Holy cow! I am itchy too!
I thought it was due to hormone shifts, my new body, dehydration, and fat cells shrinking. I itch like a crazy woman, mostly on my chest and my tummy. My back and my feet, however, are literally ashy white and scaly, so it could just be dehydration too.
I'm using lotion like a crazy lady and bath oils when I shower. And I soak my feet almost every night and put saran wrap over them with socks before I sleep.
Karrie, the human reptile. LOL
I went to the doctor yesterday because it was just out of control. He gave me a prescription steroid cream to put on it twice a day and told me to get an over the counter cream.. I don't remember exactly what he said to get, but Walgreens didn't have it. But, they did have something called AmLactin. I showed the paper the doc wrote it on to the pharmacist and she said it was the same thing. So between the ointment, cream, and benadryl, it is much better today. Still itchy, but not as much. I also went and bought a humidifier and have it on now in the bedroom. I can feel the difference in here. Hopefully, the dry nasty weather will end soon and we will be back to spring like weather!! Spring is my favorite season!