Happy New Year Roll Call! 2010!!!

IdaMae D.
on 12/31/09 11:02 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Happy New Year Laureen & PA:

I've been sitting here thinking about my last decade. 

What amazing changes occured during the decade. 

I separated (1999) from & divorced (2001) my ex-husband.

December 2001 Gene and I were introduced to each other

Feb 22, 2002 Gene and I went on our first date.

July  2002 we went of a 5 week trip on his Harley (now OUR Harley) following the Lewis & Clark trail from Philadelphia to Seaside Oregon

January 2003 I went back to school to work on completing my Bachelors degree that I had started in 1976.

July 2003 we started looking at selling Gene's house and buying "our" house

August of 2003 Gene proposed at his family reuinion and then surprised me with tickets to the Springsteen concert the same night at the Link.

Feb 22, 2004 we were married.

January 5, 2006 Gene had Lap RnY, and i found this forum and the amazing supportive family I have here.

August of 2007 Gene went back to grad school to complete his Doctoral degree

December of 2007 I completed my AA in Liberal Arts

March 2008 I transfered to Eastern University (will graduate in 2010)

and to close out the decade Sept 2009 I had Lap RnY....

What an amazing decade we had, I can't wait to see what 2010 brings to our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




on 1/1/10 12:06 am
Ida, I love your "look back" on the decade. I, too, was divorced and remarried in the last 10 years, moved to PA, and have a whole crop of new friends as a result. Our family has grown trememndously, with 9 grandchildren under age 6, and 2 more on the way (plus 3 grandchildren OVER age 10!). We have celebrated weddings with 3 of our kids.

And in July 2009....my RNY. What a journey this past 6 months has been...sitting here today wearing size 12 jeans and a size M top. I never dreamed that this could be possible a year ago.

Today is a "hang out at home" day for us. I am making dinner soon and will let it simmer all day, then start taking the tree and decorations down. When we run the boxes over to our storage unit, I will walk home if the weather's not too bad, because I'm not going to the gym today. It has been a difficult week excercise wise for me with travel and a modified schedule at the gym.

Other than that - setting up my 2010 calendar, tossing in some laundry while everything else is going on, and watching old movies.
IdaMae D.
on 1/1/10 12:59 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Lynn...I forgot that in 2003 I moved from South Jersey to Philly, and in Oct 2006 my youngest daughter married my wonderful son-in-law and Gene officiated their wedding!!!!!!!!!

What an awesome decade....


Andy Kovatch
on 12/31/09 11:11 pm, edited 12/31/09 11:11 pm - York, PA
Happy New Year Laureen and PA,

I was just sitting here thinking how incredibly fast 2009 flew by.  Actually, the entire decade came and went with the wind.  I can remember 1999 when there was all the talk about computers crashing at the turn of the millenium.  And here we are in 2010 already.  Unreal.

Well, January 1st for we sports fans means one thing - college football.  All day long!!!  The only bad part is that over the last few years, they've moved back the national championship game further and further into January.  We won't know who #1 is until next Thursday.  Oh well, at least we get to watch Penn State today.  Also, for you hockey fans, the Flyers are playing the Boston Bruins outside at Fenway Park in the historic Winter Classic.  Should be pretty cool to watch outdoor hockey.

Hope everybody has a great first day of the new year and new decade.  Life is short, make the most of it.

"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!

on 1/1/10 12:26 am - Towanda, PA
Happy New Year PA.

well lets see.......
Dec. 2002, my ex and I split after 11 years.
March 2003 met Al in person (after talking a couple months online)
Sept 2003 Al moved in and we have been together since
June 2004 my youngest daughter was born.
March 2005 started weight loss on my own- lost 85 lbs over 3 years- then stuck for almost 2 years.
Jan. 2008 bought our house.
June 2009, decided to start process for surgery

A lot of changes, hopefully 2010 will be much better financially and weight wise

Yvonne.    To thine own self be true.     hw 432/ sw 352/ cw196.8/gw 200  RNY 8/11/10 Corsettrunkplasty & thigh lipo 5/16/2012.


on 1/1/10 12:49 am

Happy New Year, Laureen and PA,

Wishing everyone health, happiness and prosperity for the new decade!  Woo Hoo 2010 - lots of good things are going to happen this year -- like getting to my goal weight.  I'm psyched.




on 1/1/10 1:26 am
Happy New Year to all!  I only have a few new year's resolutions #1   to post on here more often and try to come out of my shell.  I am too shy to talk to most people, that comes from me being fat for so long.  #2  to take my medications everyday.  #3  live by the serenity prayer!!!

Thanks to all for your posts through out the year.  I have read a lot of your post but only posted a few.  This is about to change.


on 1/1/10 2:45 am - Doylestown, PA
Good day to all my friends!

Stayed up to midnight last night - we went out for a really awesome sushi dinner at Ooka in Doylestown, which was very festive.  Came home, laid a fire in the fireplace, and watched Mel Brooks' Silent Movie, followed by New Years Rockin Eve. 

Slept late (9:30!) this morning, had a nice breakfast, then headed to a great ZUMBA class - an hour and 10 minutes, because we were all so into it and there wasn't another class coming in (which is rare) right afterward.

So I've got a pork roast in the crock pot with apples, onions, and peach beer.  I'll be fixing a spinach casserole later, and roasted brussel sprouts with bacon.  And maybe, just maybe, a creamsicle pie.

Watching the Twilight Zone marathon, interspersed with checking on the Penn State game - building a fire, and hanging out with the girls and their boyfriends as they come trickling in from their new years' evenings...

i wish each of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year filled with support, love, and successing.


Patricia R.
on 1/1/10 3:17 am - Perry, MI
Happy New Year, Laureen, and PA.

I am not at the point where I can do a look-back the decade.  Not enough time, or tissues for that.  I have lost two dear brothers, and my marriage ended.  Need I say more.

I am looking forward to 2010 being a year of personal growth spiritually and emotionally, as I get back to the program I started with my surgery, as well as my AA program.

Today has me continuing the unpacking, and putting things away.  I had to buy a small filing cabinet at WalMart to put my new printer on.  After that, I am going to attempt Plan C for my bedroom closet.  After that, it is blitzing the boxes that have overrun my apartment.  My goal for today is to completely get rid of the remaining boxes in my bedroom and kitchen.  That would leave the living room for the rest of the weekend. 


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Lisa H.
on 1/1/10 4:50 am - Whitehall, PA
Happy New Year everyone!  I read posts earlier today but never posted myself..

Last night SIehara and I stayed in and watched movies..well she watched movies and I fell asleep.. I told her if we were in my bed that was what would happen...LOL.. I fell asleep around 9:30 I guess and woke back up around 11:30 to find Siehara at the computer and the TV on Nickelodeon.  I switched it over to Dick Clark at 11:55 so we could ring in the new year properly.  Then, Siehara asked what time she had to go to bed.  I let her stay up until 12:30.  I fell right back to sleep after she went to bed.  Good thing I did stay in though because the roads here were pretty bad.  Plus, it was nice to just hang out with Siehara without any boredom whining or anything.

This morning, we both slept in til about 9 or so.  I watched the ending of the movie I fell asleep during last night.  It was some cute Nickelodeon movie.. Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging.. cute coming of age movie.  I fell back to sleep for a few hours and Siehara's been on the computer.  It has been a nice relaxing day so far.  I watched Raising Helen and am now watching Dan in Real Life. 

We have absolutely no plans for today.  I showered and slathered up with lotion and anti itch spray because I am still itchy.  Maybe we'll head to the mall later.. I don't know.  She has not complained once today, so I'm going to enjoy it and hope I ddn't just jinx myself.   I did buy pork chops to make for dinner so we can follow the tradition.. even though I still think it's kind of funny for the Jewish girl to be making pork, but it's yummy!  She doesn't like sauerkraut, so I am just sticking to the chops.

Hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend.  As of now, I will be at Barix tomorrow, so I will see some of you there.

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