep seeing people on other boards saying that they take kids vitamins.. that just doesn't sound realistic or appropriate.. thoughts?
What about those newer gummy vitamins they have for adults? Anyone have thoughts on those? I think they are VitaCraves by One A Day .. they probably cost more for less.
I was able to tolerate the orange, just didn't like the chalkiness. I guess I can continue with what I am taking or deal with the chewables to get more benefit from them. I'm going to look for the ones Liz mentioned too.
I keep seeing people on other boards saying that they take kids vitamins.. that just doesn't sound realistic or appropriate.. thoughts?
What about those newer gummy vitamins they have for adults? Anyone have thoughts on those? I think they are VitaCraves by One A Day .. they probably cost more for less.
Children's vitamins are not a good match for us. One reason (among many) is that they use beta-carotine for Vitamin A, which children can readily convert to retinol (the usable form of Vitamin A) but adults cannot do so as readily, especially us with our designer innards. Vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness, and can take years to detect. No thanks! I know a lot of people take them and love them, but given that it can take years for a scary deficiency to show up in one's bloodwork, I'm just not willing to take that chance for myself.
As for the gummies, they usually tend to contain more of the good-tasting B vitamins, and less of the not-as-good tasting fat-soluble vitamins, which are so important to us. Plus we don't have an acidic environment in which to break them down. Taking *something* is better than *nothing* however I don't think those are a good match for us either.
As for the gummies, they usually tend to contain more of the good-tasting B vitamins, and less of the not-as-good tasting fat-soluble vitamins, which are so important to us. Plus we don't have an acidic environment in which to break them down. Taking *something* is better than *nothing* however I don't think those are a good match for us either.
I take 2 Flintstones Complete each day, in addtion to calcium, B1 and B12, and my labs have been good. Barix has said that Flintstones or Centrum are fine, so that's what I've been sticking with. I couldn't stand Centrum Chewables right after surgery, but they're fine now. I'm not sure about gummy vitamins, though. I've heard people on the main board say we should stay away from them. But then again, those same people said Flintstones are no good, too, but I chose to follow my doctor's and Nut's advice.