Update on us!!!
Baby Marshall and I are doing awesome!! We both feel great and he is totally beautiful. I cried!!
Csection went smoothly nothing to worry about. It was so much easier this time compared to the birth of my daughter Lola when i weighed more than 100+ lbs more! I feel great and we hope to come home on Friday!!
Marshall is amazing. Nursing like a champ and is a total cuddler!! Im waiting for him to come back in a few minutes from being with the nurses!! I cant say enough on how wonderful the staff here is at Geisinger!! totally worth the drive !!
I have pics on my camera but forgot my cord at home!!! GRR I have pics on my cell. Which is what i sent to liz if anyone else would like to take a chance and try to post them let me know!!! I have Verizon if that makes a difference!!
Thanks for all the well wishes!!
Drink plenty of fluids now. Milk production is so dependent on it.
Albert Schweitzer

http://images.obesityhelp.com/uploads/profile/721473/albums/ 86889/Marshall.jpg