1st BDay of 2010 is BCuteKitty
Today is January 2nd and it's the birthday of our WLS supporter, our party crewer, our bargain shopper, our MG member, our trusted friend, Kim Burke (BCuteKitty). Hey Kim when I first met you a few years ago at Heather Kimmey's support group meeting I could never have imagined how integral you AND your family would become in my life and the life of someone who was yet to become my world, my girl Beth.
So today, your day, I want to wish you the most happy of birthdays and the best New Year imaginable! You deserve that and so much more.
Happy Birthday Kim!

Love you,
So today, your day, I want to wish you the most happy of birthdays and the best New Year imaginable! You deserve that and so much more.
Happy Birthday Kim!

Love you,